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ixolate industries

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Everything posted by ixolate industries

  1. Judging by the Pics the four kerbals are actually inside the fuel MK2 tank. Have you ever encountered any problems with this? Can i have a craft file as well please? I'd like to see how you made it look like it did.
  2. I know you intended to send that up all at once but it would probably be better if you sent up that station in pieces for two resons: A- the station as a whole doesn't have to be self supporting. B- with this you could probably make it even bigger.
  3. This may not seem very close but this is a large plane and the cargo bay was level with the control tower windows while at the same time the wing was just over the antennae on the roof. Sadly this screenshot was taken just before the main bulk of the plane passed by the tower. Due to the bulk of the plane it certainly wasn't going very fast but it makes up for that speed in sheer size. Anyway this six turbojet giant would certainly have woken a few dozy air traffic controllers. Here it is landed.
  4. What would the purpose be? Would it be to protect the rovers during the landing or would it be for maintenance of the rover with modular interchangeable parts. I am uncertain what its function would be can you possibly clarify? This does seem to be a nice challenge.
  5. Have you thought of adding flaps like this: with one control surface on top as well as the one in the usual place It often helps with large less maneuverable planes of this type and isn't too unrealistic to what you get on these planes in real life. By the way nice looking design.
  6. Its not really my place to say but although I think it would look very cool I don't think that It would really be very high In the developer's priorities right now as only a limited number of people with adequate computers would be able to have this without lag. For something with no real purpose other than to look nice the price in performance doesn't seem worth it. I could be completely wrong if there is a way to create these effects without lag in which case Ignore this reply But to impliment something like this: seems difficult without lag.
  7. Nice design, there are so many things that can go wrong with a plane but yours did actually succeed in getting to the North pole so although it could be improved with all those little tricks it seems to function well enough. Have you thought of making a rescue plane with more fuel to save Jeb so he's not stranded there?
  8. I use this kind of system on most of my crazy prototypes but the idea of docking ports on the back for re-usability is a good one.
  9. The ASAS system has been changed so I would expect stuff like this to happen more often with those things.
  10. Sorry to anybody who has read this post with this misleading title ,my younger sibling decided that it would be a good idea to Post his control tower on the forums using my acount. I have now removed this post. However since I can't remove this thread now I will re-purpose it as a repository for the best of my designs. Starting with this high altitude jet called the Kormarin Last time I tested it it reached a top speed of over 1300 m/s and an altitude of 24,000 before flaming out. Sorry again.
  11. firegeek83 I used 8 lvn's on that particular version. It made it to low Duna orbit without cargo and with fuel to spare. Next time though I think I will make a more specialized version with two ships carrying different cargo. Veeltch I liked your DAV Triton I have yet to try making anything like it but I feel I probably will when I set up my permanent base. As for not melting my computer I tried to keep the part count to a minimal so any unnecessary parts like rcs thrusters were left behind with their respective delivery vehicles.
  12. What exactly is the issue with it because we can only really offer basic tips and hints until then. Try starting quite small, that design you have is very large compared to any thing I use even for rovers like that. Perhaps it would be wise to remove some of those structural fuselages and replace them with fuel tanks or large girders Example sky cranes Also if you want to stick to your original design then i would advise sending the payload up after your sky crane then rendezvous in orbit.
  13. That piece was incredible as is that sketch nothing I can do at the moment is that good.
  14. I tried something like your modular ship recently it was slightly bigger than yours with the purpose of setting up a refuelling station in Duna/Ike orbit. It's currently on its test flight to Duna without any cargo.
  15. Which mods did you use for the things that appear to be green houses on that giant tracked monster?
  16. for the rings maybe have it like the terrain scatters with a few larger pieces among the small rocks. Then for longer distances just some kind of flat image. Also how were you able to fit the rover in that lander mine always end up stuck on the outside.
  17. Thank you for all your ideas I am really considering the possibilities you have suggested.
  18. Would it be possible to carry the aircraft, which could be an SSTO, on a large ship then just deorbit and land it when arrived at Laythe. With a good design and efficient flying it would also the be possible to return to the ship in orbit and take all the kerbalnauts back to Kerbin.
  19. Recently I have been constructing a modular ship in Kerbin orbit with plans to send it to duna to start a base. Unfortunately I have been stuck as to what I'm actually going to send there. If anyone can give me any suggestions or even craft files that would be great.
  20. For the posting of crafts why not just post all the modules with or without the launcher for each of your ships?
  21. I just tried something with this effect The probe I made covered with flaps was able to take off at 2 m/s and within 20 seconds I was going 500 m/s
  22. Have you thought of possibly adding a command pod with a door on the inside to make it easier to get in and out of the modules?
  23. Very functional I have only just been able to get a plane to orbit
  24. My very first SSTO It is able to carry 2 kerbalnauts to a very low orbit with almost empty tanks If anyone can give me any hints as to how to fly it more efficiently or maybe suggest modifications to the design to get more out of it it would be greatly appreciated
  25. I know its a bit inefficient but it does function fairly well now it has lights
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