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Everything posted by asmi

  1. Things seemed to get a little too hot over here. Everybody please calm down.
  2. I've done a little bit of optimizations, and going to make another release soon. That said, I can't tell for sure if it's gonna help or not since I don't experience slowdowns in the first place...
  3. That's actually the question I've always wanted to ask you - why don't you add heat modelling to FAR directly? The heat during supersonic flight is not just about reentry, it just make sence to me. Does it for you?
  4. try updating your version of ECLSS (here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/58127-asmi-s-ECLSS-Mod-%28current-version-1-0-5%29 ) and giving it a go. Let me know if problem persists.
  5. This is (supposedly) fixed since 1.0.3. So you're free to try out latest build and let me know how it went.
  6. Nathan - as much as I would generally agree with you, this case is exception - if you would've seen these engines in reality, you'd pick up many subtle things that make these engines look so real - I had been fortunate enough to see most of these engines in reality - and I have to say and no other mod gets even close to this. THAT feeling costs a lot - I'm going to go as far as to say no other modpack/mod/model gets even close to this one on realism.
  7. I've uploaded version 1.0.5, which should solve a problem with incompatibility with RemoteTech. Download here: https://bitbucket.org/asmi/ksp/downloads/LifeSupportMod.1.0.5.zip
  8. He was doing these models for me, and I don't care about texture size. If you don't like them - simply don't use them.
  9. Yes they are, and if you use them with MFSC, they'll use the fuels they are using in reality with mixture ratios matching reality. Which is why you might want to use them only with RSS (real solar system mod) - otherwise they'll be ridiculously overpowered.
  10. These are high-fidelity models of real engines, and as such, they are more graphics-intensive than others.
  11. No it doesn't. It was a project, but it was abandoned. Right now they use fixed non-cooled carbon nozzle.
  12. Question to guys who experience slowdowns - are you continuing existing saves (the ones that you've started before installing this mod), or it's slow on new saves as well?
  13. I will go through code one more time to see if I could find any hotspots. If not I'll create some sort of profiling tool so I could see what is going on on your machines. So far it seems like it only happens on 2-core CPUs.
  14. I'll take a look tonight. The problem is that this mod uses all available CPU cores, and I've got 12 of them (6 cores + HT) so it would be hard for me to judge if there is a difference... I'll figure something out.
  15. I've uploaded version 1.0.4. Download here: https://bitbucket.org/asmi/ksp/downloads/LifeSupportMod.1.0.4.zip Here's what's going on - they way system estimated time with regenerators on is that it measures a flow of oxygen between two updates and divides total oxygen amount onboard by that number. This system works good for all circumstances except one - when regenerator produced more oxygen that it's consumed by the crew (and as such, oxygen flow is positive) - in this case the system can't really tell how long will it last since as far as it's concerned, it's infinite. So I've corrected display to indicate if positive flow is detected.
  16. I gotta say that that BobCat's regenerator model looks just awesome Small teaser for you guys - BobCat is going to continue his work on HOME, and it will include some modules to interface with my ECLSS mod. Stay tuned!
  17. Can you please elaborate? My tests indicate that everything is OK. Please note that it's gonna show the same amount while in atmosphere.
  18. Hmm. Can you please check your log file if there is something suspicious going on? Default amount of O2 in capsules is intended for suborbital to short orbital flights (to shuttle crew to/from the station for example). Anything beyond that requires additional tanks. Regenerator is only really needed for interplanetary trips and for off-world bases.
  19. Please somebody try new build with any of "problematic" mods and let me know it it works now or not.
  20. The purpose of pods having CO2 is so they could at some point dock to station/larger vessel that would have regenerator, and dump CO2 there to be reprocessed. So it's basically a buffer tank.
  21. I didn't really paid too much attention to balancing at this moment as I fell it's more important to stabilize technology first, but to your point conversion O2 -> CO2 happens with 1:0.73 relation to maintain total mass (and obey the laws of physics )
  22. Ok, guys I've just uploaded version 1.0.3 which hopefully fixes these hangs. You can download it here: https://bitbucket.org/asmi/ksp/downloads/LifeSupportMod.1.0.3.zip Just in case I'll screw something up even more, old versions are available here: https://bitbucket.org/asmi/ksp/downloads
  23. So you call it "realizm". Let's imagine what it would look like: kerbals are spending all their time sitting on the pan peeing and taking a dump (since you say that waste and waster water is constantly being generated), while at the same time eating and drinking (for the same reason as above). Maybe I'll need to ask BobCat to replace seats in Soyuz with toilet seats? Ok, back to business: I most certainly will add more resources later on, but I still want to keep the system simple and accessible by normal people, not just nerds like me or you The biggest problem is the amount of micromanagement - even current mod is getting troublesome once you've got over 20 missions in progress an the same time all over the solar system, with your additions it would become a nightmare much faster. I would like to add new gameplay mechanics, and new resources will be added to faciliate that mechanic, not the other way around. I would like to avoid having users carry three different kinds of oxygen (which is essentially what you're proposing, with food, water being just a different kind of resource that kerbals consume) just for the sake of carrying three different resources instead of one. And think about if would be comfortable managing 20 missions at the same time - with all that micromanagement, it might become your full time job instead of, you know, actually progressing with the mission.
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