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Everything posted by AngelLestat

  1. I read that!! I dint remember that venus prime series was also written or inspired by Arthur C Clarke. This is the book you said.. Also my favorite in the series. Such great idea to explore a gas giant with a hot "air" ballon.
  2. That is what all people told me.. no I dint read it, of course I watch the movie. But even that it is a highly recommended book, I dont know.. I never had enoght impulse to read it. The first rama book is an story more indepent of the secuels. the other 3 work with different character in a continued story. I guess my favorite is Rama 2. Is a shame that the so expected rama movie produced by morgan freeman is still searching a script play. If I found Fauntains I will read it some day.
  3. Is something that we would need to face some day. And is a scary thought. Maybe it will not be a war, all computers and machines will remplace systematically to each of us in our task. Will come a point where our existence would not have any purpuse. when we realize this, it will be way too late. Like the boiling frog story. But there is a third option to war or to the oblivion. We need to become in the machines, merge with them. But this may look like an exit but is not. Becouse all human traits that we know would disappear. All our emotions and feelings has their root in our ADN and lifestyle. We already lost a tiny part of what human really means with our sociaty and confort. This is a problem, becouse those emotions and feelings was the ones that kept us alives millons of years. Now with all our technology our future cant be more uncertain. If we become a machine, we lost empathy for other species, we lost balance with our enviroment. All the feelings about not damage our related, or different common behaviors will be remplaced by others (which ones never was tested). So, there is a solution? I guess there is. First we need to live our first years like full human beings. Lets imagine more the Avatar Navi´s style, then when we reach the age of 20 or more, we can choose a modern live in a secluded place of this. After that we can live 50 or 100 years in that modern lifestyle, at the end if you want we can transcend into our final step. A place when we merge with the technology, with the machines. A place where all is so connected that is like a single brain. But even in our final path, we would remember our roots. What we are. Those ADN code and feelings we would be there becouse we grow up with them. That is very different that grow up in a place where never need them.
  4. lol. He was ahead of his time, so I do not think he would be very surprised. Someone read some of his books? which are your favorites? I read: Rama Complete Saga. Song of distant earth (my favorite I guess) Childhood's End The Hammer of God The Light of Other Days
  5. I always liked this idea, but never believe too much on its feasibility. Like many of here already pointed, the material is a big problem. Maybe we need to wait 10 or 20 years more to get some composite graphene materials to do the work. The only element that can go through graphene is water.. But not hidrogen or any other element. Besides the graphene strength-weight relation is something really needed to avoid big deformation due to height pressure (and payload) using hard reirforcement sewing to mantain the aerodinamyc shape. The payload is not inrrelevant, This is not equal to more weight --> bigger bag. There are other design issues attached. Then atmosphere is just a tiny obstacle to get orbit.. We need speed.. A lot of it. So I dont understand very much what kind of propulsion mechanism JP want to use to get +8000 m/s.
  6. Wow. that looks nice! I take back of what I said 2 month ago :S How I need to set a parachute to not autocut when the part touch ground? Becouse I have a long fuel tank dropped, and when it touch ground "in stand position" the parachute dissapear and then fall into horizontal position and explote. In the readme it said: "cutAlt: altitude at which the parachute will automatically cut (set this to -1 if you don't want an autocut at a certain altitude)" I set this to -50 with the blue parachute (I cant set it to -1, is -50 or 500) but still cuts the parachute when touch the ground. Someone has the same issue? Or what I am doing something wrong?
  7. The only problem that I see with TAC is that adds A LOT OF PARTS. Main isssue is their containers. Maybe if there was a pluging to use with real fuels and stretchy tanks this could be solve. So for now I will still use ECLSS.
  8. Ok, I did all the things that you both said to me. I found the problem Is called HotRockets! Particle FX Replacement from Nazari. Was kinda obvious when I look it. But I dint realize of the problem, becouse I install this mod (between many others) after I solve the first chestburster issue, and how I was not using any of the engines changed by Nazari mod, I dint realize of the problem until long time after.
  9. Amazing demo video, I really enjoy to watch. Is a nice plugin. But if we use twekables to control thrust in jet engines, this is not kinda cheat? Becouse the cons with jet engines is that they need time to change their level of thrust. But looking things from different perspective, we dont have the control tools needed to simule vtol jet engines like in the real world. Aka harrier or others. Seems nice. Good job.
  10. I can not solve one problem that I have. "again" Some days ago I install real fuels, then I realize that I needed to install chestburster engines config file for stock alike and other engines like b9 or NP2. But recently I realized today that all works fine (from b9 and Np2) less the most common stock engines like LV-T30, LV-T45 , LV-909 , Rockomax "Poodle", Rockomax "Mainsail" , and some others. From stock, some radial engines work, nerva engines and others. I delete and Install again real fuels with chestburster config file. And I still have the same problem. It can be a file inside real fuels folder that try to add the same config than chestburster? In my case, when I select those engines, I cant choose fuel types. So I need to set manually the amount of fuel in each tank. ´What i am doing wrong? I need to delete other file from real fuels before install chestburster config file? Sorry for make this question, that for sure you guys are tired of answer..
  11. it will nice to see in the future releases (if is possible to code) that not aerodynamics back surfaces like the one that we see in the picture (that faces against the air flow), to produce extra drag due to the real vortices effects.
  12. Hi qfey, good work with this mod. I like it very much. I usually use this setting the Thrust factor to almost minimun and leading Mean thrust in 100. (using b9 sabre engines in air breath mode) Now After your explanation I understand a lot more how to use the configs. In a future release, it will be nice that your last setting keep save, becouse when I forget to set again between each launch I crash
  13. Or we can wait for that, sooner or later mining and recycle resources would be more common in KSP. Due to official patches or just mods. When the time come, we can have the procedural tank system and real fuel system of nathan merge it with other mod that use and combine many resources. I cant wait for that day
  14. Hi Nathan, well I was searching about that.. Ah yeah, maybe you are right, hospitals use liquid oxygen tanks and also oxygen compress tanks. But I still with some doubts, becouse some companies sell small tanks for houses with liquid oxygen, 3,5 lts that last 24 hours. Its really easy convert liquid oxigen to gas. The tanks needs to be thermal isolated, but is cheaper than tanks with compress oxygen (becouse this last ones needs to be very safe due to pressure). Another example, some times we use compress oxygen in space becouse if we had a life support system that convert oxygen, is more easy to storage this new oxygen by compression instead liquid (depending on the system) But well never mind. I was just curious XD
  15. But all oxigen tanks are in liquid state. For breath or not. Of course you dont breath liquid, but when it becomes decompressed it turns into gas. Ask in what state is the oxigen that you may find in all hospitals inside their tanks. Well I am not 100 % sure, so I will search for that too
  16. Hey another question if I may. I download a lifesupport mode, then I was thinking, is a shame that we need to use other kinds of tanks instead stretchy tanks and real fuels to fill them with oxigen or co2, etc. Then looking I saw that Nathan did a config file for this mod (big smile). So I test it. is working great (thanks a lot). But my question is: I was using a hidrogen + ox rocket, then I saw that I can not use that LOX resource for the Lifesupport or the Oxigen resource from life support to feed my rocket. What is the difference between LOX tanks to breath and LOX tanks for engines?
  17. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... great I was testing my first theory, but I notice that only with rftsengines.cfg file is all re-scaled. Ok.. time to install chestburster´s file
  18. But chestburster config file is only for stock engines. What I have to do to include b9 and novapunch? If I install only the RftSEngines.cfg that comes with "RFTS pack V2", there is a way to change a parameter to keep all engines balanced according to KSP scale and gameplay? In real settings.cfg there is a engine multiplier, changing that it will be enoght?
  19. Hi, Long time that I dint play KSP since 0.22 Now I re-install all mods again but with real fuel I notice that almost ALL engines (squad and NP) cant be configured. I press in the engine and nothing happen (90% of engines does not have config GUI), I need to set fuel manually in each stretchy tanks (I remove all stock or NP tanks). And I remember that in the first modular fuels edition we had all NP engines and stock for all types of fuels (thanks to starwaster XD). In Nathan first version of real fuels, we had almost all engines from stock and NP. Now I check the config files and there is almost nothing there for NP or squad. I need an extra file or what? In a lot of places Nathan said that we should install realism overhaul with a good engine pack. What is this mean? What benefic we have? From my point of view using real solar system: Pross: FAR will work much better with real scales, it will be nice to know that we are using correct engines mass and fuel consumption. A good tech tree. Cons: All the terrain details would look worst. Each launch would take 15 min, if you dont have much free time free, build a space station seems an issue. I see that there is a cfg for stock engines made by starwaster, but then I read that produce some bugs. Is this right? If someone has config files for NP or stock engines can I ask borrow please?
  20. Thanks, that is good news for me. I already offer to him any data that he maybe need about this. About my second question, there is a way to install all insterstellar features about electrical power or heat mechanics without all the other props? Someone try this? Becouse I am already full of mods :S
  21. Not, we send scientist up there. Most of them are the leaders of their own projects and theories that they want to test. And a lot of extra reasons. This is already answered. Dont tell me that you are thinking in an automated assembly line where you said that robots make things better.. We are talking about reasearch here, there is no reapeat process that can be automated. And any automation free of "hands" it needs tons of equipment. Even if some day you get a perfect "robonaut" able to make the same operations that a human could with the same skill and precision commanded from earth. It will be never like be there in person. Our vision angle is never compared to any virtual camera. In space you should be able to react to problems very fast. If some liquid or element escape from your hands, you need to act quick to avoid that element produce a problem in the space station. And you always would have a comunication delay with the space station, this average delay can be more than 1 second. So even with the perfect robonaut this would be never practical. The robonaut is made just to remplace astronauts in task that can be very dangerous. Also if some problem happen in the space station where all astronauts are unconscious or unable to respond, then you can use the robonauts for all the task that can not be control it from earth. About send probes to other planets is a very different case. But like we talk about, the most important element are the scientist. And you cant not have a simple operator up there just receiving instructions 24 hours of day from the actually scientist down in earth. Is silly. And KSP does not represent any specific age or year. Is a space program, this can include 60th start to our actual day or future days. And taken that this is the way that all agencies do it. I am not see why we need to change it when in fact, have a purpose to exchange or hire kerbals makes the game more fun. I know that you was refering to that, but that is when I suggest my correction. Scientist are the key element resource. Not instruments. But well, in your idea you can have the same 4 astronauts living there producing science until they die.
  22. I like all these stuff: Experimental Electrics Electric Generator: Brayton Turbine → KTEC Thermoelectric (better efficiency) Heat Radiator: Mo Li Heat Pipe → Graphene Radiator (better efficiency) Microwave Power Transceivers. But I dont want install all the other things.. I am in trouble dont you? There is not plan to make solar sails or beamed propulsion?
  23. I am not sure what you mean by citation needed, but maybe this help. In your suggestion you are completely forgeting the kerbonauts. Why you hire kerbonauts? Only if some of them die? You need scientist, maybe 1 pilot or 2, but then all the people that goes to the space are scientist. Instruments do not make science for their own. There are just instruments. Instruments are just tools that people use. A robot cant do all the things that people do with the same skill. Maybe in 50 or 100 years from now it will. So there is not need to explain this even more. If you would had right, in the space station would be only robots making science in remote way. But this is not true. And from the gameplay point of view. The need to exchange kerbanauts and hire others to produce more sciencie is the best way to solve all the problems with science balance issues due to time warp. Also makes a good use of the hire panel. Scientist that you hire may have a science value in case they prove their theories, some with more chance to failure, some with less science benefic, and with different cost depending the scientist. We can assume that they carry their own instrumentation with them. But we would get more chance of success in the reasearch if you had the space station full equiped with the last instrumentation. (maybe with some modules requirements depending on the reasearch) So you wanna be one of the lucky guys to go there? I guess I can find you a place in my next launch, I am testing a new shuttle, I hope you dont mind.
  24. I post some time ago the same thing about how to solve the science by time issue in a space station. (second reply) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61933-How-to-handle-the-over-time-problem-%28And-anyone-know-if-squad-is-looking-at-this-%29?p=853448&viewfull=1#post853448 Of course we can not get the credit, is just how things are in the real world. And if you ask me, there is where squad needs to look up if they wanna know how to implement without balance issues things like budget, contracts, economics or technology systems. Becouse all the things in the real world had their pross and cons. So there is no way to get an unbalance system. Instrumentation is important, but you dont need to forget that the most important commodity in science is people. Each scientist had a whole life studying, some of them may had a good idea that can become in an advance with the propper experimentation. So science is made by people. That is why nasa send different scientist to prove their theories in diverse fields to the space station, and when they finish they send others. And they are not pilots, their train like anstronats, but they are just scientist.
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