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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. I meant post, not thread, but meh. The runway is the challenge most rovers must pass to get anywhere on Kerbin. If you can get of the runway, you're halfway to anywhere.
  2. It isn't that nice for larger rovers either. Though the second one made it over the first bump fine. However, there is a simple solution: Cross the tracks at the level crossing.
  3. I agree. Take age of empires for example. A new one hasn't been out in years to my knowledge, yet it still gets played.
  4. I reckon make a bigger rover, with a structural panel angled in such a way that it pushes the little rovers up and to the side. Then, drop a big panel over the top to act like a bridge for future missions. Edit: They are free? How? You must tell, in a new post.
  5. I think I also found the Northern one. Thanks you what I'm going to call some sort of geology scan...
  6. In 3 years, KSP breaks free from the screens of the computer, through use of 3d printing technology. Backyard rocket launches become common place. Confusion reigns, as many Jebs, Bobs, and Bills wander the land. Boosters also rain. Not always empty. Intact houses become less common place.
  7. You can't start a ship with crew in external seats. You have to enter them on Eva. You can make some compact, yet useful things with the seats.
  8. Given that the fanbase is so spread out, it'd be pretty hard to do. Unless it was on Duna, then we could all go. Actually, that could be a workable kind of multiplayer, where you all land in a certain spot, enter an area, then it becomes like an MMORPG.
  9. ....Rescue mission time? Have a kerbal push it out!
  10. Installed universe replacer! Milly, still alone on the Mun, noticed the change imediately. "Hey, Mission control? Something's up with the sky." "What?" Shocked and surprised, a crew was immediately dispatched to LKO in the shuttle. To investigate. How could this happen? Was Karistotle correct, and the stars are only points of light on a massive background, making the Kerbol system the only one in the universe? Bill's not quite sure what to make of it. In other news, I got my story I'm working on a little closer to completion.
  11. Yay, free stuff. Time to boggle kerbal minds by replacing the universe...
  12. Nope. I like setting my own goals. Uni sets plenty of tasks for me.
  13. I remember that Nova replied to another thread like this, and explained that as the object gets bigger, its center of mass gets closer to the surface of Kerbin, it eventually thinks "I must have collided with the planet" and destroys itself. Also, my experiments with KAS showed you can make craft larger than 2.5Km, but it seemed other things more than 2.5 Km away from the center of mass didn't load.
  14. Asymmetrical satellites are generally hard to control. Infact, asymmetric space vessels in general are generally a bad idea, unless you get good at counterbalancing. One solution is possibly adding SAS. Lots of SAS. Make it a really SASsy satellite or rocket.
  15. This looks so awesome! But are there any drawbacks? Could this add to lag at all? And would you be able to put it as a .zip rather than a .7z for those of us who don't have winzip?
  16. I found it only did with if you had things that used electricity as fuel on the vessel, like ion engines, and rover wheels. This may have changed since 0.19, when I last tried that.
  17. This is how you do a transmunar injection burn. (But don't forget to go back in to shut it off.)
  18. Sent Milly Kerman to do a practice run of flying down the Mun's equatorial trench. The first run went fine, but she crashed the starfighter when trying to land, and try a slower run. I left her so she could walk it instead, and will pick her up in a few days. My crew at the Mun's north pole investigated some strange phenomena. Then, on the way home, they found out that being so near the pole screws the navbal a little. Had to wait until the orbit lined up right in order to do the final burn, or it would've needed more than the delta V available to get home. Wehrwin still had enough energy to hike up a mountain after landing. Named it Mt Custard, because he was hungry. Then, back at KSC, I found an old Eveboat prototype was still sitting on the runway. Took it for a run in Booster Bay. (The part that's actually a bay.) Sidtrey successfully demonstrated use of the emergency ladder, both exiting and entering while the craft was on an awkward slope. Jeb and Bob then took a more advanced version out to joint him, and they admired the shiny space center together.
  19. Welcome! Delta V basically means change in velocity. This is how much your spacecraft and speed up, or slow down, which determines its ability to change its orbit. Delta V is the basic measure of a spaceship's capability to get places.
  20. Opps. Poor Bill. That was exactly what Michael Collins feared. That after a disaster on the Moon, he'd be "The Astronaut Who Came back."
  21. Yeah, guys, don't prank them. They'll have no clue what you're talking about.
  22. I found a face on Moho. Reminds me of a few things...
  23. How did you get him up there? Climbing on the rover? Cheats?
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