Sent Milly Kerman to do a practice run of flying down the Mun's equatorial trench. The first run went fine, but she crashed the starfighter when trying to land, and try a slower run. I left her so she could walk it instead, and will pick her up in a few days. My crew at the Mun's north pole investigated some strange phenomena. Then, on the way home, they found out that being so near the pole screws the navbal a little. Had to wait until the orbit lined up right in order to do the final burn, or it would've needed more than the delta V available to get home. Wehrwin still had enough energy to hike up a mountain after landing. Named it Mt Custard, because he was hungry. Then, back at KSC, I found an old Eveboat prototype was still sitting on the runway. Took it for a run in Booster Bay. (The part that's actually a bay.) Sidtrey successfully demonstrated use of the emergency ladder, both exiting and entering while the craft was on an awkward slope. Jeb and Bob then took a more advanced version out to joint him, and they admired the shiny space center together.