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The Error

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Everything posted by The Error

  1. "The parachutes deployed? That's a first." -Scott Kerman, IP-NV Valkyrie
  2. Simple enough - open the Kerbals' EVA suit texture in an editor and play around with colours.
  3. Very cool! It looks like an explosion with engines on.
  4. I...wow. Dat's huge. I went for the engines, fuel, and solar arrays up front, with the cargo and such trailing behind design. Not jsing Interstellar, the thing is a major fuel hog. But carrying 50t of cargo with 9k delta-V isn't too bad. Note to self, do not attempt to land nuke-powered ships on planets. Not even Bop.
  5. So I tried my hand at building a Venture Star-styled IP ship (and being the genius I am, forgot to screenshot). But it got me thinking: How does the community design their muthasheeps? So post yer motherships, auxiliary craft, and interplanetary stuff here! I'll screenshot mine and put it up later today.
  6. Y'know, I might try a cargo SSTO / DropShip with these. The 2.5m looks absolutely perfect for that.
  7. Your systematic assassins are back, I was just chased over half a city by the Illuminati. Page 1 and 2 of this thread, if you remember. Also, I think you're on the hit list
  8. -Review for: Novan Commonwealth Space Program- =Quote= Screw this safety review! We'll make our with with blackjack and boosters! =End quote=
  9. Not sure if it fits, but if your can do some wrangling with files, This, this, or possibly, if you feel brave, dis wun.
  10. *Like having your brain smashed out of your skull, by a slice of lemon wrapped 'round a large gold brick. Also: Never have more than two pan-galactic gergle blasters unless you are a 30-ton mega elephant with bronchial pneumonia.
  11. "If we run out of fuel, at least it's a killer view. Sorry, poor choice of words." -Jeb "In a word, broken." -Gene, describing the IP-NV-X Longbow after its first trip.
  12. GoT? Oh, yay, now that you've mentioned that, everyone's going to die! But this *is* czo, I guess that was a given anyway
  13. I'd say that's a destroyer, given the 127mm's. Frigates would have lighter (but more) guns, and cruisers would likely carry at least 1 14", and battlecruisers would likely have 2. Speaking of..'scuse me...
  14. I was slightly amazed it docked without going KABOOM. Also, [wild-mass-guessing]Perhaps the crew evacuated in an orderly manner, but some terrible horrible evil fate befell them after that? [/wild-mass-guessing]
  15. I have the Tea skill trained to Lvl. V, that's gonna keep me up until next chapter, right? ...right?
  16. Woohoo for retcon! Also, is this still a thing?
  17. That's... a tank with a phalanx on top? You can DO that? Man. I need a Gepard now.
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