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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. I kinda stole your thunder there, sorry. The pic was too good to delay.
  2. Bit of a fire hazard don't you think? If not just extra poisons the life support system must deal with.
  3. Turns out it wasn't even a container...
  4. Long burns with Nuclear engines it is then!
  5. Tip: only tap slightly, that's usually enough to send a kerbal on its way. The capslock idea is good though, that'd be handy. I'd miss being able to do things like catch up with a spaceship 2km away, after diving low over the surface of the Mun. EVA is fun. They only have about 520m/s Delta V, which is not much unless you do some very clever maneuvers,* and pushing a ship with the kerbal is hard. So I don't believe it's a game breaking issue. *If life support is added someday, kerbals may not be able to spend more than a few days away from the ship anyway. On Mun, he effective range of a Kerbal's jetpack is something like 8 Km, depending on terrain, in my experience. (One way.) Creative? Like this *support vessels not shown.
  6. Yeah. Careful what you put on Eve too... But Is he alive? And not glitching out? That's better than nothing! Actually, if anyone rescues a Kerbal from Jool, that would be very impressive. You'd probably need Hooligan airships and KAS mod... Oh! Welcome to the game's forums!
  7. Jeb, I don't think we thought this through...
  8. I did an experiment. Cheated, yeah, but my excuse is the rovers I sent previously should've been able to collect samples to compare densities that way. May need to make my Eve amphibious thing a little more buoyant some how. I finished of this: Runway markers. Without flat land to land on, boat was the only way to get there. Managed to climb the slopes. Maybe I'll be able to land on the runway now. Tested an Eve landing system. Bob was smiling. I think I have enough parachutes.
  9. Made me actually laugh out like. I like. Have you posted a quote of this in the "What is in the NOT FOOD container" thread?
  10. Seeing as I did say Part two would be there within a few days, and it isn't, I feel I owe you guys a bit of an apology. I intended to finish it then, but issues in my life have prevented me from being in the frame of mind to write, and I want to make sure this story will be good, and worth your time to read, and mine to write. That said, I do have a half finished draft on my computer, so it's still coming. Photo taking and in game activity are now complete. We're on the home stretch now. If there's anyone looking at this, perchance.
  11. From what I read, the main Developers are on vacation, some still may be around to help though. If you hold on to the code for logging in, you can sign in and download any time, so I recommend doing that.
  12. But that would be boring! I like looking out and seeing the launchpad, where my creation is going to meet its destiny, and either explode or go to space later.
  13. I'm pretty sure it's that powerful for gameplay reasons. If it was weaker, there'd be less planets you could use it on, and their range would be a lot more limited.
  14. If you want, you can use the landing gear in this pack. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/modular-multiwheels-and-omniwheels-v0-6-tt-plugin-for-ksp-0-20-and-0-19/ You may need to update parts to the new format though.
  15. An awesome mission! I tend to be suspicious of anything with those in the title. For reasons like what you said.
  16. It's not that unusual, strangely. Somehow, lots of people seem to either forget there's no air in space, or have a poor idea of how parachutes work. I don't really get it either.
  17. Does a glitched out kerbal flying out of the solar system in seconds count?
  18. I'm one who uses stock, except when there are functionalities it doesn't offer. I like my things to look kerbal. But I do use many mods.
  19. So doing that next time I land something with lazers. Assuming I didn't accidentally blow them up beforehand.
  20. Today, I buzzed the tower completely by accident. I'd been mucking around with an Albatros 3 and the MKII iva mod, and was kinda heading straight for the SPH. That mod iva is awesome. Tested a few things, and it turns out there's quite a bit of room under that dome. Also pretty much completed the vessel for my brave solo Eve colonist to be. Managed to finally get the glass bottom working, using a cockpit rather than the cupola. It doesn't tend to explode when submerged in water. Took some photos to be used in the story I've been writing as well. I had an absolutely miserable day yesterday, lost a favorite gadget on the train. If I had only checked my seat. ;.; But had some fun in kerbal.
  21. Awesome trick: If you climb all the way to the top, let go, but press F as you fall, your kerbal flies back up to where you pressed F. At least, it did for me.
  22. Same! I used to always use "restart flight" to save my test pilots, and this makes it one less step. It also makes missions a little more serous when you can't just witchcraft your guys back home.
  23. Now that is a good idea. Your flag reminds me of a Postcards from Laythe Pic, except this one looks more Kerbal than manga.
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