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Everything posted by hawk_za

  1. GREAT another mod I now MUST have ......ohhhhhh this list of mods is growing large again lol oh shot for the post very useful
  2. this is such an awesome thing thanks so much to its creators yep I know im a bit late on this bandwagon but I only discovered it now ....kind of wish it could be implemented into stock ...lol....(would be cool though) again this community is awesome the longer I hang around the more I see the more I get involved HEY no looking at my meager ...(but honest) achievements
  3. HUH tis makes no sense and I am now confused. KSP 1.0.2 is Up! by HarvesteR Published on 1st May 2015 20:38 39 Comments Comments Hi again, Just a very quick update this time, version 1.0.2 is now up: Changelog: Code: =================================== v1.0.2 ============================================================ Bug Fixes and Tweaks: Thermal: * Fixed ships potentially overheating when splashed down. Parts * Small tweak to Mk16 parachute drag.As always, you can get the latest version from our KSPStore, GOG, or get auto-updated on Steam. Happy Launchings! Cheers that's from the change log harvester posted .................???????....................did I miss something as for 1.0 it was a great launch ya there were a few problems but they did get caught and fixed before it left the door and the remainder got fixed VERRY soon afterward I think the dev team did well compaired to other soft wear dev teams but that is just my opinion
  4. AWSOME NEWS thanks so much guys this community rocks
  5. how about just using the already implemented overheat system in the bottom left but instead of just engines it can now occurs for all part's
  6. hi all been playing this game since about .17 recently tried out 1.0 and I would like to give my feedback as a newish player starting out in campaign mode on normal difficulty this is NOT intended as a bashing of ksp but rather as constructive view well I got 1.0 and allot of cool things have been fixed but the contract system is still shot I am getting contracts I don't have the tech for and am not even close to getting like do an survey at 18,200m also on the contract system why am I taking up space tourist's to the moon before sending probes it makes no sense to me difficulty should be scaled on weight of craft and on difficulty of contracts when I just unlocked the jet engine no matter how hard I try I cannot build a plane to that will go that high in under 30 parts the costs to unlock structures is hugely prohibitive. (this however could be due to inexperience and upgrading the wrong buildings first) and while the new aero is cool I am having a hell of a hard time understanding why my small plane is doing things it should not be doing ..like after a certain speed it just wants to nose dive and that leads to allot of frustration the new heat system has a ton of potential but needs a proper user feedback system the aerial's ............REALY guys come on now a bit of basic math is all that's required here there is currently NO reason to use any other aerial other than the com16 and don't tell me form factor as the coms 16 is the smallest form factor there is with the offset tool. see below diagram ........................................ : coms 16 .........:..... dts-m1..........:..........communitron 88 packet size in mits...............:........2.0 ...........:.......2.0 .............:.............. 2.0 mits/sec............................ :........ 1.2...........:.........0.7.............:................0.2 electric charge p/packet .......:.........12.0 ..........:.......12.0 ...........:.................20 total time to transmit............:.........8.3sec.........:.....14.28sec.......:............ 50 sec 10mits worth of data total electric charge to .........:.......................... :...........................: transmit 10 mits worth........ : ......60 charge.......:......60charge ........:.......100 charge of data...............................:............................:............................: as you can see the better tech is unlocked in the tech tree the worst it gets it take more time and in some cases a hell of allot more charge this is a massive bugbear of myn as stated earlier not a bash but ....lets call it areas of concern for patch 1.1 as always keep up the awesome work
  7. thanks guys im busy right now trying to figure out how this universe replacer works ill get there but it isn't the friendliest of plugins' to be able to use that's why I made the suggestion (no I'm not taking a dig at the dev of the plugin they have constraints to work under I get that) but I do feel upping the texture res on the sky box and one or two planets makes a hell of a difference but as a guy who doesn't fiddle too much anymore with file structures and normal maps ..ect it can get tedious and confusing as always just my opinion ps its more of a hope I guess :>
  8. Dear devs I know you guys have been working at break neck pace along with the internal team and you are probably exhausted at this point but if it is not too late.... PLEASE;.; Upgrade the star sky box as the current one has been around since .18 and is woefully lacking and its not an easy thing to mod
  9. woot woot here here nicely done thank you squad for an incredible journey into my imagination, for helping me understand things I never even knew existed until the day I picked up your game and for listening to your target audience whilst staying true to your own vision
  10. this is currently the only game were you have complete control in all aspects of a full on 3D space program from management to flying to building to data collected and e.v.a ......it is a game I have dreamt of since I was a weeee young lad and it is a game that I am grateful for. given its beginnings I joind at about .17 or .18 and the releases have been getting better and better 1.0 will incorporate so many new features and missing bits ....im glad for it as it indeed will make the game more complete. the one massive bug bear that still got to me was the lack of useful fairings but with the new aero system that's been taken care of. just my two cents
  11. the hardest part so far I have overcome was to wrap my brain around how momentum works in space and its relation to gravity. ie periaps burn increases apoapsis burn...etc etc my current challenge I am reserving for 1.0 is learning to rendezvous and dock with another object.........(not easy)
  12. oh oh oh I know I know teacher ........pick me pick me it might be a new texture for the universe so that space don't look so blurry
  13. awesome thanks for the update orcmaul I am so looking forward to really sinking my teeth into this mod esp now that 1.0 is going to be adding fairings and occlusion it makes a small satellite package like this almost must have. fantastic mod one of only a handful I use
  14. OOOOHHHHH thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you and thank you thank you wow this community works fast a wasent even expecting a response let alone a update and recompile to .90 you guys rock
  15. oooo I see duh ... I suddenly fill a bit silly thanks for the info
  16. hi all maybe the exploded view as it looks like they did some of that work with the fairings and service compartments
  17. I got no problem with the devs changing there mind but I do hope they thought this one through as the consequences of this change can be quite drastic ... having said that this dev team is one of the best dev teams out there and quite frankly they have proved beyond anyone's doubts that there are reasons they are doing things the way they are choosing to do them. SO I say lets sit back wait for 1.0 release and see what it is like if it turns out to be game breaker then let the flame wars and hate post begin till then we really cant tell anything about this choice. Think of it this way image we had started out with the game in its current state so many people would have been scared off by its complexity and scope, but as the game developed so did the core player base to the point were squad feels comfortable adding in realistic aerodynamics.(it kind of scares me to be honest but it is something I have been waiting for) The average new player has allot to come to grips with things most of us now take for granted (retrograde and prograde as a silly example) start adding too many time based mechanics really starts to make career tough for them as it is I spend way to much time designing my crafts. as I keep track of weight electric reserves electric depletion rate science transmit rate quantity of fuel per stage delta v per stage thrust to weight ratio per stage cost to company all of which I find myself struggling to balance start adding life support and you can see why I say it gets hard for new guys (hell it would make life hard for me always remember adding weight to a vessel increases the difficulty of getting that vessel to its intended target now don't get me wrong i'm all for a BASIC form of life support, but maybe in patch 1.1 or 1.2 as it has got to be properly implemented all the tutorials, stock craft and new parts have to be updated/made and not to mention how many games would be broken by the implementation of this feature just my two cents on this topic the hawk
  18. I'm just grateful cones and faring's now have a purpose ...man it used to irritate me to Have to leave the nose cones off my rockets. How they come off im sure will be modded in time but for now im just happy to not only have them but have them be useful. edit for punctuation:D
  19. just wanted to say a HUGE thanks to whomever is helping develop this mod as it is quintessential to the style in which I choose to play ksp without this mod my game would be allot less fun for me big up and ps AWSOME revamp LOVE ....LOVE the ability to change colors also love the crappy scanner first then the better scanner (reason to upgrade is awesome) please keep up the awesome work .... small question is there hope of 1) integrating a ore scanner and 2) a map x planet of moon contract into this package as that would just knock this up to no 1 mod to have along with k.E.R yours in gratitude the hawk
  20. hi there I was just wondering if there are any plans afoot to revamp this mod and make it compatible for 1.0 as it is an awesome mod also love the rcs enjoins but if I may suggest putting a attachment node on them on the underside so I could add them to the top of my rocket but use them for propulsion under the satellite yours in hope the hawk
  21. hi all sorry to drag up an old thread like this (RETURN OF THE NECRO THREAD) anyone know if there is any work being done on this mod for 1.0 as there really needs to be some form of data logger for our experiments if not is there perhaps one brave sole out there willing to tackle this endeavor
  22. + 1 to this idea there are currently rocket cargo-bays in a mod http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61040-0-23-6S-Service-Compartment-Tubes-Design-smooth but they don't do anything for aerodynamics
  23. hi there what version are you playing as there are action groups which you can assign to do these things ie the key no 1 switches on x lights key no 2 switches on docking lights ect ect ect in .90 i see the vab dose not have action groups in the beginning but they do come later on. hope this helps
  24. indeed confirmed it works fantastically in .90 thanks yay
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