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Everything posted by capi3101

  1. Have had another relatively slow past 24 hours. I spent a good amount of time fiddling with Pathfinder's Pipeline mass drivers. Just getting one built was interesting enough: Ah, so that's what's at the end of Space Mountain... I don't have a good screenie of the receiving end mass driver. I did launch one. Without a fairing. I can't imagine the drag on that launch as being anything other than utterly horrific... Learned that I could really stand to RTFM on the things. Better yet, I need to find the FM first - the power requirement I understand, the payload I understand, but how the crap I'm supposed to calculate the delta-V and "guidance" needed, I don't know... Wasted enough time working with the mass drivers that not a lot else happened. An Auk I rescue spaceplane flight retrieved pilot Nancy Kerman from LKO and returned her to KSC 09 safely, an ore con was performed (after using KML to hack the contract - despite having mined the correct amount of Ore from the Mun as required four times over, the contract refused to budge), and this morning saw the takeoff of an Auk VII 16-passenger spaceplane bound for space station Kerbinport: And next on our list of rarely seen aircraft in poorly-shot screenies, the Auk VII... Takeoff was a success; I had enough playing time to get out of the atmosphere before I had to shut the game off and begin my paying job. Tourists Jaslorf, Samory, Samcal, Jafrid, Ludbur, Richdous, Janzor, Shepwise, Lunand, Sutrey, Derman, Jonrod, Lemfurt and Doneny Kerman will disembark at Kerbinport, and then all of them except for Jaslorf are scheduled to head for Minmus for various contracts. Nine of these tourists are scheduled to make an extended visit to the Deepwater Horizon refinery on Minmus's surface and it would definitely behoove me to get the facilities in place for them to be able to do, especially seeing as how they are all already in space...
  2. Tried using an OPAL-configured Casa in Lite Blue mode a day or two ago; made everything it was supposed to except for Slag. Since I wanted to make Konkrete, that was a bit of a bummer. I was able to save the Equipment-configured and Battery-configured Buckboards from the Pathfinder Starter Craft as subassemblies. Craft files attached. Might be helpful to compare what I'm seeing to what they're supposed to look like. Trying to remember if there's anything else that's totally out of whack or not; nothing else is jumping to mind. Hopefully this info would narrow the possibilities down a bit more. On a different topic, is there an extant tutorial for the mod that is newer than what's on the wiki? I'm sure I've asked about this before...I'm trying to find some info on how to gain "guidance" and "delta-v" for the Pipeline parts; finally got a pair of them up and running in my litterbox this afternoon (one in orbit, one on the ground) but then I couldn't figure out how to actually use the things...which kinda sucks. At least I understand the power requirement part. EDIT: Played a brief session this afternoon - remembered a few of the other things I've observed that I can't tell if they are intended behaviors or not; guessing not but I really don't know: I was able to use the drills and mine Ore with a Claim Jumper-configured Hacienda without assembling it module first. I was able to access a Watney-configured Doc; my understanding is that they shouldn't be available in Lite Blue. The game is refusing to recognize the fact that I've dug up 1250 fresh ore from Mun, despite the fact that I've done it four times over now. This is with Pathfinder and stock drill parts; didn't have this problem before the Pathfinder installation. Module assembly isn't consuming Equipment. Today, I put out the necessary load to assemble a Pipeline on the Runway; all that Equipment and Konkrete was still there after the Pipeline inflated. Again, hoping this narrows something down.
  3. Answered this very question not too long ago...from a post I did in early 2014. The coordinates haven't changed in all that time.
  4. Yesterday was a pretty harrowing day, as it turned out. Aside from the safe return of a Bill Clinton 7b grabber probe from Mun hauling a Mk3 Cockpit for contract, my day was spent working with the first operational Boot Hill 7 Pathfinder outpost craft. The mission has been plagued with problems pretty much from the beginning. Pilots Lisbin and Jesgun Kerman along with scientist Ludson Kerman and engineer Naford Kerman were selected for the inaugural mission of the craft to establish a five-Kerbal outpost on Mun. Despite having thoroughly tested the craft in the litterbox, the launch had its share of problems, first wanting to pull the left for some unknown reason, and then deploying its solar panels within its shroud (which then promptly all broke off). On the second revert, the craft made a successful ascent which turned disastrous when I decoupled the final booster stage and had it swing around to do its self-cleaning deorbit; the booster whacked the transfer stage and destroyed the transfer stage's engine. Luckily this was a Pathfinder base with a Casa module set as a Blacksmith 3D printer - or else the mission might've been scrubbed right then and there. The Casa was deployed and a set of six Twitch engines and one Spark were printed up along with a KAS Screwdriver, which Naford used to attach the nascent engine array to the back of the transfer stage. With the repairs affected and everything stowed away, the mission continued. The injection burn took longer than originally planned, but the craft did make it to Mun. Had to haul the Spark to the aft end of the craft in one of the Buckboard containers, which required stowing one of the Sombrero arrays temporarily...which didn't get put back on the correct way but gave me an idea for later. The Boot Hill 7 landed safely just south of the equator in the Munar midlands. I rapidly discovered that the Equipment resources used to print the spare engines was enough that I was unable to deploy one of the Hacienda modules...unfortunately, the one that wouldn't deploy was the one with the ore drills. I also had forgotten to add a docking port to the design; the 3D printer rectified that at least and at this point the outpost contract has been successfully completed. I will need to send up a resupply mission to the outpost so that it can finish deploying. In the meantime, I've also been able to print up a pair of Doc science labs and Ludson is hard at work trying to get some lab time in to send a temperature study back to Kerbin for contract. TL, DR: If you don't use Pathfinder, you probably didn't get much of this post. Stuff happened, most of it bad, but I worked through it.
  5. Haven't done much with the game since last Thursday. I did spend a lot of time over weekend fiddling with the Pathfinder mod, though, and on Saturday I was comfortable enough with what I was doing to go ahead and try to make an operational Pathfinder base craft. Given Pathfinder's old west theme for component names and my own morbid sense of humor, coming up with an appropriate name for the craft wasn't particularly difficult. I did go ahead with a full trial launch of the Boot Hill 7, including a Mun landing and bouncy-house deployment in my litterbox: Had a bit of an issue the during first sol (solar day...kerbolar day...kerb? bol? WTC are we calling this?) when Kerbin transited across Kerbol, but for the most part I was able to get the base up and running with no issues. I do need to spread the Sombreros out a bit; they block one another with the current setup if Kerbol's low to the horizon, but that's not that big of an issue. Efficacy of the mining unit is still very much in question, though. Nevertheless, the test was successful enough that I'm preparing to launch an operational craft in my main career game later today. I'll let y'all how that goes. Really like the print shop module that lets you build things in-situ, like additional modules or solar panels...
  6. At the risk of derailing the thread - crap. Couldn't tell you how many of my craft use KAS parts...especially connector ports. Out of ideas at this point. I think what I can do is save the Buckboards off of the example Buffalo craft as subassemblies; that'd at least get me some I could use for Equipment. If I can come up with any more ideas in the meantime, I'll let y'all know.
  7. Hadn't had too much time to play the game in the past couple of days owing to things happening in RL. Been spending a lot of time today trying to figure out why I can't reconfigure the storage on Pathfinder Buckboards; the rest of Pathfinder seems to be working just fine... Wednesday began with the successful docking of the Spamcan 7a 4-passenger lander at space station Munport, which had visited the Piper Alpha refinery the day before with a full tour group. After the successful docking of the lander, the passengers transferred to Next Objective docked at the station, which then refueled and departed for Kerbin. Meanwhile, the rover Lunkhead III was launched and burned for Mun on a mission to replace the original rover Lunkhead, which had flipped over on a steep grade forty klicks west of Piper Alpha. Wednesday also included the launch of a pair of Bill Clinton 7b grabber probes to Mun for junk retrieval missions and a high-speed, high-altitude test of a 0.625-meter heat shield. Yesterday began with a mission to pick up engineer Marrick Kerman from a very low Minmus orbit. The Spamcan 7 2-passenger monoprop lander was dispatched from space station Minmusport to go and pick her up. The rendezvous was a bit nerve-wracking; her debris was skirting over some of the higher points along Minmus's equator, and when she finally jumped out of the craft, she gave it enough of a kick to send it on a collision trajectory with the surface. Marrick herself though was safely retrieved and the lander returned to Minmusport, where she'll await the next ferry ship heading back to Kerbin. Lunkhead III arrived at Mun, and then safely landed near Piper Alpha: Landed at night, of course. I swear - any time I want to land somewhere specific on Mun, it's always night... Both of the Bill Clinton probes also reached Mun. One of them was put into orbit, where it will await the pick up of a hunk of garbage from the surface; I seem to have gotten rid of the Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout 7 surface garbage retrieval craft from a few versions back, so I'll need to figure out how I'm going to get the target off the surface. The other Clinton rendezvoused with a successfully grabbed module P-2VJ, which turned out to be an empty Mk3 Cockpit. The BC is now it's way back to Kerbin. Next Objective arrived safely at space station Kerbinport; after docking, her passengers were transferred to a waiting Auk II 8-passenger spaceplane, which then departed the station and made its way safely to KSC 09. I say safely; at fifteen klicks out I was still in a 40-degree dive travelling above Mach 2...was lucky to pull that one off. My Auk XII 6-passenger plane also finally returned safely from Minmus yesterday - The key to successfully aerobraking a plane coming back from a moon is to not send a plane to the moons. Ever. The plane circularized after two aerobraking passes, then de-orbited for a safe return to KSC 09 with a little over one second of rocket fuel remaining after the deorbit burn. Definitely will think twice about sending an Auk XII on any more moon missions - the thing had fuel problems coming and going. Not that I regularly send planes to the moons...wings and control surfaces are dead weight out in space (even with procedural wings and the ability to store gas in them, once they're empty, you still can't stage them off). At this point, I don't have a lot of contracts in progress, so it's time to get some more things going. I have contracts to put a new outpost out on Mun and I'd like to set up a small Pathfinder base; at this point I'll probably go with Mules for my main equipment containers since I still can't get the Buckboards to behave. Shame about that; it'd be nice to be able to re-purpose the Black and Decker 7 delivery probe system for the job. I'm also pretty sure I need to set up a Hogan out at the Deepwater Horizon refinery at Minmus for one of the contracts, which has me hauling nine kerbals out there and keeping them there for forty days. That one would pay for an Alcubierre warp ship by itself, so it's definitely high on my to-do list.
  8. Warp Drive isn't it either. That's a relief...at the same time, though, it doesn't leave a whole lot of other options. 000_ClickThroughBlocker001_ToolbarControlCommunityCategoryKitFirespitterKERTriggerTech (KAC, TransferWindowPlanner) CCK, perhaps? I have noted that certain parts (the Ponderosa in particular) are showing up in multiple places. The Ponderosa is also set up in my build where you can stuff Kerbals inside them while they aren't deployed; if I've read the release notes correctly, that shouldn't be happening. I have no earthly idea if/why that would also affect the Buckboards. But, as I've become fond of saying of late, it's worth trying. Hopefully it doesn't break anything in the process. EDIT: ...and that's a 'nope'.
  9. Didn't see this post before I tried it; you're right, removing CRP had no effect. At least it and IFS have both been cleared as the source of the problem, which is nice to know - means I can keep my current warp ship design as is... I guess next I'll see what other similarities there are between RocketSquid's build and mine. EDIT: Comparing the lists, here's what both of us are using - 000_ClickThroughBlocker 001_ToolbarControl CommunityCategoryKit CRP Firespitter IFS KAS KER KIS TriggerTech (KAC, TransferWindowPlanner) UmbraSpaceIndustries (WarpDrive) WildBlue Workshop It's probably safe to assume that WildBlue isn't the source of the Buckboard problem, and I was experiencing the issue before I installed Workshop, so it isn't the problem either. CRP and IFS are eliminated. Going to try the WarpDrive next, I think.
  10. Didn't, and that was with a fresh install. I'll try removing it entirely (and Interstellar Fuel Switch) to see if that has an effect.
  11. I'll have to read up on the specifics of KSPIE's drive system; might be able to offer more specific advice then.
  12. You should try shedding the excess velocity over Kerbol. Start fairly close to Kerbol (within one gigameter, or closer if your particular FTL mod will allow it) on a trajectory as close to directly away from Kerbol as possible. It'll still take a while to slow down, but it's definitely less of a hassle. Saves you whatever fuel you're using too. Out of curiosity, which Alcubierre Drive system are you using? I go with RoverDude's myself.
  13. Okay...so with 1.30.1 and MM 3.1.0, I can manage operations in CRP and Lite Blue modes. Only thing that I still can't get to configure properly are the Buckboards: There have been a few others recently - @RocketSquid and @shdwlrd in the last five pages of this thread - who have indicated issues with the Buckboards getting stuck in KIS storage mode only. At this point, I'm thinking 'mod conflict' of some kind. I think it would behoove the three of us to post our GameData directories to look for similarities and narrow down the possibilities; I know RocketSquid already did that a few pages back. Here's mine: On the off chance that it's CRP at the heart of the matter, I'm running CRP version 0.10.0. I'm going to try a fresh reinstall from RoverDude's github repo and see if that gets the Buckboards working. EDIT: @Angel-125, which version of CRP is CRP mode designed for at the moment, out of curiosity? I noted I was running CRP 0.10.0, I've rolled back to 0.9.0 (haven't yet had the chance to see what this will do), but I also noticed in RoverDude's change log that apparently there was a 0.11.0 release back in June. It might make a difference. Same question for @RocketSquid and @shdwrld - what CRP version are y'all running right now?
  14. Updating MM to 3.1.0 had no effect. Will clean the cache and try a clean Pathfinder install and let y'all know what happens. I do have CRP installed (it's a dependency for InterstellarFuelSwitch, alas). But as I stated earlier today, I've been running Pathfinder in Lite Blue. EDIT: While I'm at it, maybe I should be using Pathfinder 1.30.1 instead of 1.29... Noob mistake; my sincere apologies on that one. I'll be somewhat annoyed with myself if the problem goes away...though I really do want it to go away......conflicted here.
  15. No, I haven't. Currently running MM 3.0.7 on KSP 1.4.5; only one instance of MM in my GameData folder. I'll try the update to 3.1.0 just to see if that helps matters.
  16. Some screenies of what I'm seeing / what's going on: These two images were taken from the game last night; the "switching on, switching off" behavior continued, so the mod was non-functional. The Buckboard is showing the generic Wild Blue logo, and you can see the options I've got available to me in the SPH. And this was just this morning; mod was working as expected. Note that the number of Module Manager patches applied is different, the proper logos are showing on the Pondarosa and Buckboard, and all the SPH options are there. I've made absolutely no changes to my KSP build since installing Pathfinder and the only configuration change within the mod I've done was switch over to Lite Blue a few days ago. Any ideas on what's going on?
  17. One of these days, I certainly hope to have a sprawling Pathfinder base like that one...still having issues with the mod myself; will post my latest set of headaches over on the Pathfinder thread shortly. Incidentally, have any of the rest of y'all ever encountered the problem of a mod functioning, then not functioning the next time you fire up the game, then functioning the next time after that and so on and so forth? If so, were you ever able to fix it, and how? Anyways, on with the thing... (1.4.5) With the need to provide some extra fuel for space station Kerbinport in the wake of Necessary Evil's return, I went ahead and started yesterday with the launch of an Exxon Valdez 7a very heavy emergency tanker. It affected a successful rendezvous and docking, and there should now be sufficient fuel present to support the next three or four excursions to Kerbin's moons. Up next was the successful retrieval of a Mk2 Liquid Fuel fuselage from LKO for contract, a mission affected by a Bill Clinton 7b grabber probe: One of these days, I still hope to put one of these things right on top of the administration building just to see what happens... The probe returned the target module safely into the ocean about ten klicks west of KSC. With the rover Lunkhead overturned forty klicks to the west of the Piper Alpha refinery on Mun for the past several weeks and no plans to go out there and right it (on account of it being overturned on a 35-degree grade), I went ahead and terminated it (sadly, of course), leaving me without a rover on Mun. To rectify this, I launched another Hellhound 7 rover - unimaginatively dubbed Lunkhead II - to Mun, landing it at the Michael Collins Convention Center near the Neil Armstrong Memorial. Man, the graphics have really improved since the last time I was here... Lunkhead II is the first Hellhound 7 rover to visit the NAM since the rover Bullseye way back in v. 0.21 - August 18, 2013, sez the imgur album... A very old screenie. The rovers in the pic were called Hellrider (left) and Bullseye (right); Bullseye was first Hellhound 7 ever launched. The one that Jeb and Bob are riding...I'm not sure it ever received a name. Next Objective also arrived at Mun yesterday and safely put into dock at space station Munport. A Bill Clinton 7b was sent up to collect engineer Haibur Kerman and her debris from LKO, returning to Kerbin successfully about 35 klicks east of KSC. Engineer Julfry Kerman at the Deepwater Horizon refinery on Minmus also conducted a five waypoint surface sample survey using the rover Fwot, which wound up going thirteen klicks away (and three klicks up) from the refinery into Minmus's lowlands. At night. The return trip was a tad interesting, but both rover and kerbal returned safely to the refinery. Earlier this morning, tourists Siecott, Merrey, Aldfurt and Milpont Kerman made their way from Munport to Piper Alpha aboard the station's Spamcan 7a 4-passenger lander, landing safely thirty meters from the station. The lander was refueled and since it was during the day for once, the refinery affected a successful recharge operation. The returned burn to Munport was almost spot on; there was only a five second delay between the end of the ascent burn and the beginning of the rendezvous burn, with the Spamcan a mere 150 meters from the station upon completion. I'll be bringing the tour group into dock later this morning, and then Next Objective will be returning to Kerbin shortly thereafter.
  18. Okay - I have my configuration set to Lite Blue. Haven't touched it since I made that change. Previous session of the game, I was able to go ahead and change things up in the individual parts in the VAB/SPH and had myself a pretty nice looking little base sitting over the piano keys at KSC 09. I wanted to fiddle with it a little more, so I went into the game again. All those wonderful VAB buttons were gone... Also have noted that ModuleManager all of a sudden doesn't want to load from cache. May or may not be relevant, couldn't say how. KSP Log file. Has anybody else reported this kind of behavior from the mod recently? Is there any other information y'all need? EDIT: Just finished another session; mod was working this time. Log file. I'll continue to watch to see if this "switching on, switching off" behavior continues; only mod I'm running that's doing this is Pathfinder.
  19. Yesterday saw the start of the next tourist expedition to Mun. The day started with the flight of an Auk Ia dual-passenger spaceplane to space station Kerbinport, ferrying tourist Milpont Kerman up to the station. Milpont joined tourists Bilbald, Siecott, Merrey, Joner, Natafield and Aldfurt Kerman aboard Next Objective with Val in the command capsule, at which point Next Objective departed from the station and burned for Mun. The Auk returned safely to KSC 09 with a pair of KSC staff members aboard who had recently returned from flag-planting training on Minmus. They also returned a surface sample that Jeb had collected from Mun several weeks prior; something I'd been meaning to do for quite a little while. An Auk II 8-passenger spaceplane was flown up to Kerbinport next, anticipating Next Objective's return. This morning saw the launch of the rover Lunkhead II towards Mun; owing to a good transfer, the booster should crash into the Munar surface while the rover itself will reach a 0.02 degree-inclined, 10 kilometer orbit in 3 hours and 15 minutes. Next Objective is still about 90 minutes from the Mun's SOI at the present time. I haven't decided where Lunkhead II is going yet - she could either go to Piper Alpha or to the Michael Collins Convention Center. Leaning towards the MCCC, just cuz. On the Pathfinder front, I switched over to Lite Blue mode; rapidly discovered that the ongoing head-bumping between that mod and the Community Resource Pack was what was causing my headaches to date. Made a lot more progress with working with the mod last night. I still need to do some planning to incorporate how Pathfinder works into my existing infrastructure, but I no longer feel like putting a discount brick through someone else's computer, so I call that a good day. Next up is figuring how much crap is needed to inflate a Hogan (the more difficult, but not terribly difficult, part), and then figuring out how I'm going to get it all out to Minmus (the should-be-easy part). Might be Firespitter. I don't recall a "Corkscrew" engine from it. Definitely has propellers, though - a couple of versions back I was trying to see if the mod's electric propellers would work as a viable way of getting a plane up high enough off of Eve to switch to conventional propulsion for a semi-normal launch. Never made it that far into my research, unfortunately.
  20. So, I'm still having some problems figuring out how to use the mod, though I did go through all the release notes and a great many of my questions were answered. Here's my question - if I wanted to fill a container unit full of Equipment in the VAB/SPH, how do I go about doing that? So far the usual "right-click on the part to see what options it gives you" doesn't seem to be working for me. Using Lite Blue (and still can't figure things out). Immediate goal is to successfully unpack a Hogan at KSC just for the hell of it. Any help from anybody would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Surprisingly little actually accomplished over the weekend, and by "surprisingly little", I mean "pretty much nothing". Spent what time I did play in the game fiddling with Pathfinder, trying different out campsite configurations. One thing's for sure - the information on it's wiki is pretty far out of date; it may take a thorough readthrough of its forum thread - all ~90 pages of it - for me to figure out how to make everything work as intended. Not much has happened this morning either - Necessary Evil finally arrived at space station Kerbinport after an extended visit to Minmus. Her passengers were transferred over to Next Objective for a Mun-bound journey next. Another passenger will be joining that expedition; I'll likely be sending them up later today. And that's pretty much that.
  22. Howdy. Just downloaded this mod a couple of days ago, and I'm having some issues with knowing exactly what to do with it. I tried going through the Getting Started Setting Up a Base tutorial on the wiki (downloaded both the craft files and loaded up the orange suits, with Bill doing the work), and it looks like there have been some changes to the mod since that tutorial was written. Specifically, there was no Saddle in any of the Buckboards, the Ponderosa was able to inflate on its own, I wasn't able to convert the Buckboard into a battery and I was unable to attach the Mineshaft to any of the crew ports on any of the modules. I was mainly curious to see if an updated tutorial is available or not. I've also noted that the resource gathering efficacy of some of the craft I had deployed prior to downloading the mod is significantly down, and I was wondering if there was anything I could do to try and bring it back up once again. I really do like what little I've been able to accomplish with this mod so far. Apologies if the answers to these questions are in the last several pages of this thread; I'll admit to being too lazy to go look...
  23. Last couple of days have been spent getting caught up on my current set of contracts. Wednesday began with the final placement of the Kerbin Foxtrot and Mun Delta probes in high polar orbits of their namesake spheres for contracts. Next up was the retrieval of engineer Hudbree Kerman: Should have had my orbit characteristics up in this screenie...the inclination was up there, i'll say that. And retrograde. And I got a 45 m intercept on the first try... The Bill Clinton 7b grabber probe responsible for bringing Hudbree and her wreckage back to Kerbin landed in the deserts safely about 700 klicks west of KSC. I had installed the Pathfinder mod on Tuesday, and discovered the first major issue with having this mod installed - I next wanted to recharge the Piper Alpha refinery on Mun and it was finally light enough out on the surface to do so, so I hit the button to start up the drills. Nothing happened. Forgetting that I have Action Groups Extended installed and that I could've easily corrected the problem, I proceeded to turn on the drills manually - all twenty of them. I then discovered Pathfinder's next effect, that the ore extraction rate was substantially reduced...whereas before I could let the ISRU convert the ore into fuel and monoprop happily with the drills running and never run out of ore, now the ore is barely trickling out of the ground. Took me the better part of the Munar day to finally recharge the refinery. Same thing happened yesterday at Deepwater Horizon on Minmus. Now, I would've ordinarily said "that's enough of that" and uninstalled the mod, but in the wake of the completion of the placement of the Kerbin Golf probe for contract (again, high, inclined and retrograde), I got a camping contract for Deepwater Horizon that will by itself pay enough for me to launch an Alcubierre Drive ship. So I plan to tough it out. And in the meantime, I probably oughta figure out how to use Pathfinder properly...DH is just not set up to house tourists right now. So next up was the arrival of the Auk XII 6-passenger spaceplane at Minmus: Planes are bad for intermunar travel, m'kay? I took the XII way out there because I had a contract to test a RAPIER engine on an escape trajectory from Minmus; that contract was fulfilled upon SOI entry. Despite being fully fueled upon its departure from space station Kerbinport five days earlier, the plane ran out of oxidizer about the time I took the screenie above, and had to finish her final approach to space station Minmusport on RCS thrust only, going through about half of its monoprop supply. Just to reiterate - planes are bad for intermunar travel, m'kay? Final docking took place yesterday. Upon docking, tourist Geofmon Kerman was thrown from his seat in the front of the plane and ejected out about 1.7 kilometers before I could get his jetpack burning enough to send him back to the station. He and tourist Philsy Kerman then took the station's Spamcan 7 monoprop lander down to Deepwater Horizon for some sightseeing before returning safely to Minmusport. After their return, the Auk was refueled from the station's reserves. With the long-running contract to establish a space station over Minmus still not-fulfilled due to a lack of liquid fuel, the Auk remained until the arrival of an Exxon Valdez 7c long-range emergency tanker craft a day later. The EV was also unable to bring the LF supply up sufficiently, so at that point the station's Old Bessie 7 tanker lander was sent to Deepwater Horizon for a fuel run, successfully fulfilling the space station contract upon its return. It also successfully ejected Geofmon - again - upon docking. This second time, he left the physics range of the station before I was able to turn him around and get him back to the station. Still don't know why the game was doing that.... Anyway, after Geofmon returned, the Auk departed and burned for Kerbin; she'll arrive in five days. Yesterday ended with the placement of the Minmus Charlie probe for contract and the return of Necessary Evil to Kerbin after her extended journey to Minmus. She's scheduled to dock at Kerbinport later today, after which one of the ferries at the station - Next Objective, probably - will send the current batch of tourists aboard to Mun for the final leg of their sightseeing tour. Aside from the ongoing tourist missions, I have successfully completed my last batch of missions. I think I'll turn my attention to learning about how resource gathering works in Pathfinder, since it looks like I'm going to be using it for quite a little while. Sure do hope I don't have to move my refineries...
  24. It is not only possible, it is ESSENTIAL!! Okay. Done channelling Dr. Strangelove now. Back to that thing I do occasionally, when the workload is light. System's even down this morning; makes me wish I had more to talk about. Or screenies... Yesterday while searching for some temporary background imagery to use with that board game prototype I mentioned yesterday, I stumbled across the Pathfinder mod and promptly installed it. I have yet to really play with it all that much, other than to say that it looks pretty damn cool. Did wind up with a bunch of new parts to figure out and I had to figure them out quickly - game gave me a rescue mission to pick up scientist Melbal Kerman from LKO, which was pretty standard Auk I spaceplane fare other than the fact that when I got there, she'd been stuffed into a deflated Pathfinder hogan and I had no freakin' clue how to get her out of there. Still don't know how I managed to get her out of there, other than that it happened eventually; Melbal was safely returned to KSC 09. Other than that, I launched a fourth Boop Boop 7a probe for contract, tested a tiny heat shield high in Kerbin's atmosphere, tested a Twin Boar engine at the launch pad, and launched an Exxon Valdez 7c emergency tanker towards Minmus. The 7c is basically the base EV craft, but with that craft's ample shortcomings corrected (namely, it includes solar panels and an antenna). She'll arrive at Minmus in 4.5 days, after which she's scheduled to link up to space station Minmusport to finally fulfill a station-building contract I've got there. Still waiting for a lot of stuff to get there. Fortunately, the aforementioned prototype is about to the point where I can sit back and relax for a bit, so I should be getting back into the game fairly soon.
  25. Saw where 1.5 dropped yesterday. Thus begins my usual thirty day countdown to finish things up before switching over...furthest I've gotten in the game was with 1.3, where I was almost up to the Gilly exploration missions. 1.4.5, I haven't even reached Duna yet... And to further start on a depressing note, no screenies for y'all this morning. Well, okay, maybe I'll give y'all one... Jeb afterburns up a mountain in the Kerboat 7, a craft that can't decide what it really wants to be. Boats, roves, flies...doesn't go to space but I hear that's coming with the next upgrade option package... (1.4.5) So, my log dates back to last Friday, when I managed to finish up the AIRS challenge - the full album of my entry can be found here. I knew I wasn't going to top the scoreboard but I still had fun doing it, which is the whole point, right? The issues I was having with the Kerboat 7 in the days leading up to my run were ultimately traced back to the landing gear (of course), and once I finally found a setting that didn't end up in the craft tumbling end-over-end on gentle touchdowns at less than 100 m/s, I was in business. At that point, the tricky part became getting down the hill from the island runway to the water intact. That reminds me - that one had a badge with it. I should update my sig for it. Not much else of note has happened since then; I've been working on a board game prototype of late and getting the parts put together has eaten much of my time. Since Friday, I've recovered a nose cone from LKO for contract, finished up the rescue mission of scientist Ditrey Kerman, finished up an ore con job between the refinery Deepwater Horizon and space station Kerbinport for √375k, tested a 10m heat shield splashed for another √20k, launched a Bill Clinton 7b grabber probe to a high, inclined, retrograde Kerbin orbit to attempt to rescue Hudbree Kerman (rendezvous is scheduled in about eleven hours at this point), and launched a trio of Boop Boop 7a probes for various contracts. Another probe is sitting on the launchpad for a mission to put an LKO sat in a polar orbit; that'll happen first thing next session. Most of my contracts are in holding patterns awaiting things to get where they're going. The rest are just not that terribly interesting to talk about...
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