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Everything posted by TheCanadianVendingMachine

  1. This does not explain well enough what the mod does, I assume that you can strech the tanks to be desired size, correct?
  2. Auhhhhhhhh. Wait, is that what kills me all the time? If not, auhhhhh
  3. Sputnik couldn't of been the first man made object into space What about all these Nuclear tests? That must've popped some debris into orbit, I read a article about a manhole cover to be found in space.
  4. Granted. It's Canadian (That's better than death, though) I wish for SWAT 4 is released on steam
  5. You can change the title: Go into advanced editor then change the title
  6. My only question here is: Why didn't the Apollo 13 movie portray actual events? I mean, it can be a good movie but from what I heard it isn't that real.
  7. I heard a guy from JPL is on the forums, I don't know his name though
  8. I disagree of this for the following reasons * I do not feel KSP as a starcraft type game, It is more or less about orbital physics and that * Even if it would be fun for some, again it's not what KSP is shooting for I feel Sorry for not many more reasons, I am not good at that part in my mind
  9. It sounds like, a *small graphics update, and I mean *small. *By small, I mean like, better Mun graphics, and that
  10. I know that, but you didn't read the first part of my post it seems. You just read and replied to what seemed convienient to you
  11. Warsoul, if you can't take criticism, get out. Criticism and veteran forums people, telling you bad things. Consider them haters. Don't ask for people to make stuff for you, LEARN IT. If you have a bug with, lets say, a plugin. Post the code, then say the problem. People WILL HELP.
  12. The Developers have said, multiple times, they will not add a difficulty to KSP. Sorry for crushing the thread.
  13. Harv, if this seems sensible, can you release the code needed for the career mode part module type thing? If you do this, this would make the community happy, and the mod makers aswell.
  14. See, now I am saying this. It will save my throttle from the previous cut off. If I cut the throttle at full, it will restore to that. Full Throttle.
  15. So with this code (Sorry, never learnt C# only C++) it is saying that if the throttle is greater than zero then it will store the throttle until done again?
  16. I do not think you get what I mean. I am saying, during Munar orbit, I cut throttle, then when landing I have to quickly cut throttle again. But instead of the throttle cutting, it actually goes to full throttle.
  17. Ok, lets say this: I cut throttle because the boosters are propelling me too much. I cut throttle it remembers it. When on the moon and doing a landing I cut throttle because I am a few meters above the ground, it remembers my full thrust from before
  18. The problem is: When ever you would press X it would have to store that value of the previous throttle to a memory store, then cut it. This would be minor but you would still have a delay before cut throttle. Now, what if you wanted to cut throttle again without reverting back to the previous throttle? This is the problem, it seems easy enough to implement, but code wise, I do belive it is hard.
  19. Yea, but the thing is I want to see space, not rain and that. (Even though lightning struck a street light right infront of my house)
  20. Damn it, Edmonton clouds! I literally can't see the night sky, no clouds or anything where I am
  21. Well, why are you suggesting this in General Discussion. And why are you suggesting stuff for 0.22 so early?
  22. Floor 366: You now circled the universe and you are now in the SOL system again, but beside Mercury
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