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Everything posted by SmarterThanMe

  1. I'm actually just happy for the input! Anne McClain and Andrew Morgan are Army, I think? Although, officers.
  2. Ah! I have a "blank" that I usually use as the basis for my ribbons. I'll send it to you when I get home. If I forget, send me a PM over the next day or so to remind me?
  3. In the "old days", I made ribbons to replace that group. Now, you can put together a CFG file that will provide the information for the ribbons. You can reverse engineer my work, if you like. All you need to do is to make sure that you use a different BASE value (perhaps 5000?) than the ones that I've already got (unless you don't intend to use my packs, in which case whatever ).
  4. Actually, I based the ranks off of the Australian armed services ranks and insignia, with a couple of variations along the way as well (as great an artist as I am, *ahem*, can't do a crown or a fancy baton to save my life). Being that I'm Australian, and I consider the Australian (and Commonwealth) ranks to be more universal) this seemed to be the way to go. You're right, however, that Sci-Fi tends to use naval ranks and insignia. However, IIRC, most astronauts and cosmonauts tended to come from the air forces. Hmmm... I have been thinking of expanding the Enlisted ranks out to include all 3 branches. The list of ranks that I have is a bit shorter than your's (I have 8, you have 9)... What would you suggest from your list as the Naval equivalent to the ones I have (based, nominally, on RAN ranks and what you wrote)? Like below? Recruit - Seaman Recruit Private - Seaman Lance Corporal - Able Seaman Corporal - Leading Seaman Sergeant - Petty Officer Staff Sergeant - Chief Petty Officer Master Sergeant Senior Chief Petty Officer Chief Master Sergeant - Master Chief Petty Officer I'll have to think about the insignia also... Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks for your input!
  5. Actually, I've got EU4 too. Haven't played it yet though. Bought it then promptly forgot that it was in my Steam library. Downloading it now. The HoI games have seriously steep learning curves. That's been the main thing for me. If I step away from them for too long, then I come back completely useless. HoI4 is going to kick my ass. Will still buy it though. Heh.
  6. Oh! Someone else keen on Paradox Interactive... Crusader Kings 2 has been tiding me over while I've been waiting for KSP 64-bit...
  7. Loved the show, but can't remember a thing about it. If you tell me what ribbons to make, I'll make them.
  8. Sorry. I kinda had to do this. (I'm surprised that this was already a meme) Can I second this idea also?
  9. I've had a really long day... Are you saying that it's all working good now that you're filtering properly?
  10. @MisterFister I think that this might be related to my goof earlier when I included everything when I updated the zip file for one of my packs. In which case, delete the whole STMRibbons folder and try again? If I'm wrong than... Umm. Let me know and I'll think about it a little more.
  11. That's actually what I'm sort of trying to encourage...
  12. I'll look at getting it done this afternoon (unless someone can beat me to it). -- edit I had a go. I think I have to wait for someone better than me to hold my hand though.
  13. I'm more interested in the mods that people have walked away from, or that have been un-updated for several versions. If FMRS was up to date in 1.05, then, yeah, it's not going to need someone to step in. In any case, as I said, it could only work for permissive licences like CC and so on.
  14. Yep! And now I have them over at my thread. Thanks! I'll be redoing the design for all my role ribbons shortly.
  15. I've added the Science ribbons that were in the Final Frontier pack previously. I'm thinking over a redesign of all of the role ribbons to make them look a bit classier. Stay tuned.
  16. I think I recall reading about a bug like this in regards to some other mod... In other news, excellent... Now just have to wait for CKAN to pick it up, and then I can start my 1.1 career! Oh, separately, did you cut the science role ribbons out? I'll get them up in a minute.
  17. Everything seems good to go for 1.1! Trust me, every occupation has these people. They rise above the rest of us in rank and pay quickly for no good reason.
  18. According to the github page, TextureReplacer is now 1.1 compatible.. I took a look at it, but it seems to be getting its KSP version from AVC. Anything I can do to fix it up?
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