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Everything posted by asmi

  1. Wow - I was really lucky I've come across this post. Can you please include this instruction somewhere where any user would be able to find it? Or better yet, set it up automatically (based on Kerbin/Earth radius for example)? Anyways I've like to thank you for great mod! Thanks to you my orbital insertion stages to longer litter 200km circ orbits
  2. That depends on where the "ears" are so to speak. If they are inside the vessel, than sound waves travel through vessel structure with no problems (infact speed of sound in most metals is FAR higher than in air - we're talking like 20 times higher).
  3. What makes you think that Roskosmos had that goal? Remember it's governmental agency funded by Russian taxpayers, so their primary concern is making sure they understand the information. Everybody else is of no concern most of the time. At least the numbers themselves are easy to understand, unlike NASA's reports with miles and pounds instead of normal units...
  4. Soyuz does ~124 m/s dV deorbit burn, to bring orbit to about -2 km x 420 km.
  5. I seriously doubt there was fuel starvation. Because when it happens engines tend to explode due to excess amount of oxidiser, which turns fuel-rich mixture in combustion chamber (which is nominal for Merlins) into oxygen-rich, which so far only RD-1xx and NK-x3 can withstand (and even they can handle it only in very specific conditions). This is why most engines have built-in safety system which shuts it down if fuel flow is insufficient to maintain safe mixture ratio. Rocket engines don't work like your regular internal combustion ones, so analogies do not apply.
  6. NASA's biggest problem is that it's controlled by politicians who's real goals have very little to do with space exploration (if any at all).
  7. It's the other way around - SSME's were lit before SRBs because one they are lit there's no coming back.
  8. Soyuz abort system has 6 different abort modes depending on MET, which cover all the way into orbit.
  9. Here is the one from Roscosmos official YT channel, seems to be of higher quality, and with sound!!!
  10. It depends on how do you define "the most". AFAIK booster engine, avionics and payload interface are made by Energia corp in Russia, and I'd argue that LV can't function without those (so no independence). But it all doesn't matter now, because it's not "being made" in Ukraine. Not anymore. Two LVs which are slated for launches are already in Baikonur. I'd count Angara LV family as all-Russian tech.
  11. Zenit uses Russian-made RD-171M and as such it simply can't fly without Russia being involved. Boeing partnership with Energia to create Sea Launch initially was supposed to market both Atlas-V and Zenit, but they couldn't find customers for AV as Zenit undercut it price-wise pretty much across the board. This all was a product of 90s, with a lot of these things were done for political reasons, and not purely commercial. There are two Zenit launches lined up AFAIK, and both of these will lift Russian payloads from Baikonur. And after that it's probably done, which is a shame as this LV has a lot of potential for improvements. On topic - Energia was great because if was a fully functional LV in it's own right, unlike Space Shuttle. But it was too expensive, and I suspect it still would be too expensive even if it would exist today. BTW - it was able to send 40 mT to the Moon/Mars without any additional upper stages if timed just right for direct burn-to-escape.
  12. ISS modules and parts were designed for zero-G, the station doesn't have the structural integrity to stay in one piece under 1G, so ~8Gs of re-entry would crush it for certain even if we somehow manage to fire-proof it from the re-entry heating. Boosting it to higher orbit is also risky, as the higher you go the higher chances are it will be hit by something. Case in point - when ISS orbit was raised from Shuttle-era lower orbit (~320 km if I remember correctly) into current higher one(~410 km), amount of DAMs (debris avoidance manoeuvres) doubled. That's because low orbits are "self-cleaning" meaning stuff doesn't stay there for long, while in high orbits debris can stay for years with only the minimal orbital decay. Leaving it under control (to track debris and perform DAMs as neccessary) would require to keep MCC up and running, which cost money.
  13. By the way, modders can do whatever they want, and nobody has any rights to tell them what to do and what not to do.
  14. RealFuels supports setting up thrust curves for SRBs for a long time. However there is no GUI for that atm - you've gotta do it via config-editing.
  15. That's true, but AMD still sucks when it comes to high-end systems (and their drivers sucks too). Intel i7 + NV 970/980/980Ti/Titan X is the high end nowadays. It's been a long time since I've seen hi-end gaming system powered by AMD stuff.
  16. 32GB with 4 slots available for another 32GB should the need arise (it never did for 2 years I have this system).
  17. NVidia Titan X here! But I don't play KSP nowadays as much as I used to
  18. It can do 4-orbit rendezvous even without both solar arrays, using onboard batteries only.
  19. No need. RealFuels mod already have this functionality built-in for quite some time. The only thing that's missing is GUI to edit thrust curve (you gotta do that via config).
  20. Take a look here: https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Orbital_elements - - - Updated - - - What's 500? Correct formula is this: SMA = (Ap + Pe + 2* RefBodyRadius) / 2. The result will be in same units as input values are.
  21. And they can, but the user will still need to confirm that he actually read updated EULA and agreed with it - otherwise the user will still be bound only by old EULA. This is a reason online games always display EULA to players after they have been updated. But this obviously won't work for offline games.
  22. Every US engineer and scientist I ever talked to uses metric system at work. In common life even over here in Canada some things are still customarily measured in imperial units - for example in any bar you would order x pounds of chicken wings, a pitcher of beer, and so on. In the store you will be understood if you order either way (1 kg or 2 lbs of beef), and in most major stores there is a conversion table hanging usually at the meats department.
  23. I can't say for sure about other countries, but in Canada and US in order to claim a violation, a plaintiff has to prove there was damage (i.e. financial loss of some sort) done to him. Since people making gazillion of copies are doing so for their own personal use, I can't see a way to succeed in proving any damage is done (they've purchased KSP already, and it's not like they will buy more copies - if it's at all possible in Steam).
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