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Everything posted by Deadpangod3

  1. while glancing to your side as you go through an intersection an 18 wheeler rolls through the intersection with a trailer that your head just barely doesn't fit under, hope you had a helmet on. I eat lunch, whats the worst that can happen?
  2. iv found that the best way to land things back on kerbin with rockets is to wait until the last second to start braking, use the atmosphere to slow down as much as possible, and reduce losses from gravity.
  3. prpeordered it yesterday, now to wait for Tuesday to arrive so i can play it. so its basically a city building game, but without the grid things and all that, and without needing an internet connection to play (unlike a certain game) it looks cool judging by the trailers.
  4. so how exactly are making planets with this different then making planets with PF CE? and is it just as simple as a cfg edit to make a pf planet to work with this?
  5. ive never understood the purpose of the programmable blocks
  6. A crane? edit: argh, ninja'd
  7. rollercoaster tycoon 1, need for speed, mario kart, ninja turtles, spongebob... the first rollercoaster tycoon was great, (provided when i was little i didnt even know how to play it propperly, i just messed around building thing and wasted all the money, then repeated.) i got the second one later and it was an improvement on the first. the third wasnt very good in my opinion, because it made the game 3d ish (the first two were sorta...) and all the guests looked weird. but it did add fireworks
  8. it would be cool if we can get sucked out the airlock when someone "Acidentally" opens both doors
  9. i dont know binary so im asuming thats 28 so 29.
  10. made this a while ago. note the speed, height, mission time, the distance from ksc, and the runway island on the left. this thing was FAST! the original goal was a tiny RC plane of sorts to buzz around ksc, but it turned out to be an ICBM no cheats were used, i dont know how FAR didnt eat the wings, but it WAS uncontrollable at max speed (as in, the ailerons or whatever provided zero turning when trying, it was flying straight without budging) and crashed into the ocean.
  11. Back story: friend is streaming prison Architech (Fleet ) Fleet: NOOO!! their digging tunnels through the toilets to escape!! Me: wait, wat? how the hell do you dig through a TOILET?! Fleet: I don't know. Me: How do they fit down the pipes? Like, are they kerbals or something? Fleet: *laughs* Me: in any case, its gotta be a really "Crappy" way to escape. *Kappa* badum tsshhhh ill see myself out now. (this isnt exactly how it went but i cant remember the details)
  12. the simplest and maybe most astounding example of how far we've come is this: look at a picture of the supercomputer NASA used to go to the moon/or whatever. pull out your iphone/phone/android/potato/whatever. that small rectangle in your hands has more power then that giant box almost as tall as a person. (am i thinking of the wrong computer?)
  13. ive learned from making planet factory planets this can also be caused by making the planet too small. just so you know. *i am not a programmer in any way, i merely modify values to make different planets*
  14. so the other day im watching a youtube video about ksp in study hall and one of my classmates comes up behind me and looks at it, then says "I know that game, have you landed on Duna yet?" ... i thought i was the only one who knew about this game in my school, at first i thought he was lying about knowing it, but then he said Duna when the video showed no sign of it, and he'd never seen me watch one of these videos before.
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