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John FX

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Everything posted by John FX

  1. A full size solar system with every planet having the correct inclination. Although this is another thing I won`t hold my breath for.
  2. Make another install when you are sober for when you are drunk. You`ll not have anything in there you care about so it will be OK. Put it on the desktop so you see it first.
  3. Maybe KSP only calculates interference when parts are placed in symmetry. If I were a lazy programmer I would do it that way as calculating all the individually placed chutes in combination would be hard. The difference in drag could still be due to interference but only for symmetrically placed chutes because of lazy programming.
  4. Of course, there is another, slightly cheaty, option. If you are just going to increase the size of your lifter to the point where it can lift whatever you put on top with literally no restrictions then you at some point will succeed. This is a certainty unless you run into the limits of physics (in KSP) You could cut out the middle man and just put the payload on the pad and then place it in orbit with the cheat menu.
  5. It`s not impossible that is actually what the recording is.
  6. Sounds good, I think the functions could be built into the pod though, no need for an extra part which new players would probably not fit if they are that new.
  7. I suggested this a couple of years ago, to reduce the amount of time it takes to animate between menus. Now, I don`t think it will happen. EDIT : No, it`s people expressing their opinion and how they would customise their own game. They are saying "Myself, I don`t like this feature, my game would be improved by it being removed, your mileage may vary"
  8. I`ll give this a go. Have you thought about Kerbal Construction Time which would give the feeling of actually researching a node and that research taking time? I find in my RO install that the feeling of researching a tech node is implemented quite well by it. Sometimes it can take upwards of a year.
  9. It will be localisation, bug fixes, and the super secret feature? a new trailer or something to do with marketing,
  10. Sounds good to me, might be good as an option for once you have played a bit because obviously the first time you load the game there are no screenshots.
  11. There is a compiled working dev version of KCT here that may or may not be handy to check early conflicts.
  12. I always make little tugs. Three docking ports and a claw in a cross shape, with a probe core, the largest RCS tank, a large reaction wheel, a 4K battery, some lights and a LOT of RCS thrusters. Draws power from whatever it is attached to, sometimes I put a couple of flat solar panels on it, just in case. Can attach to anything and move it around. You can attach multiple tugs to a heavy piece that needs moving.
  13. It seems a moot point anyway as rep was not lost. I was only saying some people value it, some don`t. Neither is wrong. Some would say having a rep higher than your post count is valuable, others the absolute number of rep, others do not value it at all. It`s all personal taste. EDIT : It would still be nice to have some idea of whether a repair of missing threads might be on the cards or has definitely been ruled out.
  14. Some people would, everyone has something they value that they do not want to lose. Some people would say nothing of value was lost if mechjeb was lost but I personally would see that as a great loss to the game. Horses for courses as they say. It`s also easy to stop seeing value in something you have a lot of Everyone has different things they value, some value rep. They are not wrong for valuing it and you are not wrong to find no value in it.
  15. This is all looking tantalisingly close to a working RO. It`s like another release date for any KSP update a few months after the official one because that is when RO is put together for the first time. Like two birthdays or Christmas twice I must admit to stopping playing when 1.2 was released and I`ll probably only start again when RO is out because the stock game, even with mods, just doesn`t cut it any more. At least now I have had time to get back into coding although I have learned Python and C# for raspberry Pi and Arduino respectively which doesn`t seem the same language as the code I`ve looked at for KSP mods. RO, especially with RP-0, for me is the game KSP should have been. Thanks to everyone working on it, it is a mega leap forwards.
  16. I see you are paring the message down to the core elements. It`s a work in progress it seems One way of getting your kerbal aeroplane game would be KSP having the ability to do something like a total conversion mod. RO on steroids. Career would be sorted out the same way, but only with the ability for modders to access those parts of the game. A story would be a minor thing to implement then. All the stories...
  17. Pretty much no device needs maximum power all the time. Mostly they do nothing waiting for an time when they do a lot very quickly. As someone above said, why not use them to trickle charge a storage device which is then used for powering the device? Portable solar power works the same way, often you spend a week charging batteries for just a few hours usage. If it saves even a few percent of weight and provides longer term power it`s a winner.
  18. You know, I don`t think I`ve heard you say career is a mess and how much you would like an aeroplane game before...
  19. They also work up to at least 872m/s which gets you home a little faster if you have limited life support (a la Apollo 13) I made a Kos script once which did a complete mun mission and it found the Munar burn point by getting into an 80-82km orbit, waiting until Mun was directly overhead then warping forward a preset time and making an 872m/s node which meant the Pe at Mun was reliably between 10-20km and Pe on return was 40-50km.
  20. Nope, don`t use it except if Mechjeb is controlling it. We had aeroplane autopilots during WW1. The first rockets all had some form of automatic control. Even sputnik 1 launched under the control of an autopilot, only the payload was uncontrolled. I play to relive the terran space race and every launch except sounding rockets had some form of autopilot. I also explore possibilities for the current space program in RO. There is no place for a probe core with no ability to control a probe in my game.
  21. The question I was hoping the FAQ would answer was "Do the people working on the problem (praise them for they know so much unknowable by mere mortals) anticipate a repair of the old threads or is the prevailing opinion that we would be better off restarting them?" but that does not seem to have been answered in the extensive and informative FAQ which seemed to concentrate on repeating the answer "We are not going to tell you anything technical" I don`t want to know. Don`t care what happened or why, don`t care who did it or what will or will not happen to them, none of that matters much to me to be honest. What I want to know is : option 1, Is there a chance the old threads will get recovered or option 2, Will they have to be restarted? If option 1, Cool, I`m sure it will happen as quick as they can do it but it would be nice to know if this is still a possibility after all it`s been nearly 2 weeks. If option 2, never mind I`ll contact the thread owners individually or just wait as I am sure they want their threads running ASAP.
  22. Personally I would regard this as a bug and report it on the bugtracker.
  23. The question I have is, what was so wrong with the old software that it needed to be changed? I quite liked it. edit: Ah, didn`t refresh, seems my question was answered while I looked at the thread and typed.
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