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Everything posted by Deadpangod3

  1. i was thinking something kinda like this https://www.google.com/search?q=gas+giant&rlz=1CAACAG_enUS608US608&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=633&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=ggCTVLK3DvSBsQSo54HIDQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg&safe=active&ssui=on#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=YVdz109anunCMM%253A%3B_ED9xNvsrT12VM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcronodon.com%252Fimages%252FGasGiant2_2-250x242.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcronodon.com%252FSpaceTech%252FAstroTech.html%3B250%3B242 but orange-redish colored
  2. i didnt give up per say, im going to try and make it again with less, universe conquering by Rainia, dunno why its soi was everywhere, i was moving relative to the planet everywhere, so i went going in circles next to Berania once, it was kinda cool. apon deletion everything was fine, im hoping if i try again it doesnt do it again. but now i have questions for this. 1. Are planets made with planet factory compatible with this mod through some editing of sorts? 2. From what ive read, RSS is used to change the terrain of planets (without real life sizes), do we still use the heightmap/colormap/etc.? 3. Does it work mostly the same way as planet factory did? 4. Assuming the answer to all the above is yes, will there be less moons taking over my universe? 5. How RAM intensive is this? Thats all i can think of for questions now.
  3. i know the cause of the bumpiness, basically, the planet is too small. Detail: when you have a smaller planet, the heightmap has less area to spread out the mountains/hills/etc., so a tiny hill could be turned into a large hill, or in this case, mountains, BIG mountains. i would imagine the solution would be editing the heightmap to make the mountains lower, but i havnt tried this, as i would probably screw this up, but what i know so far i discovered while making asteroids for my asteroid belt pack for planet factory.
  4. hmmmm, i was thinking of a new texture for the gas giant in my planet factory pack, maybe a red or orange one, would you be able to do that?
  5. ah, okay, thanks! i put the wrong docking port on my ship so i could not dock, and id have to transfer crew in groups of two through a seperate command pod into the centrifuge, however i was able to access it through the hatch Slam_Jones showed. thanks!
  6. is there a mod that allows you to transfer kerbals between parts on a ship without EVA'ing? i discovered that the centrifuge part from OKS aparently doesnt have a radial hatch, so now i have no way of getting my kerbals into it. thanks ahead.
  7. Rainia is currently attempting to take over my universe. i cant orbit anything other then it, im always in its soi somehow, and all sorts of weird things are happening. *throws asteroids at Rainia*
  8. oh um... okay, i reloaded the game and it rendering properly but my probe is landed back on Rainia but the icon is floating above it.
  9. odd, i cant seem to find anything to be the cause for the glitchy texture...
  10. ah, it appears to just be a rendering glitch with the _map, which i guess renders as the planet when farther away, it faded away to the planets proper surface when i got near. but i did get a picture from the surface, dunno why the atmosphere isnt there, but maybe i can fix that.
  11. oh, um... oh dear. not quite sure what went wrong here... *applies space tape*
  12. download kethane and any other resource mod. mine EVERY last drop of kethane and any other resource from EVERY planet/moon and lift it into orbit. bring it all into kerbin orbit and attach the tanks into one station, asumming your computer survives. (okay, multiple stations.) then come back and talk to us.
  13. when you realise it actualy involves ksp and therefore does belong here.
  14. i dont think there would be very many other planes landing at ksc, its not an airport anyways they could yell out distance to runway, going too fast/slow, comming in at too high an angle, etc. dont know if any mods do this though.
  15. considering their wearing a spacesuit, i dont think you'd really be able to tell the difference except for a more rounded head and longer hair, so all the devs would really have to do is make a list of female names and making a kerbal have a chance of spawning as a female and receiving a name from said list, then use a different head texture.
  16. o.o what on kerbin are you launching and where are you going that requires that much thrust?
  17. it could go into storage of sorts so when something else goes through the opposite way it can gain velocity on kerbin so it doesnt go flying off.
  18. i have some experience with planet factory so i could help create planets if you decide to use kopernicus.
  19. we could measure them with the orange rockomax tanks, eg "my rocket is 3.5 oranges tall."
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