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Everything posted by Deadpangod3

  1. what... didnt this thread have posts before? forum, go home, your drunk! edit: oh, different thread.
  2. Oh, okay, I never noticed this before 1.0.5 though, I mean, iv'e accidentally hovered struts over the wrong parts and had it switch to 8x symmetry, but not this. I guess maybe I just didn't pay enough attention to notice...
  3. no, not the number of symmetry, the way the parts are placed changes, with a little notification that says it, like it will now place struts on the same side of my shuttle boosters facing the shuttle, instad of one facing towards and one facing away, so you don't need to place both individually.
  4. That when your building with symmetry on weird shaped rockets like shuttles the game auto switches different symmetry versions to try and provide proper symmetry?
  5. well um, ive sent Jeb to the mun about 200+ times, laythe once, minmus like 80+ times, and kerbin like 300+ (he lives there obviously)
  6. Oh wow, I did not know that, thank you for enlightening me I clearly havn't had much experience with paint
  7. Does paint actually weigh THAT much?
  8. I'm sure no one will believe me, but I take pride in never losing a single kerbal. I have had bugs kill them, but that results in a revert and I do not consider that my fault, because technically, the bug killed them, not me. I have nearly lost a few on launches gone wrong, but ALWAYS MAKE SURE they have a means of surviving, even if it means you have to increase the rockets flipping and then use an upper stage to shove off when the rocket is upside down(long story) or sending a giant ship at the mun at twice escape velocity because you forgot long term life support and the station has 4 hours before it runs out (that was an interesting mission). Provided I have never been outside of Kerbins soi much besides asteroids and a pain in the butt multi-ship Laythe mission (that I never finished ) but I plan on fixing this in my career save and as soon as I unlock 3 meter parts.
  9. ive figured out the albeciure drive, provided all it needs is a metric crapton of power, but its still learning
  10. Can someone please explain how all these confusing Interstellar Extended engines work? my mind is mush trying to figure it out. I've tried to use the VASMIR but it wouldn't work at all when I had everything I thought I needed. Then i tried using the plasma thruster but in the VAB Mechjeb said I had over 20 km/s of dv, but as soon as id go to the launchpad it went down to 4000 m/s, and the TWR was already at .4! in the VAB it said 1.04. I have no clue how the fuel the engine uses affects the dv, and how "Quantum Vacuum" is a propellant, according to the fuel modes. What i've gathered so far is that reactors produce thermal power and charged particles and engines can run on either with another propellant, leaving the other to be used with a generator to produce power to power the ship (right?), and various other things, but 'm getting the dv of a regular rocket with the TWR of an Ion somehow, with no idea what i'm doing wrong.
  11. yes, it was in all the way. on topic: the other day i dropped my school computer, it looked fine and all, until the screen turned on. cracked, and only a portion of it properly working
  12. the battery was brand new, and the wires were working fine, because the plug kept fusing to the fuse, it just wasn't igniting the propellant.
  13. do model rockets fall under Tech? this happened yesterday. backstory: my mother runs a daycare and a two year old (soon to be three ) that comes LOVES rockets and planes, it wasn't very windy that day and i had just gotten the last things needed for my model rocket so i could launch it, i figured id make his day and launch it so he could see. so i get it all set up finally, fuse is in the engine with the plug, cables are attached and its ready to launch, all i have to do is stand back and press the launch button. at this point the child is excited as can be, making "woosh" noises like an airplane. i kneel down, insert the safety key, count it down, and press the button... Nothing. press it again. Nothing. so i replace the fuse and plug, and try again. Nothing. i tried replacing the engine too this time, maybe i just got a deffective engine. Nothing. after three more tries it still doesnt work and the child's mother arrives to pick him up. guess no rocket launches for him today. me and my older brother then spend the next 3 hours trying to figure out whats wrong. Until the sun goes down and its too dark to launch it anyways. we eventualy found out the ignitor is too small and doesnt burn hot enough to ignite the propellant, so we have to get bigger fuses so that was frustrating.
  14. but brown dwarfs can glow a bit too right? Unless Universe Sandbox has lied to me brown dwarfs can glow too, perhaps Kerbol is a very large brown dwarf?
  15. Its possible they could have realized our planet had life or had the potential for life, and didn't settle within a certain distance of us, to let us evolve normally. I'm not saying it IS aliens, but I just wanted to say they may want to avoid contact for whatever reason.
  16. the biggest dip has many smaller dips around it, IMHO it may be a planet with many orbiting moons.
  17. "Planet was deleted due to an extreme amount of small green plants on boom sticks that kept trying to dock to the ship despite repeated failed attempts, plants utilized many propulsion techniques including one violating the laws of physics involving landing legs pushing on the ship they were attached to to generate thrust out of nowhere, one subject was reported flying past the ship at velocities exceeding 20 km/s whilst shouting "SPAAAAAAAAAACE!!" on all radio frequencies, subject reported to have escaped." *poor attempt at a funny after action report. (did i do good?)*
  18. ah, okay. Thanks! i tried the german tanks too but the way they shot ten small shells instead of one large one made it hard to do damage to anyone.
  19. question, how do you take screenshots ingame and where do you find them after taking them? also, love playing tanks and i can do pretty good with tier 2 sherman tanks, provided the teams are pretty even and i dont get anihhilated right away
  20. PLOT TWIST Its a message revealing a hidden warp drive part! (just kidding)
  21. "screw crash landing, im going back into SPAAAAAAAACE" also, it looks like your on Minmus, since Kerbin and the Mun are in the backround.
  22. some-battle-that-occured-near-antarctica?
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