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The Error

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Everything posted by The Error

  1. Very nice. Can't wait to add this little piece of amazing to the space program.
  2. Cool. And is Nelemy now the official Snack Hunter of Laythe Base? (Travels of Thompbles... testing the 3-seat BirdDog?)
  3. Kerbol is the widely-accepted name for the Sun. Kerbonaut or Kerbalnaut is the normally-used term for Kerbals in space. The "K" thing is just for people who find it fun. Just like "Earth" is official, but Terra is also correct, just less official. Same thing with Sol and Luna. And again, if you don't like someone using a non-official term, ignore it. And bear in mind that complaining about how people have fun is very akin to "Guys, why do you have fun this way? Stop! It's not the right way to have fun!" Tone of voice doesn't carry through text, so beware how you may sound when making these threads.
  4. Perhaps a What The Hell, Hero? From the rest of the crew? Specifically to the situation; Thousand Yard Stare from most of the remaining crew, Angst Coma from one or more crew, and from Jeb we may get a Ten Minute Retirement. 'Scuse me, gonna go read dat website nao.
  5. Personally, I'm more tired of the "Guys, why do you do this? I don't like it!" threads that seem to be popping up with alarming regularity. The one about LV-Ns, another thread about glitches being interpreted as funny features, and now this. Honestly, if you don't like the K thing, ignore it. Just disregard it entirely. Nobody's forcing their opinion on you. /rant
  6. Anlan and Lenwise Kerman. Former Munbase crew, first crew to Duna, test pilots, two-man band, 1337 aircraft pilots and an inseperable pair. They're going to be joint commanders of my Laythe-Vall mission and both have a badS flag. Lenwise is also the only Kerbal to know when to yank the ejection handles. Which helps.
  7. Kronerrs? InterPlanetary Kredit? Kerbits? Kilos? Mainly because "pound" is irrelevant to the Kerbals' metric.
  8. "Eldritch." ...where is this going? Also, those fusion engines are gonna either be one helluva red herring, or one helluva Chekov's Gun.
  9. ...I think Jool deserves a planetkiller about now.
  10. Bah. That's only 248 K. Not that cold at all. At least, not to Canadians or Russians. Anyway, looking forward to the Berserk Button that is Jeb.
  11. I was wondering about that. Aborted arc or plot device? dun dun DUNNNN. Also. Proteus has a helluva lot of thrust on those 2 fusion engines. Enough to land on Laythe, perhaps?
  12. Cool. Gleaning insight into the machinations of the council... Nice writing. +rep.
  13. Somehow I feel like Rozer may suffer a minor case of Well Intentioned Extremist. Either that, or Trolling Creator has been giggling madly at all of us.
  14. ...Do you carry a little button marked "mood whiplash", czok?
  15. The technical term for flak is Anti-Aircraft Artillery, so...yup.
  16. Cools chapter. And why is it KSC is ALWAYS run by an Evil Overlord with a fondness of covering up his failures?
  17. Yay! Although..is Kerbin doomed, or something? dat Council seems to be suffering a case of OHCRAPOHCRAPOHCRAP GOGOGO
  18. Prediction: when tne crew tries to return to Kerbin, a hidden navigation program activates that uses a solar slingshot to send them to Eeloo. BERTY hath vengeance!
  19. Simple answer: burn times. I had to shift a 50 ton ship to Duna, and I had 4 nukes because waiting 3 hours to make the burns wasn't my idea of gettin' stuff done.
  20. Put it this way, OP & Co. If these bugs get patched, we shall move on. If not, it's fun to assign them wacky explanations. And when people push these wacky explanations, I find they are almost never serious. If it bothers you that much, ignore it.
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