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The Error

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Everything posted by The Error

  1. Very cool. And 2 of 7 is a pretty good ratio. Also, you should make some Cool Airplanesâ„¢ with the B9/Firespitter parts. For...reasons. Yeah. Um...
  2. (Tip, czok- Alt+0153 is the â„¢ sign. Soonâ„¢. )
  3. Some progress on a generic building..still learning Blender. If anyone knows how to texture, I'd appreciate some advice
  4. COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL I wish I was as 1337 with PWings as you....
  5. I'm seeing a lot of high-altitude...I'm gonna have to dust off my Basic Jet skeelz and build some low-alt fun!
  6. I am (slowly) learning how to Blender - i may well join in with this is the future! (ATM, I can cube and texture (kinda). that's about it.)
  7. Coool. I'm more raised eyebrow'ing about the "Not gonna know what hit them" at the end there.
  8. I see it as a slightly more difficult Circumnavigation. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Give me a few hours, will post attempt here. @Kingtj44: You should probably post an attempt. While circumnavigation is definitely possible, there are quite a few nit-pickers on the forums
  9. I once managed to get Jeb under the R&D Center bridge and fly him away with only a pod and 2 canards once, that count? The rest of the plane doesn't matter, right?
  10. I've got a novel suggestion for EVERYONE! Shut up. The mod will be released when it's released. Don't complain. If someone does complain, let them. Ignore them. No one is forcing you to read and respond to these. Regardless.... helldiver, I'm too lazy tog o back and read the previous 109 pages (), but what exactly was the issue? I caught something about .22 breaking attachment nodes, or something?
  11. Also, is it me, or is this chock-a-block full of references? With the other Mason stories, we got things like Star Trek, now he's going for the Desolation of Smaug Ike!
  12. As far as I understand it, it's a "Do crazy stuff with planes and rockets, and post them here" thread. Not sure if it's really a challenge, but it's fun. Unless you're a serious person.
  13. Nostalgia for Infinity? Unless you already buggered up the timeline and deleted them? The Good Guy SWARM? Anyway...Time Travel Funventures! Yaay!
  14. Not tryin' to smack czok or anything here, but how is it that Jeb even considered climbing into a ship without a Shiny Red Candylike button (commonly known as a Manual Override)? He's a pilot, he'd want to be able to fly the thing himself. Plus, he's Jebediah Kerman. He says jump, the universe asks, "How high?"
  15. @social equality I'm pretty sure anyone who attempted to instil some form of a class system would soon find a rocket embedded in his/her house. While different styles, types, and "classes" of home might look nice, they just don't fit (in my mind) with the Kerbal civilization.
  16. This whole mission has taken on a XCOM-like secrecy. It's actually rather unnerving.
  17. The crew had some spare parts so while the d00ds were on Duna they updraded their equipment. And no rush, mate.
  18. And suddenly, plot twist. That was... ... twisty? Good job, Rogue!
  19. We all know about Jeb's fascinating with high-powered controlled explosives (i.e. boosters), but what about his drinks? Or specifically, his coffee? Who here thinks they know what all goes in the probably-explosive pot of danger? No cheating (no reading the ingredients label)! 10% Booster fuel (Otherwise it wouldn't be Jeb's!) 40% Standard coffee (for the flavor.) 5% vanilla extract (Tasty.) 15% Liquid Fuel (Surprisingly harmless.) 30% Coffee Surprise (Mighty surprising.) ^ Is my best guess. What do you think?
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