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Everything posted by asmi

  1. Found a bug - if you surface-attach fuel tanks (I used Stretchy tanks) to existing tank (that is in stack), you can't change any fuel or anything else in those surface-attached tanks.
  2. Thank you! Installed and gonna give it a go.
  3. One thing I've noticed is that now scaled-space texture doesn't match the actual terrain, so you might want to consider making your own 8K texture for universe replacer so it would match updated terrain.
  4. Actually it does towards end of boosters operation to keep acceleration under 4G - this is a part of Russian man-rating requirements. Soyuz-U rocket puts up to 5G at the end of boosters burn.
  5. That "C-like" language is actually Cg (which is Nvidia's take on GLSL).
  6. DON'T. Now he does what he wants, if he joins Squad he'll do what he will be told to do.
  7. No you can't, because just about avery control system looks after velocity as well, not just altitude like MJ does.
  8. Please keep in mind that FloatCurve can use 4-floats keys (two additional values being in- and out-tangents)
  9. I throttled down a bit after 0.4M until boosters sep. Gradual gravity turn right after liftoff, up to around 50°, once Ap reached ~180 km went horizontal and stayed that way all the way until 3rd stage cutoff. MJ sucks big time
  10. Yea, I've got the same problem with fairings - they stuck after decoupling, and only detached once I released the spacecraft in orbit. Oh, and the rocket is very overpowered now - it inserted the Soyuz to 250x1200 km orbit.
  11. Everything except IVA is already implemented and as per BobCat (he is one of the testers) works as it should. As for IVA, we can't figure out how to put a panel inside IVA view since I had no experience with IVA whatsoever, but BobCat is trying to resolve that issue as we speak. And he is also doing all the balancing work, to make sure all vessels won't kill their crew right after they leave atmosphere, but at the same time there will be no "magic part" that you need to put on and forget about that problem. All resources will eventually end, and you'll have to replenish them sooner or later. There are also plans to add collision damage with oxygen leaks that follows, solar radiation, and many other things - but that will follow after we release initial version. Also some parts of that mod will be released separately as well as frameworks so other mod devs could use it to implement other things that should happen even when vessel is inactive. Imagine Kethane scanner sats that work all the time, or multiple science sats beaming data to your main research vessel which processes it and displays some sort of summary. Hell, even real GPS analogue could be created - the possibilities are endless! I just need to brush it up a bit and prepare for release.
  12. That's because Nathan didn't add a complete fix. Specifically, this part: EditorLogic.fetch.editorBounds.extents *= 10.0f;
  13. I'm not offended at all. I'm just saying that BobCat approached me and gave me specific requirements he wanted ECLSS mod to have so he could include it in his pack. If such mod already exist (and I just don't know about it, which is totally possible given the total amount of mods we've got), I'll just recommend him to use it. And my post was not aimed to take a swing on anyone either, it just lists things that I had to deal with and find a way to implement, that I haven't seen being implemented anywhere else and only listed as "plans". I didn't just tell him that it's impossible, I just busied myself with figuring out a way to do that and succeded.
  14. How about a life support that works on all vessels, all the time, regardless of wether it's active or not? How about taking vessel ECLSS resources from the ship once crewmember goes to EVA (and returning unused resources as well as generated CO2 upon return to the vessel)? How about adding ECLSS-related indicators to IVA? How about renenerators that work regardless of vessel being active or not? How about electricity being generated (or not, if vessel is in shadow) regardless of vessel being active or not so that renegerators would be able to work? Now can you please show me ECLSS mod that does ALL of this? If you will, I'll just recommend BobCat to use it and terminate my own development. Up until this moment, all I've heard about these things is that they are impossible to do, but that is not what anybody calling himself(or herself) an engineer can say as it's nothing short of confession of incompetence.
  15. Oh trust me, you don't want me to rush it Besides I've already committed all spare time I've got to that project for the past 2 weeks. It's hard to figure out how to do things that has never been done before
  16. Here is a fix for that problem (it greatly increases camera movements and allows to pass through the roof of VAB): [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.EditorVAB, false)] public class VABExpanderModule : MonoBehaviour { public void Start() { EditorLogic.fetch.editorBounds.extents *= 10.0f; var vabCam = EditorLogic.fetch.editorCamera.GetComponent<VABCamera>(); vabCam.maxHeight *= 10.0f; vabCam.maxDistance *= 10.0f; } } Resizing the actual VAB model is quite involved now as it's not a single model anymore, but a whole concert of models, so that part needs additional work. Please make sure to test it out before releasing as I came up with this code in like 2 minutes and didn't really test it (I mean I did check that it actually expands camera movement limits, but not sure about anything else). Specifically it needs to be checked if editor actually saves that information and as such there is no need to increase it every time player gets into VAB.
  17. Guess how do I know that he's gonna like it? That's 'cause I'm working on that mod
  18. I have no idea. I guess they will be...eventually... if I'll manage to clear this with BobCat. You have to understand that as a creator he holds all rights to them and so can put forth whatever terms and conditions he feels are appropriate for his ends. Oh, and this "pack" is going to contain not just "huge engines" - some upper stage engines as well. They seem "huge" because, unlike all other BobCat's mods, there are done with 1:1 scale (instead of usual 64%).
  19. Yea I agree it looks kinda funky. Can you try asking in proc fairing thread, maybe they would be able to help you out? I very rarely use them for interstages since they tend to spam staging list and confuse me what and when is being decoupled.
  20. BobCat had told me that he will add autoshroud later to all engines, so I didn't bother adding it myself And simple tip - if shroud gets into the way of inter-stage struts, make your fuel tanks just a little bit wider (I assume you use stretchy tanks), and struts should fit with no problems and obstacles. In my case RD-171M that sits on the first stage is a bit wider than 3.75 m tank (so I've made whole first stage tank wider to match engine size), so for me it worked out very well - second stage is exactly 3.75 m, while first is a bit wider (you can see that if you'll look at 3.75m decoupler from KW Rocketry pack). Speaking of which - we need to have stretchy decouplers Oh, and don't forget to put on some separatrons (I use ullage motors from KW Rocketry) because of that struts-killing-decouple-force bug decoupler won't push your stack away from lower stage.
  21. Use heavy struts from KW Rocketry pack, strut stages to each other, and strut decoupler to the lower stage. Like this: It's rock solid!
  22. This does sound a bit fishy. Would you please share the config files for them so I could try it out? Soyuz flies on kida unusual trajectory from most of other LVs.
  23. These engines were made for me (right now these include NK-33/43, RD-171M, RD-180 and RD-191, and there will be more of them, to a total of 10) by BobCat on a condition that they won't be publicly distributed. I'm allowed to give them to other people as long as they agree to not redistribute them. I know that it sounds kinda weird, but I would've agreed on whatever terms if that would allow me to get my hands on these masterpieces. Just look at this:
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