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BJ Quest

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Everything posted by BJ Quest

  1. Working with a few new parts: Created a MK1-9c vessel that has added 6 passenger with viewing windows and a 12 point (4 x 3) landing legs/struts attached. Perhaps I should name it Big Foot? A bit unusual but it does keep the ship upright :-) Picture taken in early dawn/sunrise. Now to work on getting up and down to the command pod.
  2. Some Minor engineering work in the last couple days: 3 in 1 craft (one vessel - three landing (for science on Kerbin)): http://imgur.com/u4LYRwe New parts. First attempt at light weight hovercraft... sort-of.... http://imgur.com/dxTleK6 Retrofitting the chickadee jet (first basic jet) : http://imgur.com/tsoQVb5 Nice - improved performance and stability :-)
  3. Could this be a baby (mechanical) Kraken?? ...... Best leave that alone. I already lost 2 vessels to the foggy foggy dew in attempts to break Kerbin orbit. And this includes losing one model a of the tri base vessel. Model b is picture below.
  4. I worked on figuring out a way to attach my micro landing probes to a vehicle without disturbing the center of balance vertically. I think I have come up with a good solution. There are six micro probes that should maintain that vertical center line balance each time one probe is released (decouple small port) for visit to another planetary body. Initial test of releasing the probes are good :-) Perhaps time for a Jool mission :-) I have also been working on a simple 2 stage lander capable of 6 hops around Minimus and hopefully 6 around Mun. Most likely 5 for Mun. So far 5 hops around each then a good return to Kerbin. The added stage is not pretty but it works.
  5. I down loaded version 24.2 32 bit version (Been working/playing with the 64 bit version of 24.2). For some reason some mods do not do so well with the 64 bit version. So I am checking by using the newly down loaded version. Loaded it up with: Firespitter Goodspeed KASA KAX MechJeb2 (at times I get tired of manual launch to test other functions - ships, etc.) PixelSpace Micro Probes V1.5 SpaceplanePlus ModuleManager.2.2.0dll So Far no freezing up of the system (especially when quitting the program) and I now have a nice ship waiting in orbit (115k) to play with :-) I will have to work through the career and science modes again - But that is part of the fun.
  6. Been playing with some new parts :-) Space Plane Plus - StarFlight 1 sub orbital [First flight from runway :-) ] NICE! StarFlight 2 Orbital [Flight from runway with boosters] again NICE!
  7. Created my smallest landing probe to date: 1P2. Made from Pixel Space parts and one Zap-01 RGT from Good Speed Aerospace parts. Vessel mas: 0.025 KN Max Thrust 1 KN Surface TRW 2.08 Able to take off and land on Kerbin with left over Microbe Gas as fuel in the tank for more flying. I am not sure any landing probe could get smaller.
  8. Tried to add simple (low part count) inline booster(s) to aircraft. It actually worked quite well as long as a single stage booster was used. Used the streamline air intakes on some of my standard aircraft designs.... I Like Them :-)
  9. The start of a new ship design to explore Jool with the use of in line probes to keep ship balanced (V24.2 contract mode).
  10. Used the contract system on version 24. My spaceships and aircraft were a bit different because of it. Last two flights were Bill to Duna and Bob to Eve for flyby science and partial contract completion. Bill flew by Ike and Duna with just enough fuel in the vehicle to get back to Kerbin. Bob fley by Eve then Gilly for exploration and all most did not make it back. There was only one option left to get back to Kerbin (See Below). Take a left turn around Kerbin then with just enough fuel hang a right around the Mun making sure not to hit it then directly back to Kerbin for a straight in approach. Nothing else would or could work. Bob did make it back ALIVE and physically in tack. Mentally?? This was cutting it too close!
  11. Down loaded some add on parts and played around. One of the creations was some drones. Pictured below Drone 2. Works well with small solid propellent booster mounted on a very high support so it can build up speed for flight (No wheels - chute recovery). Uses very little fuel. Should fly for a very long time. Low pass past the tower :-)
  12. Is a light weight escape ring possible? Yes! low altitude test: http://imgur.com/w6tfDzc Parachute deployed: http://imgur.com/bCHmFD4 Approaching KSC: http://imgur.com/09eKLLp Safe and all somewhat sound: http://imgur.com/54b5Oup Next test is from space to Kerbal. 8 more volunteers needed :-)
  13. Been Working on ship designs. The Nut (with dark mater DV) and a lander Tri-X with 4 ( first mission) or possible more hops (Plenty of fuel left) on Minmus. I Like the bullet capsule http://imgur.com/tI0Hm4l 1st mission results: http://imgur.com/jeHzvxe
  14. While I started and new career game Bob took the new DV Cruiser out for a spin. I guess I have to keep the keys locked up.
  15. Built 2 mini ships (Down Sizing) Mini Map Ship 5 (4 SCAN Satellites + Ship) and Mini RPL (remote landing Probe) Ship 12 (12 RPL's) Both are headed out of Kerbin gravitational influence to map and probe other planets and moons. Yes I am using many add-on's for these ships.
  16. Constructed a Geological Survey Ship "Map" 6 SCAN satellites. 6 mini remote landing probes. Room for 2 or more manned landers. Plenty of space for kerbals to do multiple surveys.
  17. Created/built a new space station "SS Delta": Attached decouplers to the add on landers/housing units and added small solid fuel rockets to tanks holding the landers so I can eject the tanks and have the landers/housing units come down safely full of Kerbals. It works quite well :-) BJQ
  18. SS Core E Sent up a new core for a space station. Used 6 ALCOR landers for escape pods and Fusion Pack fuel/motors for the 6 visiting DV Avid flyers. Now what to add to fill out this space station :-) BJQ
  19. Time to hunt down some asteroids and do some investigations: JBQ
  20. I have been working on some space station cores that I can add to and expand on to. SS Core B: http://imgur.com/puwUjuD SS Stubby: http://imgur.com/A9LL4ZB SS Core D: http://imgur.com/yq2gawr All so far created little problem building and launching using some of the new parts (V23.5 + add on capsule for stubby). Started to work on a refueling craft that will deliver a large amount of fuel using some of the new parts to refuel the new stations when completed. Nearly delivering the equivalent of 2 orange tanks. Working on making this to deliver 2 plus equivalent of the orange tanks. The nice thing is it takes less parts to accomplish these things/crafts. BJQ
  21. A good landing on Minmus :-) "Tuck up two of the three landing gear and go in softly". Version 23.5 1st career mode. BJ Quest
  22. I was experimenting with creating larger diameter space station center parts and came up with this experimental test rocket. Took off from Kerbin. Orbited at 85K. and landed on Kerbin. All self contained. No parts jettison. I was presently Surprised :-)
  23. Good Morning, The u-tube video of the tour of the ISS was passed on to me. It might inspire others in there building of space stations and space crafts. http://www.youtube.com/embed/doN4t5NKW-k BJQ
  24. Completed space station with nuclear generator attached and inflatable habitat parts...
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