Those canal things are cool. But I'll raise you one. Ever curious, my kerbal stepped forward to an instant death. Poof! This terrain have been fixed by now. Today, I'm going to show some photos from a favorite set of mine. Antics on Duna! Celebrating that they were almost back to the lander, they had some fun on the roof, and violating safely policies. That's right, we are on top of the decoupler (which was installed the wrong way around), and falling of, and loving it! Oh, hey ground! You're awesome! The problem with this vehicle, was that the breaks never stayed on, and could not be activated remotely. A kerbal had to be inside at all times, or we risked loosing the vehicle and becoming stranded still many Km from the lander. But Danble did not want to be left out! Yet Bob and Erbald were more than happy to see him up there. They literally would not stop grinning. Party on the roof! Awesome fun times. Made the construction error totally worth it.