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Daddy Cecil

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Everything posted by Daddy Cecil

  1. Not to burst your bubble, but I do in fact believe that everyone knows this. Maybe someone could make a KSP Tips/Tricks guide with this in it.
  2. Also is it just me or did all of the original Beta crew die? EDIT: "GRAND TOUR PARTS" folder looks awfully suspicious...
  3. I'd say KSP would get an "E" rating. Then again there is the ESRB's pseudo policy on mods: "Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB" From what I can see on their site, this includes chat, mods, maps, skins, etc.
  4. Hey czo, can you give me the .craft file for the AMU 1.0/2.0? I've been having trouble making an AMU design that can successfully land and lift off with a Kethane cargo.
  5. Hi, I would like to request another flag. I was thinking of the flag of the Spanish Monarchy during the height of the Age of Exploration. What I was thinking was the famous Cross of Burgundy: Also, could you make it with the wavy effect of the Minimalist/Default flags?
  6. OMG that is awesome! thank u very much!
  7. @sal_vager: you do realize the OP hasnt been touched for over 2 months? Why should an ancient thread be given fanart thread of the month over a more updated one? The reason this thread is now here is because some dude necro'd it. But i must say, this is nice work, even if it hasnt been touched since June.
  8. Oh, could you maybe make me a flag like this:
  9. Just going to go ahead and bump this, because I think others would enjoy doing this challenge. Also OP maybe forgot about this.
  10. Anyone else thinking that Mir-2 had something to do with that weird sattelite in Chapter 22?
  11. Anyone know if this will work with .21? If not, probably when I come back it will be updated
  12. Since the implementation of seats, and if you had a little probe with a seat on it, with a kerbal on it, it would go out of control. So I dug around persistence files and found out how much the little green men weigh. name = kerbalEVA mass = 0.09375 In other words, they are 93.7 kilograms. Who would have thought that kerbals weigh this much? So to balance out probes with seats, put a weight of .09 mass units on the opposite side. P.S. I want someone to make a weights mod
  13. Since its called Whack a rover, I used Whack-a-Kerbal (ofc) and it was pretty resilient to default settings.
  14. I think the new SAS/ASAS features will most definetly break saves; as every command pod uses SAS torque, and it's being completely revamped, I see it is going to break saves.
  15. Like the "Ol' Boom Boom" Orion pulse drive in third pic.
  16. Bill looks like he's about to puke.
  17. You might wanna update the crew status, as Mal had a heart attack (i think, or something)
  18. Or, instead of all these can Laythe exist in the real world questions, the Kerbol system is in an alternate dimension, an alternate universe with alternate physics system, elements, etc. No doubt from the resource update teasers you've gotten such puns on real elements like "Blutonium." So we can safely say that Kerbals are in an alternate dimension; they're in a video game for crying out loud!
  19. How... I don't even... Anyway grats for making KSP weekly!
  20. I used a fuel tank (FL-T100) which costs 110 (i will nominally name their currency Kux) and it holds 45 liquid fuel; the Rockomax 48-7S which is a stack mounted version of the Rockomax 24-77, costs 300 Kux, and our beloved MechJeb (550 Kux). Those were all the modded parts I had; the total racked up to 4330 Kux for the Mun mission
  21. Can we use part packs, ex. KSPX pack? (it's an addition to stock parts, filling in the voids) Or even B9?
  22. Sorry for the ultra-necro, but the attachments don't seem to want to work; it's only 1 pixel.
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