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Everything posted by asmi

  1. Can you please do me another favor - go into config file for that mod, and remove all underscores from part name (name attribute), save it and try again. My guess is it will work just fine.
  2. Can you please post a save file with minimal version + list of mods so I could install them on my dev instance and check out what's going on? I have a theory on what's going on, but I need to double-check
  3. Thank you! I will eventually - now I'm too busy with fixing bugs If somebody would volunteer to make such configs for MM, I' be glad to include them in the pack. Each kerbal need 550 liters of oxygen per 24 hrs (this is now much a human needs for that period, so it's not just a random number ) That volume of oxygen weighs 0.7865 kg (again it's based on real-life oxygen density of 1.43 gr per liter at normal pressure). So you can run the numbers I could probably add simple calculator to VAB/SPH to help out with this number-crunching, but I assume that users of that mod are able to use regular calculator All these numbers assume that regenerator is not running, so it gives you a firm "no less than" number. Regenerator can multiply that time by a factor of 10 or so (don't remember exact balancing numbers I used).
  4. Still - I do see tons of exceptions coming from Kethane in the log file. Can you please do me a favor and run an experiment? This at least would give me a direction to dig further...
  5. Thank you for helping me out to kill off any bugs the mod might have!
  6. Right now only by resupply, so you finally have a reason to fly resupply missions Once the vessel is inside breatheable atmosphere, kerbals don't consume any oxygen/generate CO2, so they don't really need any oxygen onboard. Right now once existing CO2 tanks are filled, any excess CO2 generated is dumped overboard. The only purpose for CO2 tanks is to keep it for reprocessing back to O2 using regenerator later. Yes, I don't do any calculations while user is in VAB/SPH, although when you are on the Space Center/Tracking Station screens, time goes as normal and hence my mod does the calculations and everything behaves as if you're in normal game - except that any notifications are suppressed until you enter flight mode.
  7. Thank you! Looking at the log file, I don't see anything wrong there. Can you please share your save file as well (and list all modpacks you're using so I could load it up) - maybe it's related to some specific parts you're using?
  8. Well at first I'd like to stabilize the mod and fix all the issues people are getting. Although unfortunate, this is normal process with new software, and I really appreciate any feedback, bug submissions and especially log files. I'm also going to see if it's possible to add my ECLSS IVA module to other pods without directly modifying their config files (which is something I try to avoid). As for mid-term goals, currently myself and BobCat are at the planning stage (== at the drawing board) to introduce completely new gameplay mechanisms that will finally give a purpose to probes and science parts beyond just staring at the numbers, and these mechanims will affect life support.
  9. Zip it up and put it to some sharing sites (Dropbox, mediafire, etc.). Thanks!
  10. Yes, that's exactly what it means. And yes, they can also breathe on Laythe provided that they are at altitude lower than 25% of atmosphere height (don't remember exactly what the number is). Yes and no - CO2 to O2 reprocessing have some losses, so sooner or later you'll run out of oxygen no matter how many regenerators you bring. So try to bring just enough to have a slightly negative O2 balance (you can use "Resources" window in map view to aid you in finding that out).
  11. The log file you've provided is full of exceptions coming from Kethane mod. Can you please try temporary deleting it and checking if problem persists? It could be some sort of interoperability issue. Another thing is - in order to not spend valueable CPU cycles in the main thread that processes he physics, I've moved majority for calculations to other threads so your other cores finally have something useful to do. But that also means that until that part is perfected, there might be some issues.
  12. Initially I was going to leave empty suit floating around, but then opted to destroy it along with kerbal as empty suits floating around sounded too gross
  13. Thank you! I was trying to balance realism with gameplay-related considerations, so I opted not to overcomplicate it as to not detract less hardcore users. Quoting BobCat in this regard, "if you want to have to manually lead kerbals to take a dump, play Sims instead" To be honest I didn't even think of it! Probably we could make small tanks available at 2 level (about the time average player starts performing orbital flights, as capsules contain enough supply of oxygen for suborbital flights). Large tanks needs to be made available somewhere after 3man pod becomes available. As for renegerator, I'd consider it "high-tech" piece and made it avaialable pretty late into the tree. Thank you! I would like to thank all users from Russian subforum who participated in discussion regarding gameplay for this mod. In its' design we were trying to strike a balance between adding more realism while not detracting not-so-hardcore users, but it's up to users to judge on how successful this attempt is. Yes this is intended, as these modules are meant to be a part of larger structures, and as such, ECLSS functions need to be elsewhere on that vessel/station. That is what happens when BobCat does the modelling - only top-notch quality!
  14. it's output_log.txt in KSP_Data folder. But before you do that, please take the update from my stand-alone release of mod and see if that resolved your issue. See here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/58127-asmi-s-ECLSS-Mod-(current-version-1-0-2)
  15. Please let me introduce you to my very own ECLSS mod. Features: - From now on each crewmember consumes oxygen and produce carbon dioxide, once they are outside breathable atmosphere (14km for Kerbin). - Crew can not live without oxygen outside of breatheable atmosphere, and as such, they will die a horrible death if you won't supply them with sufficient supply of oxygen. - Just in case worse comes to worst, crew can use O2 candles as emergency source of oxygen. But they won't last long, and they are HEAVY, so don't rely on them. Each capsule contains few of them. - Contain oxygen regenerator, which could be used to reprocess some of CO2 back into oxygen. Consumes a considerable amount of electricity, so be prepared to supply it. - From now on, when kerbal goes onto EVA, he takes RCS and oxygen from vessel's tanks. Upon return, any excess resources are returned to vessel tanks. Be careful - if there is no RCS onboard, kerbal might not be able to return to the vessel!!! - If you'll forget about that, system will notify you once oxygen level lowers below caution or warning threshholds. These thresholds could be modified on per-vessel basis, by default they are 25% and 5% of onboard capacity. - GUI added to just about any screen, which displays current O2/CO2 levels. In the Map and Tracking Station views, you can view that information for any vessel without having to switch to it. There is also summary screen which list all your vessels and essential ECLSS-related information about them. - Package includes configuration file for ModuleManager that adds life support-related resources. - Package also includes tanks for both oxygen and CO2, and regenerator, cortesy of awesome BobCat. - and the KILLER FEATURE: ALL OF THAT is happenning AT ALL TIMES, FOR ALL VESSELS, INCLUDING INACTIVE, even when you are at the Space Center, or Tracking Station. Download here: https://bitbucket.org/asmi/ksp/downloads/LifeSupportMod.1.0.15.zip Installation instructions are as usual - unpack contents into your KSP root folder. License is included in installation package. Source code is available here: https://bitbucket.org/asmi/ksp/src/default/KerbalPlugins/LifeSupport
  16. To everybody who has some problems: Since my very own remote mind reader is on vacation, I can't know what's going on on your computers unless you provide me a log file!
  17. This is RSA/ESA's response to "Gravity" movie This is not a Hollywood, it's a real thing! But to be honest, this is not the first public video of reentry - there were several before it - they just didn't receive such publicity.
  18. This is a backup O2 generation system that would keep your crew alive for a little while after all the rest of oxygen is gone. It's purposefully not included in any times calculations since you're not supposed to rely on it for your mission. Besides it's just silly because those candles weigh 300 times the weight of oxygen they produce. It can be used manually (via "Consume Reserve" button in ECLSS window), although I'd highly advise against it since they would be used automatically once oxygen is depleted without any user intervention. Each candle generates enough oxygen for a single kerbal to survive for 6 hours.
  19. Ok, guys, like it usually happens, I've found a serious bug that could hang KSP. You can get a hotfix here: https://bitbucket.org/asmi/ksp/downloads/LifeSupportMod.1.0.1.zip To install, unpack it inside GameData folder. BobCat - please update the version in your pack.
  20. I've got an idea on how to go about that. Let's meet in GTalk sometime and discuss it.
  21. It never crashed for me - and I had it running for like half a day...
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