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Everything posted by WhiteWeasel

  1. Is there any tutorials on how to make flags? There is a request a flag thread but it has long since died. Being able to do your own flag would be really cool becaause A) Means you'll get it the way you want if it's beyond symbol on X background color, You don't have to deal with the awkwardness of telling the person that did work for you for free something is off about the flag.
  2. So I wouldn't say I'm new to modding, but I am definitely not experienced in it. And well I'm guessing KSP modding is a tad different than Space Engineers modding. So I guess to start off small I'd like to rebalance some of the stock engines. Sure I could edit the part values, but how do I make that into a downloadable mod for others to use? I also heard contracts are easy to implement. So far I have downloaded or in the process of downloading the tools I need. And well for a simple mod like this what do I need?
  3. Also is there a mod that lets you make action groups in flight?
  4. So far here is what I have gone with: KAS KW rocketry (stripped out everything but the fairings) Joolian discovery (Stripped out everything but the cool cockpit it had) Mechjeb TAC lifesupport NEAR DRE Universal storage + TAC and KAS add-ons Near future Solar and Space craft Cacteye Orbital Telescopes Kerbal alarm Clock Raster Propmonitor DMagic Orbital science Editor extensions Nav Hud Station parts expansion Taurus HCV Texture Replacer Universe Replacer Transfer Window planner Trajectories Calculator Though I think I will drop scansat onto that list. So far I have been liking my modded career mode. Universal storage is one of my favorites.
  5. In my experience the ruggedized wheels are more likely to get ripped off if they pop. The M1s are more forgiving if you get a flat while moving.
  6. Try a clean re install I had the same bug too. And double check the readme pdf.
  7. Just a question, is this science mod standalone or meant to work in tandem with other ones? As in would you add [scientific instrument here], or not because another mod already has one?
  8. I didn't know what went wrong so I nuked the gamedata folder and re-installed it. The weird thing is that is just did it as the readme said like before, now it works fine.
  9. CONFIRMED! I Stripped out all the other mods and took a universal structure (not the DM magic one) solar collector and attached it node to node on a US octo core and the kraken attacked shortly after launch.
  10. I ditched universe replacer and the old modile manger and it did nothing. On the upside When I attempted undock my munar module on my appolo style ship, the CM worked just fine and mun lander was the one that bugged out. It used the the universal structure parts and DMagic science. One part that catches my eye is the Solar Particle Collector (the one without the casing from US). In the VAB once I placed it I could not click on it again and I can't access it in flight either. It might be the kraken bait.
  11. So I think I have discovered a new breed of kraken. As the title suggests when it happens (not always visible) a strut get insanely long, the camera pans super far out at unnatural angles, and phantom forces in the form of excessive g-forces happen. Mods, all installed in the past 3 days: KAS KW rocketry (stripped out everything but the fairings) Joolian discovery (Stripped out everything but the cool cockpit it had) Mechjeb TAC lifesupport NEAR DRE Universal storage + TAC and KAS add-ons Near future Solar and Space craft Cacteye Orbital Telescopes Kerbal alarm Clock Raster Propmonitor DMagic Orbital science Editor extensions Nav Hud Station parts expansion Taurus HCV Texture Replacer Universe Replacer Transfer Window planner Trajectories Calculator Module managers 2.1.5. & 2.5.1. Output log
  12. I've only managed to skim though this thread, but I was wondering if it is possible to add a multiple branch or radial tech tree? I think it would really cool because allow you to research multiple "subjects" at once so you don't have issue of aircraft showing up after rockets, because you just simply explored the rocket branch first. As for the branch configuration I think four branches should suffice. Say one for general rocketry, mainly fuel tanks and engines. One for aircraft, wings, fairings, parachutes etc... The third for structure and command. Structural parts, command pods, decouplers etc... and the fourth for science and electronics. Power generation, science instruments, rover parts, electric and nuclear engines.
  13. One of my first Mun rockets. I'm amazed to think I got there on such a piece of junk.
  14. Oh that's why, I was confused at first because I dropped a copy of it into editor extensions.
  15. Shameless plug, An ingame method to share mods, saves, and .craft files. I kinda did a thread like this a while back but, It was locked since I moved it to a discussion, and now that discussion is long dead. So here is, I think we should adopt space engineers' sharing system with curse.com as our "workshop" since not all KSP installs are on steam.Space engineers knocked it out of the park for mod support. I should provide an argument, but the video speaks for itself. No more ram issues as this system only loads the mod if it is enabled in that specific save. Might mean you have to spend longer waiting if you hop in between saves a lot as it would have to reload some mods, but frankly it would be worth it. Also no more giant parts list for those who have many mods installed. Mods would auto update like any patch on steam, .craft files on the workshop, auto downloading the needed mods when firing up a published save file, if a mod does not work, the game gives the option to load anyways, but delete the offending parts, keeping ships and worlds loadable.... Using mods in SE is so easy now, you would be hard-pressed to find a stock purist. I'm not sure how hard this would be from a coding standpoint, but unless there is a serious issue that makes it too difficult to add, I think it would be a great idea. Not to mention sharing .craft files would be so easy, so no more drop box or mediafire hassle. Sure easier ways to put up a ship might mean we see a lot of junk, but that is why there should be a rating system, as well as predefined set of tags to use that are like steams popular user defined tags to prevent people spamming every tag so their ship is seen more often. Or alternatively, a limit of 5 tags plus the user defined ones. Watch to (3:00)
  16. NVM, I though it was it's own life support mod, that was compatible balanced based of of tac, but it actually runs in tandem with it.
  17. Planes that look like planes and rockets that look like rockets. Elaborate. NEAR is a stripped down version of FAR, how is it harder with DRE? Also the OP says it does not support KSP .25. As for life support just slap on as many as you can? Is there a way to plot out how much you need for X kerbals for Y duration?
  18. So I'm also looking at some realism mods. Though I'm not sure if I'm ready for them yet. I was looking at Deadly reentry, NEAR, and TAC LS? Any guides on how to use them?
  19. Hey, I keep getting blue textures on a lot of your items, did I not do something correctly? EDIT: Thanks!
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