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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. You did? And here I was planning to abandon Bob, Jeb, and Bill, and their crews who are still using their pre .19 vehicles. But then, I think they're the TouhouTorpedo version. I think they're the same part, but we'll see. I mainly need the plugin. But, if I just put it in GameData, plugin and all, it will work right?
  2. Tw1


    Aww, but I like Minmus. It has such lovely scenery. But I've got to try that planet destroyer some time.
  3. I'm actually hoping the don't get added as stock now, if it the stock ones don't overwrite the ones from the mod. That was pretty inconvenient.
  4. Agreed. 0.20 is just bones without the good mods. Will be playing 0.19 for a while probably.
  5. So that's where this ended up... Seems a funny place for a thread like this.
  6. Flew Jeb on a capsule-less SRB. Then made a stack of 4 that would've almost got Bill to orbit if he'd managed to steer straight. Then, when on my traditional run up to the Mun with Bob in the 1 man lander can for launch, but sitting on a chair on top for the rest of the way. The Kerbin landing was not going to go so well, as the vanguard parachute mod was not working, and I'd been planning on ditching the capsule...
  7. The seats and optimisation are cool, but it is frustrating having a lot of big mods become non-functional. And that they only included some of the KSPX parts, and those didn't overwrite the ones from the mod. This means I'll be leaving the old ones in to change over. Perhaps I'll stick to .19 'till I've finished with the missions I had running before starting anew in 0.20. Basically, everything except the new parts sorting is great, but the part sorting thing is a bit inconvenient. Might take a break and play something else for a while.
  8. It is the Atlas then? I hope it will take the place of the atas in craft files.
  9. Tw1


    My Minmus survey team, back in 0.18, discovered data that suggests the undulations in its terrain are the result of heat from the sun. Actually, they didn't collect any data. They just pretended to so the public believed they were doing something more useful than going sightseeing. Well, they did find some nice places, which I later used for a base..
  10. My lowest one is 800km. This makes if easier to dock, as lower orbits mean I can get to the right position quicker. My others are in Kerbo-synchronous and semi-synchronous orbits. Just because.
  11. If money was no object.... Space would need to be no object too....
  12. We were doing contour levels at uni, and working on how kerbs (as in, the thing on the side of roads) are done, and I kept thinking of the little green guys.
  13. 121: Lag is an important constraint when it comes to craft, base, and station design.
  14. It is not. That was changed. It's planned eventually, but until then, you'll need to use mods if you want mining things.
  15. I first did it by judging the position that the Mun would be at when I got to it on the map view, and burning at the appropriate point. Now I do whatever I feel like. If I'm feeling lazy, and have brought MJ along, I sometimes let it do the burn for me. Mostly maneuver nodes though.
  16. As long as we're responsible, and don't take 20 years per flight, they should'nt die of old age that fast. Though I'd prefer them not suffering from aging at all. I would enjoy seeing them have skills from before they became an astronaut, or specific training, so one kerbal can be a mission's geologist, or medical scientist, or engineer, etc. I already imagine them having such characteristics, so may do some file editing when something like this comes about. As long as all kerbals receive a basic training in all fields, so none of them are totally useless at doing a particular thing.
  17. Nice. This'll be good, more detailed terrain means more potential for geology science later on.
  18. Master those phantom forces, and maybe it will be...
  19. I'd eat there. Kolonal Kerbal looks a bit shifty though... Reminds me of the "Lovecraftian deep fried chicken" I was going to draw a few months back. I'd misinterpreted a line from a song. Never did do that...
  20. The rover thread has made its way to the spacecraft exchange sub-forum. And that's wierd, the lack of sticky. ♪Strange things are hapenin'.. ♪♫ Strange things♪....
  21. If a Kerbal is going on a one way trip, he will know it from the start. Otherwise, I definitely will retrieve them. Fortunately, so far, this has only been an something I've had to do on the Mun and Minmus....
  22. 389: Tornadoes and earthquakes that pop up randomly, attacking my rockets and bases, ruining the kerbals' hopes and dreams.
  23. Some of the dummy weights pack parts sink. You'll need a lot of weight, but could make an undersea rover.
  24. Not that well, they have low traction. One way to overcome this is adding some engines pointing vertically. Ion engines are one way to do this, if you can include enough power generation, or go with the tiny radial engines.
  25. As I'm failing to get to sleep, and my mind was buzzing with ideas, one thing that occurred to me, that RTGs need a hot area, and a cool area, but the temperature on Eve is very hot. My recent probe measured about 150c, which is a fair bit. Less temperature differential between the nuclear material and the heat sinks means less power. Should the RTGs run less effectively under this heat? Or shouldn't that be enough in this case? Not sure if insulation would have a positive or negative effect here. (Hypothetically, they don't seem to be effected currently.)
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