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Everything posted by SmarterThanMe

  1. As the title says... I've been thinking about mods where the author has either explicitly said that s/he intends to step away, or where s/he hasn't been seen in however long. Keeping a list of these mods somewhere could help people who have the technical expertise to step in and either take on a mod, or cannibalise it for the purposes of augmenting their own work. This would, of course, only work for mods that have licenses that allow people to take on this work. I'm thinking specifically about TAC-LS here, but I'm sure there's others as well. To be clear, I have no technical expertise, however, I'd be happy to curate the list.
  2. That is a pretty awesome looking cabin though. Can I encouage you to do something with it? Maybe an observational lounge or control tower or a rover cockpit just on it's own?
  3. Create a pack for them over at my thread. I was going to remove Engineering Sciences (because it's redundant with my other packs) and I've been mulling over a couple of design changes for them and for the rest of the role packs that I've created for Ops and Engineering. Any other suggestions are welcome.
  4. Teacher-guy here. I've got exactly the same problem. NAPLAN (major exam thing that the government here insists that we inflict on kids) is a few weeks away, so I have no time at all for anything that isn't directly related to (a) my students; or (b) sleeping/eating. That's why I'm currently on here procrastinating.
  5. @Nereid Before people start their careers, any chance of separating out my Science ribbons (that is STM30 to STM45) so that I can take care of them?
  6. No rush. Work is kicking my butt at the moment, so I'm not exactly in a position to start playing anyway. Heh.
  7. Hey Nereid, welcome back! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help at any point.
  8. I inadvertently included all of my packs in the last expeditions zip file. If you didn't want any of the other packs, then you should remove my whole folder before unpacking the new update for the expeditions pack. Sorry about this guys. This is one of the drawbacks of trying to multitask getting a 1yo to settle and gettting some Kerbal stuff done at the same time.
  9. Done. I'm not quite happy with it. I wanted to get the left panel to be sort of a multiflag thing, but it didn't work. It might change if I get back to it again. Done. Providing me wth the logo made it easy.
  10. Good work. I wish I had some skill in this area to offer to help.
  11. Colour me very interested (a shade of blue-green). Have you got pics of the parts that you're adding? Seems that you've got a greenhouse and tanks for LS resources. How about other antennae?
  12. At least in regards to my work, you can do whatever you like, but have to say that you made it based on my work, you can't use it for any commercial purposes annd you have to share it under the CC BY NC SA license. More details at that link also.
  13. Thanks! Suggestions, yes! Absolutely! Actually I like that idea. So I'll work it in. I think this can be included in the Admin. role. I think this might be getting a bit fine grained. There's existing ribbons (that I did too haha) in FF for this already...
  14. OK. I've moved everything to Spacedock. I've posted in the CKAN thread, and hopefully that will be less of a saga to fix up this time around.
  15. Uhh... Hi. Any chance that updating CKAN now that I've moved over to Spacedock is going to be as easy as asking one of you guys to copy and paste something? @politas?
  16. G'day Guys. I will get back to this, and making sure it's hosted somewhere sensible. However, RL is kicking me around the room at the moment. Bear with me for a bit.
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