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Everything posted by asmi

  1. You haven't actually tried that, have you? Because if you would have, you'd know that that's exactly what happens.
  2. You can view resources "balance" for inactive vessels by selecting them in the map view and clicking "Resources" button in ECLSS window - try warping around to see what it's like during the sunlight and in shadow. It would also help me a lot if you post the .craft file for your sat (without LV please, only the sat itself), and the save file where it's in orbit, so I could check what's going on. Oh, and it does calculate shadowing for every vessel, but it's doesn't take into account solar panels orientation - it always assumes they are in attitude for max power generation, since here I hit limitations of the way KSP works (and keeping in mind that you can't actually maintain attitude for inactive vessels so non-sun-tracking vessels would have big problems with power generation). Of course this is a bit of simplification, but I'm ok to accept that one since the alternative - not having that ability at all - is worse IHMO.
  3. Thanks a lot! I'll take a look tomorrow after work and make a release.
  4. You might want to check out this paper on subject: http://www-ljk.imag.fr/Publications/Basilic/com.lmc.publi.PUBLI_Inproceedings@117681e94b6_1e9c7f4/clouds.pdf
  5. I don't have remote vision and as such I can't possibly know what's happening on your computer, unless you tell me and provide logs.
  6. No I didn't include any support for them because I don't use them myself, and I'm way too busy with RL now to deal with that. Hopefully I'll get back on it in the coming days...
  7. And exactly what do you expect me to do after reading that your post?
  8. That is known issue. Delete the one from BobCat's packs, and leave only LifeSupport that you can download here.
  9. I'm using old 1.3, but if you have 1.5 installed, don't install 1.3.
  10. That's gonna make it for one hell of a ride for the payload though - at 170 tonnes of thrust it will push 1 tonne payload at ~150Gs I'd advise you using RD-0124 instead (used in third stage of real Soyuz-2.1b LV), or, if you want more effeciency - at a price of larger fuel tanks, use HydroLOx-powered RD-0146.
  11. Version 1.0.12 is up. Fixed going into EVA without resources if none of parts have LifeSupportModule. Download here: https://bitbucket.org/asmi/ksp/downloads/LifeSupportMod.1.0.12.zip
  12. Actually ask any astronaut/cosmonaut what's the scariest part of the spaceflight, and he/she will no doubt tell you "ride home".
  13. Yes there are plan to add them later down the line. But before I do that I want to mare sure the plugin is rock solid, and doesn't contain any bugs.
  14. Please read this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/58127-0-22-asmi-s-ECLSS-Mod-%28current-version-1-0-10%29-Life-Support-Mod?p=800671&viewfull=1#post800671
  15. Yes, the problem is that there is no life support part module anywhere on the vessel. I'll see what I can do about it tonight.
  16. No such system couldn't exist in real life. So you're saying is that you've got hours to play the game, but you don't have ~15 minutes to make config for yourself? In my world this is called "being lazy"
  17. Try this version: https://bitbucket.org/asmi/ksp/downloads/LifeSupportMod.1.0.11.zip and let me know if it helps or not.
  18. Did you notice any other odd behavior on that vessel? Check if ECLSS display shows accurate information (or even any at all). I see this in your log: OverflowException: Resulting timespan is too big. That is very suspicious. Did you make any manual modifications?
  19. OMG! You DO understand the difference between proposal and real hardware, right? The name RD-0146 was in the tender name, and as such there were multiple bids from different companies. The winner is KBHA who is actually building them now (not Khrunichev). The "non-cooled nozzle section made of carbon composite material" is fixed nozzle installed during integration into LV. Take a look at this picture: On the left is what engine looks like as it leaves production facility. Note the lack of that carbon nozzle extension. On the right is what engine looks like when integrated into the stage. Do you see any extendable nozzle?
  20. I've already told you like 5 times that RD-0146 doesn't have extendable nozzles. Please read this: http://www.lpre.de/resources/articles/AIAA-2006-4904_RD0146.pdf and stop spreading incorrect information.
  21. First of all, RCS uses monoropellant, and it can't be hypergolic by definition (hypergolic assumes at least two components). Second, Soyuz DM uses hydrogen peroxide as RCS fuel, which is neither toxic nor corrosive.
  22. Allright, version 1.0.10 is out now! Flags and EVAs shall not cause any slowdowns anymore! Download here: https://bitbucket.org/asmi/ksp/downloads/LifeSupportMod.1.0.10.zip Big thanks to Donziboy2 for helping me to get to the bottom of the issue!
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