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Everything posted by astroadrian99

  1. Hey are all of these models gonna be downloadable? I just saw this tread and there is too much here for me figure to it out.
  2. http://i.imgur.com/mnWKYnb.gif The MPCV may already exist in game in the form of simghai's SDHI, I haven't checked yet to see if the scale matches the SLS. If it does match, then one less part(s) to make. Otherwise SDHI doesn't match, I will make a matching version. http://i.imgur.com/cBN3egw.gif One of the more remarkable aspects of this long distance deployable space station is "...provides deep space vehicle assembly...". Sounds like there is an existing mod to compliment that no? Also, did you notice the central component? http://i.imgur.com/G6SPRgy.gif This part screams "SCIENCE!". Although, coding is my weakness and I'm not confident in my skills to be able to code a new science device. But I'm willing to give it a try. Can't be that hard, can it? http://i.imgur.com/hkVwqix.gif Not to much to say about these. I recall seeing pretty much these exact same components in other mods. I don't recall which off the top of my head though... I'll find them later. http://i.imgur.com/AjaX01V.gif Mars? They mean... Duna... right? http://i.imgur.com/Xhu5APt.gif While there is already ARM in stock KSP (since 23.5), the components in this Boeing concept art look uniquely different... http://i.imgur.com/8hM7O6c.gif Not to much details about this one. I'll do some research to see if I can find more information about this Europa probe. http://i.imgur.com/pLGJHFI.gif Another probe, but smaller than the Europa Clipper. But then again, it is just an orbiter. (Please, no tissue paper jokes) http://i.imgur.com/L4cvvLr.gif Another part that screams "SCIENCE". But, just looking at that thing makes my want to break out blender and start modeling. http://i.imgur.com/4SAiuNN.gif 200 AU... another science related probe I'm thinking. Are those..... strange solar panels or almost stock RTGs on that thing? http://i.imgur.com/ooIxil5.gif Another probe... another opportunity for SCIENCE. http://i.imgur.com/R9eyRR4.gif ARM and ADM? Hmmmm. http://i.imgur.com/GEFbeNG.gif This looks like a type of inflatable habitat? Didn't I see one of those already available? Where did you get all these images? Is it in a PDFs or something cause I want to read more on it.
  3. I tried fixing the code like you said but it just made my ship explode for no reason. The code is here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/77upnabap560nv9/AABAriVLQ5J6eQJJHgZHdSX4a?dl=0
  4. Hey guys. Im having a problem with my kerbal getting out of the eva seat. Its on a rover i landed on duna and at one point the kerbal touched the ground and his head began to dangle like when you hit the ground hard after falling but you can stand him up later. Then after a while i quicksaved and tried to get mi out of the craft but the leave seat button wouldnt appear. Then i pressesd F9 and the craft loaded with him standing on the seat but still connected to the craft. This time when i click on him it shows eve propellant but nothing else. I cant find a way to make him leave the seat. Does anybody know how to make him get of the seat? EDIT after a quicksave, it let me see the buttons of collect sample, review sample, etc. yet it doesn't let me leave seat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7oicKlF_-w
  5. Ok ill try it later cause im doing a proyect for school right now.
  6. Yeah centripetal force, but that force technically make artificial gravity but it has to be geostationary orbit so the effect of one craft moving on top of the other (which relative to kerbin in will have 0 m/s) won't act like one moving craft on top of another moving craft.
  7. You know, if you put that on gypsynchrous orbit and you spin it a littlebit, you can create artificial gravity and drive on it.
  8. Ok ill try a clean install. Cause i unlocked a few things in career and nothing shows. It dosent work in sandbox neither.
  9. Hey guys I'm having some problems with mechjeb, I've already downloaded it twice but the same thing keeps happening. I have all mechjeb parts however when I place it on a craft, the side toolbar does not show. I downloaded it exactly how I've always done, extract the file and put them in the game data folder, and that's it. Thanks for the help in advance. P.S. Sorry for taking such a blurry picture, would have made a screenshot but no internet so using phone.
  10. My game dosent crash nor nothing but the mechjeb window dosent show for some reason. It's installed exactly the same as the last one.
  11. Hey guys, i was wondering if anybody has a relatively low part eve launcher that can carry 8 tons to orbit. It cant have aerospikes cause im using career mode. Thanks
  12. I think I might have just figured it out. I just noticed that there is a thurd probe, but i had only launched two. When i clicked on it in the tracking station, it had 0 part count and weighed 0 t. I just deleted it. Lets if it works. EDIT: yes it works. Wohoo.
  13. Ok. The weird thing is that right after I separated the two probes, I was able to quicksave but the moment i did that is when it broke and i got these problems. So the save files is from right after a planned the trajectory of each probe. Well anyway, here is a pic of the craft with 4 landing probes attached to it while in a flyby near one of Jools moons. Here is one of the probes that I separated causing the bug. The Craft has to be that big cause it no only gathers science by jool but it also returns it all to kerbin for bonus data and it works as a return craft to a manned lander on Laythe. My save folder is in this link. Thanks for the help.
  14. thats it. The red things that say NullReferenceExceptions are showing in the debug. I had seperated two probes and they were like 2 seconds apart.
  15. Ok just tried alt f5 and that didn't work either I also noticed that the space center doesn't work neither no matter what. Another thing I noticed is that my other save works so that means that it's nothing to do with my laptop but the save itself. EDIT: I just noticed the quicksave doesnt work only with a specific craft and probes it ejected.
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