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John FX

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Everything posted by John FX

  1. No change then? My opinion is that TT have funding behind them, know the quality required to sell a game worldwide, and know that putting resources into a game makes you money in the long run. The most cynical I can look at this is that they will make KSP a better game so it sells more. What they will not do is put money into making it worse. It might end up being worse but it seems more likely to end up being better. We might even get GP2, a Dv readout, an art pass, an alarm clock etc etc
  2. Wait, I read the cleaned thread? Sheesh, there really is not much in KSP a skilled player cannot do with 10Kdv, except land on larger planets with no atmosphere, like tylo. Video looked fine to me, just because someone else can do something you cannot is no reason to accuse them of cheating.
  3. That has worked fine. I just heard the music start up for the menu screen. Thank you
  4. Of course the real question is when will we see this craft on the spacecraft exchange so we can try it out?
  5. Just saw only today that RO is out on CKAN. Trying a CKAN install, selected RO, selected all mods. Downloading now, will see what happens. Well done and thanks for all the work collecting these mods into RO EDIT : Whilst installing had access violation for realscaleboosters, pressing `continue` does nothing, CKAN hangs. Had to be closed with task manager(win7,64) Will retry but without realscaleboosters. EDIT 2: Installed fine this time. EDIT 3 : Crashed on boot. Will investigate.
  6. Myself I am glad that FAR has caught up with 1.2.2, another step done on the path to RSS/RO/RP-0 in 1.2.2. I also have not even downloaded 1.3 yet. Thank you for your time and effort.
  7. Maybe they are already implemented but you just can't hear them when flying. As there is no difference to the user if they are added or not, why not pretend they have been added already?
  8. At the end of the day it boiled down to a simple formula : (money in - profit)=money left for development. Either money in was too small or the profit was too large for there to be enough money left for development. It is like the rocket equation for game development.
  9. I fixed your comment for you I have not been on a forum before where there are anniversaries for threads asking about when specific problems about the game will be fixed. This thread does not have an anniversary yet, that will be in December, but one good example is the `smelta-vee` thread which is still wondering when the announced feature will drop, or when we will be told it has been dropped. We should have birthday parties for some of them, pretend they are going to school for the first time... Console people, I would not hold your breath, I would let it out by talking to someone who knows contract law, advertising standards, you know stuff like that. I would be requesting that I was supplied the working product I paid for or to have my money refunded. Like you would do if you bought a toaster that did not work. Of course an early access game is under different rules, you pay your money and take your chance, like I did. A product claiming to be ready for release? Not so much. EDIT : Europe has very strong customer protection, they are considering having a two year warranty on software, similar to physical products. Under such a rule the console version of KSP would be eligible for a refund. EDIT 2: The Office of Fair Trading in the UK said in 2012, regarding refunds on software : "The issue of what "quality standards" suppliers of digital content should have to meet has yet to be determined, but the OFT said that it would "expect a quality standard to include functionality and interoperability" and that "appearance and finish may not always be relevant". The regulator also said that it should not be the responsibility of consumers to prove what is wrong with digital content. The burden instead would be on suppliers to show that there is not a fault with digital content that gives rise to consumers' right to reject it, it said. The OFT also said that in circumstances where consumers have exercised their right to reject faulty digital software, the software should be deleted from consumers' computers. However, it said that the onus should be on the supplier to delete the software themselves where this is "feasible". "In principle, we accept that faulty software that has been rejected by the consumer should be removed from the consumer’s device," the OFT said. "If feasible, it should first be the responsibility of the supplier to remove it provided that, in doing so, it is a ‘clean’ uninstall which does not alter or damage the consumer’s hardware or software in any way. If a consumer has an obligation to delete content, it should be recognised that not all consumers will have the knowledge or ability to do so without further assistance from the supplier." The OFT also said that Government plans to allow businesses to deduct money from any refunds they make to consumers for the use consumers have made of faulty goods, service or digital content was not the correct approach. "The consumer has paid for the entire content and in order to repurchase will then have to pay the full price for a new item as it is not possible to pay for part of a film which has been downloaded, a CD, DVD or similar," it said. "Even if this were possible, the consumer’s expected experience of the digital content has been reduced. The consumer should be entitled to a full refund in order to be able to purchase the product again." Although this is only in the UK. The fact of KSP being international makes things much more complicated. Obviously the law where you live may be different.
  10. I for one am not surprised that @SQUAD have not fixed a long standing bug in the stock game which would affect every player that uses a manoeuvrer node (100%?) but are trying to get us excited about a localisation update which will likely introduce bugs and a paid DLC which contains elements which should have been designed into the stock game from the start. After years of introducing features which have the minimum effort put in to make the feature function, the users asking for a properly fleshed out well coded feature might be too much bother. This is a danger when using placeholders in your software, after a while you regard that as an appropriate amount of work for a feature when it is not and real features require much more work than placeholders. Sometimes you just think `nobody has complained about the placeholder for a while, maybe we could just keep it like that?"
  11. If your machine has enough RAM and CPU you can run two copies of KSP with a symlink (more accurately a junction) linking the VAB and SPH folders between the two installs which will allow you to work in the VAB/SPH while your craft is launching. If you have a third monitor you could use the mod that allows info in a web browser (forgotten name right now) for your data and remove all windows from your flight screen. WinKey+Shift+arrow works on Win 7 too. EDIT : I remembered, it is telemachus.
  12. If it isn't, it feels like it. Longest or not, it is the most un-hyped hype thread I have known. I must admit to finding it hard to be excited about an update which is more likely to introduce bugs than improve my game, english being my first language. EDIT : Five days between posts in a hype thread? Really?
  13. Last post nearly two months ago, next update about to be released, might be time for this thread to not be sticky?
  14. I like this idea a LOT so I gave you loads of rep @JPLRepo so your rep now matches your post count.
  15. Requested this years ago. Didn't happen then, not likely to happen now or ever. If it is possible the only way you will get this is with a mod now IMO
  16. I just drive onto the perfectly flat grass to the side and launch anything I like, you don't run out of runway that way either so you can launch lower TWR craft easier. As you say, that should not be the case. I think the difference should not be bumpiness, the change should be the length and the width, it is more appropriate. Tier 0, short and thin. Tier 3, fat and long. Of course it is not the absolute least amount of coding that can be done so even though it is a better solution, Squad will likely not do it.
  17. If you just fly planes around you will never encounter the multiplayer issue.
  18. My opinion is that a lot of players wish that KSP was more suited to recreating the Earth space race, it has been said on these forums many times, and each time ignored until extra money could be charged for the privilege.
  19. Rather good explanation of why there will always be a CPU bottleneck for high part count craft, even though two high part craft would not slow down a machine with multiple cores much more than one. Reinforces my idea that on the fly `welding` of certain parts would be a good performance boost. You would only need to unweld if forces moved beyond a certain threshold, lithobraking for example. Even then, if the forces were above a certain threshold a more simple explosion scenario could play out. Only in the middle range of forces would there be an impact, then wobbling, which would be unavoidable physics calculations on the whole craft.
  20. I really don't think they would make the code open source, what they might do though is increase the ways a mod can affect the program and release that information to help modders. I am of the opinion that the future of the stock game is now fixed, we are just not being told that. The only future development of the stock game will be to accommodate DLC. How profitable the DLC is will determine whether there are more expansions.
  21. I know. If you have seen any of my posts since 1.2.2 was released you will know I am of the opinion real work on the game stopped then, there will be some tidying up and increasing market share work, like localisation and DLC packs, but work on the game in the manner we have known for years has stopped. They were very reluctant to say that the localisation pack is 1.3, I think they only did that as a result of pressure about 1.3. They don't want to admit there will not be a 1.4... We will not see `1.4` in the weekly now I think. Like you say, there is not much reason for hype when there is no change to the actual game. Even the driver of the hype train's location is `Running out of Hype Coal. Train is now coasting.`
  22. If performance in Unity is drastically affected by part count then the obvious solution is to find some way to reduce part count while not affecting gameplay. Selective welding seems the best way forward. Myself I hate the phantom forces that make larger space stations attempt to rip themselves apart. I would much rather have a station that was mostly solid. It would remove a great portion of the part count hit when building stations. There is no need for them to remain floppy, they just sit there in space essentially doing nothing. I remember floppy rockets and the sheer amount of struts needed to fly anything larger than a few parts, that was not `fun`. In a similar way, high part count craft are not `fun` to fly, they are a pain due to low framerates. Myself I would weld anything larger than 2.5M, or anything attached to 2.5M parts or larger.
  23. Kerbal Construction Time already manages this very well. You press launch and it goes into a build queue. Only the first item in the queue is worked on (unless you upgrade your VAB). Depending on the settings and the craft it can take a year to build a rocket. Very good at making time matter, especially if you have a failed mission that needs rescue and you also have a life support mod.
  24. A symlink. Of course. Sometimes a simple solution is right there and you just don't see it. Thank you. EDIT : Technically, for anyone else wanting to do it you need to make a junction, which is a symlink for a folder.
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