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Everything posted by Deadpangod3

  1. mineshaft updated. Mernshurft clossed due to larck of properrr spellern.
  2. To be reopened when we managed to close the portal between the minecraftian world and real life. Mineshaft closed because of lack of diamonds. and maybe minecraft references
  3. Frank327 is right, once you enter the soi, if you dont have an explore contract already, you wont get one.
  4. so um, i loaded up the game and Ginger was surounding Kerbin for some unknown reason, and i spent the rest of the day trying to figure out why :/
  5. ive looked at kopernicus, and i see its intention, but from what ive read, it somehow uses RSS to modify the terrain, and yes i know it doesnt make them realsized im not sure exactly how it works, unless i read it completely wrong and it works exactly the same as before in other news, school has been getting in the way lately (or when i have free time it escapes my mind) but im (hopefully) going to do a bit of work on this today after school (die, math homework!) unless my teachers decide its one of those days and unleash the homework tsunami. edit: heading home now.
  6. i built a giant ship in survival bigger then the red ship , after losing it twice (first time it decided to teleport far away and float off after i was testing its maneuverability, second put it into a fast spin when it was just a floor and acidentaly got out of the command seat, it also floated off) i mined out an entire gold vein just to get gold to make enough thruster components because each large thruster takes like 900 thruster components, it was on a friends world and he played it every sunday, but now he gave me the world file and im working on adding some radial boosters to make it acellerate faster
  7. *nerdmode activated* okay, so since i dont see any leaves or anything to suggest photosynthesis, id say their somehow getting their sustenance from the ground, probably an element that the alien grass emit as waste, or their actually infact EATING the planet (cooooool). or they lose leaves in the planets seasons... *nerdmode deactivated* when this game gets released I wont be able to not do this on every planet i find with life Great job so far Novasilisko, I hope this game turns out as awesome as it looks.
  8. someone actually did this, and went down to 0 m and got back out, provided the rocket was huge (not sure how he got it out there...)i dont have the link to the imgur album but maybe someone else does.
  9. those "plants" which i asume they are, apear very similar to tentacles...
  10. i heard this from, i think it was Kasper, i just know i asked why my rockets were rotated in the VAB in twitch chat while ksptv was streaming and someone from squad told me it was rotated to be aligned with the launchpad, im pretty sure someone from squad can verify-deny it.
  11. alot of complaints i see in here are unfixable/ not ksp's fault jittering orbits: computers can only simulate physics so far, when you get to a point of smallness and accuracy theres going to be errors, hence why its called "floating point errors" you pack a supercomputer into a tiny home computer and then come back, even then it might not be completely solved, remember, NASA landed on the Moon with a supercomputer of the time that has less processing power then your iphone, we've come a long way, but we still have a ways to go before we can simulate physics on a home computer perfectly. no axial tilt: limitation of Unity, talk to them and stop whining here. rocket orientation: the way it is in the VAB is how it will be on the launchpad, if thats not good enough, look out the open VAB door and picture your rocket on the launchpad out there in its current orientation.
  12. i have a screenshoting problem. i usually have like 2000-4000+ screenshots EVERY INSTALL. however, ive got a screenshot folder to like 8,000+ screenshots once, then another to 7,000+ i take screenshots of every time i start a burn to circularize my orbit when launching (i think it looks cool okay?) also when staging (not all the time, just when a stage decides to float off movie style) my rockets sitting on the launchpad and shortly after liftoff (also looks cool) someone help me and yet ive still never really been outside kerbins soi much...
  13. *stares at the clock trying to force it to go faster with his mind so he can get out of school and get the update faster*
  14. i cant stop picturing a kraken holding a kerbal and then kicking him at lightspeed out of the solar system from kerbin.
  15. i think the previous question was answered (sorry if its not!) so im going to ask a question ive got going around in my head. asumming we got a working albecuire drive that bends space and all, its compressing the space in front/back of it, but then either we're creating more space, or space itself is being stretched from somwhere, presumably ahead of the compressed bit, so wouldnt our ship have to cross the "stretched" space too, basically negating the albecuire drives effect?
  16. whats different in the new version?
  17. the frozen poles? tornadoes?
  18. i think most would agree that an important feature is launch effects, so that when we blast off into spaaaace when can ride a pillar of smoke and flame arising from the launchpad, and have smoke shoot out the side of the launchpad when we fire up the engines. wouldnt that be cool?
  19. but they still work by the same general means, one just has wings strapped to it and has alot less boom, the other has more boom and goes to space.
  20. but planes could be considered basically the same thing, just with wings strapped on.
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