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Everything posted by loppnessmonsta

  1. y'all are probably already aware of it but radial intakes are crazy buoyant. you could use them as floats in the interim.
  2. i think if you do a squarish one it should have a cylindrical center with a square frame around it, and cabling running along the framing. like in a machine shop, they'll often have a winch on a gantry rail, with the power cables looped onto runners. that same looped cable look. so when it's retracted, the cable forms a tight bundle, but when it extends the slack is pulled out of the loops and the cabling becomes more taut. but that might be too much lol glad to hear you're continuing! thanks!
  3. so, IR seems to be working now. Do you plan on returning to this, Zodius? Not looking for an ETA or anything, just curious. I very much hope you are! The default IR parts look decent enough, but not as cool as they could be.
  4. Looks interesting. Would you mind posting more pictures? Perhaps it's because I'm tired, but I'm having trouble understanding some of what I'm looking at. Particularly how everything fits together and what each part does. Will check it out in-game tomorrow.
  5. Might I direct you to Editor Extensions? Fantastic mod. Lets you switch between VAB/SPH mode, enables more diverse symmetry options, much finer angle snap, and most importantly of all, imo: vertical snap. no more fiddling about trying to get things lined up JUST PERFECT. gets a bit wonky sometimes, but it works enough to be incredibly useful. Anyway, thanks again, sirkut, for working so hard on this.
  6. the entire length is supposed to clip through. the business end of the base piston should sit almost flush with the root part. i'm assuming you attached the piston to the probe core? if so, i dont think the node is supposed to be that far down. it should be just under the black edge, same as the grey ones sitting on top of it. and i have no idea what's going on down by the batteries. i dont remember it having any more nodes.
  7. if you build it right, the piston stack should protrude out in increasing increments. like a big ole square pointy nipple. each piston should be visible on top of the last.
  8. kerbal please, you fix this fantastic mod and then apologize for it? dont be ridiculous. the mere fact that theres an update to be forgetting to put things in is great! keep up the good work
  9. ugh, i don't know how i missed that. i was in that configuration window for hours last night trying to figure it out. prolly should have just gone to bed lol
  10. idk i made a stack of pistons w/o part clipping. it's not always necessary. you have to get the nodes just right, though. each piston should extend a new node a bit out from the ship. it's kinda tricky; once i had it built, i turned it into a sub-assembly. but then i forgot to rescue my ships and assemblies when i made a new save
  11. it doesn't have nodes because that's not what it's for. it's surface attachable, so you put radial stuff on it. i was just getting used to the parts myself when 23.5 hit so im not sure, but i think the gantry rail does the same thing but has nodes.
  12. is there a way to move the overlay? if so, how? i can't find it. If not, could that be something you add? I like it where it is... but I also kinda want it down by the navball sometimes.
  13. so i got this to work finally by deleting MJRPM. i think there might be a conflict there. anyway, is there a way to completely hide the mechjeb window on the right? or turn it into a free-floating window? i hate having it there because it's always in the way of my Resources. regardless, this is fantastic. Thanks!
  14. that should be possible just through cfg, with maybe a little texture change to differentiate the part. it's totally beyond me, as i don't know animation, but the solar panels already have a suntracking function in their animation. it should be relatively easy to borrow that... for someone who knows what they're doing. also based on the infernal robotics thread i think they're getting close to a solution. some people have apparently functional work-arounds already, so we may see it get fixed in the next day or so. just my estimate/hunch.
  15. everything's broken right now so no prolly not. but once it's fixed there is a set of free-floating rotatrons that you should be able to use. i'm assuming you want to do something like an articulated body. you could set the rotatrons up to serve in a fashion similar to the 5th wheel of a tractor-trailer.
  16. that's because they all use Infernal Robotics as a base and that isn't working yet. but the people running that mod are working on it. lots of issues to resolve, since the last patch changed some stuff with how parts attach to each other. last i saw, they had phantom forces appearing whenever you moved a part. they had a video of a hinge on a pod, and nothing else. they move the hinge and the whole pod goes flying.
  17. LOL! I love this! It's totally not my style (at the moment, anyway), but I can still recognize how friggen cool it is. Was lookin' through your album and was thinking "Oh man, this guy should make a re-skin of the kerbals! I'm gonna suggest it!" and then I got to the end and you already had! Fantastic. How different can you make them? I'd pictured something more like an old deep-sea diving suit, but it occurs to me that there may be limitations. Adding this to my watchlist of mods that I think are super cool but just not my thing right now.
  18. so is this compatible with .23.5? sorry if i missed it. gonna guess yes but i wanna make sure before i unflag it in my bookmarks. that's how i keep track of which of my mods are up to date lol
  19. pretty much this. i generally only use part clipping to attach parts that SHOULD be attachable anyway, but for some reason are being stubborn. Sometimes I'll do stuff like what OP did; getting stuff close together for looks. Or engine clusters. I don't like to double stack tanks or engines, though. Feels cheaty to me. But that's okay- I just don't do it. I still like seeing what other people do with it. Lots of cool SSTOs wouldn't be possible without it!
  20. I haven't tried this mod out yet, but I plan to, at some point. I generally prefer the "realistic" aesthetic used in stock and most other mods, but I gotta say, this mod pack fits the Kerbal vibe perfectly. With those factors combined, I'd love to see a new mode introduced, which uses parts like this exclusively. So we'd have Career, Sandbox, and... Backyard Rocketry? Kerbal Mode? Jebediah's Childhood? That way I could have my super cereal saves, and not need to sort through these parts for those, and then I could have my ridiculous fun saves where I don't need to sort through the super cereal stuff. Is it possible to mod a whole mode? Because that would be fantastic. Especially if you could customize which modes each type of parts showed up in. Actually, maybe it could be done with the tech tree? Can you add whole new techs? Add a "Backyard Rocketry" branch or something so that if people want to do a goofy version of career mode they just pick stuff in that tree. could maybe move the starting point back a tech from currently, then make the cost of unlocking each type of starting tech 0. that way none of the parts get commingled unless you want them to!
  21. right now im playing completely vanilla but im seriously considering installing mechjeb again. there are some things i just suck at. like rendezvous. and some other things i can do but im not very efficient, like ascent path, and landing with any precision. and some things i flat out can't do, like know all the little stats for my ships. but for me, a lot of the fun comes from the "did it myself" aspect. that's not as fun for some people. some people just want to build cool ****. or do other stuff entirely. its their game, their prerogative.
  22. Glad to see you're getting some real feedback now! I haven't actually been playing KSP lately; other games have caught my interest for now. but i'm keeping my mod collection up to date, and watching this one with interest.
  23. I've had accounts for 7 years. I got into it for a while once my characters got to the point where I could do the stuff I wanted, but then my corp dissolved and I've been losing interest steadily. I had hoped DUST would attract some of my RL friends to New Eden, but that game is awful right now so... no go. plus none of them have ps3s anyway. So I've finally taken my accounts off recurring and am just babysitting my queues until the time runs out.
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