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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. The best KSP madness that I've seen in a long time
  2. You can't get out with the set up I used- a kerbal will float back to the surface quite rapidly. Perhaps some sort of cage that holds them under would work. I stuck two long Mk3 fuel tanks on a Mk3 crew tank, and that got me down. Also used hullcam units to get photos. The problem with undersea missions is the camera plays up, you're limited to looking down, or to certain angles in chase/locked view. I got up again when my 'submarine' disintegrated on reload, leaving just the crew pod. On its own, it did not sink, which is a change from previous experiences. Though, the Tardis mod may still be the better option for undersea exploration. That thing sunk well, I used it to explore the bay of old kerbin city. It is also able to generate thrust to get back up again.
  3. Idk if you'd want to go there. 'Tis a silly place.
  4. I like that first one, it's quite Moon esque, but I'm not entirely convinced by the others. I did say no photoshopping, but a simple colour change is not that bad of an offence, so I'll let it slide, with some score reduction. I'm awarding 50 points for the overhead scene, and 30 points each for your landing, EVA, and flag scenes, and a 10% story bonus, giving an overall score of 154 points.
  5. Try the Mk3 parts. Back in 0.90, they sank excellently, and are more durable.
  6. Tw1

    IR in smartphones.

    That could be fun, if done in moderation. I can imagine being in a hotel or conference center with an aironditioner that we just can't turn down, and downloading its details, and being able to fix it. Plus, there's the small matter of not having to move one meter to grab the actual remote control for things. There is the possibility to use it to remotely control my camera, but I'm also looking into getting an Eye-fi chip, and may be able to do the same over wi-fi. I do love to play around with gadgets, but I'm leaning towards the Xperia. It's smaller, similarly capable, and looks so much better.
  7. Eve has never troubled me. . I can't step out the door without tripping over some way to leave the planet. Literally. Superman's got nothing on my kerbals. Except maybe more control of speed, and direction. P.S, if anyone has an idea of what's going on, advice is appreciated. It seems to be save-specific, effecting all pods. A log can be found here. I kinda need this guy to stay on Eve...
  8. I encountered a bug, seemingly specific to one old save, which had some interesting results. I made a video: Nice touch there! Nicely composed shot there too! Makes me want to revisit Vall, this shot reminds me of that moon's pole, which is like this, but also shiny. The subliminal Val/Vall thing is probably also a factor.
  9. Not bad, more of an expedition. Not entirely convinced by the second one, those mountains look very kerbinish, so I'm only giving that one 40, but I'm also giving a 15% story and x factor bonus, so: 104 points. A video! Quite impresive. Im judging points, I'm going to attempt to break it down like I would a set of pictures, but give a 15% + 48% bonus for X factor and story. I'm marking your scenes as the landing, Exit and flag planting, Eva, and launch, and giving it a score of 326 points. Though, if we get more videos, a new, more suitable set of criteria may need to be added. Very nice, and daytime shots too! I'm grouping these into Overhead scenes, flag planing, ladder use scenes, and side on view of lander, and giving them 200 points. The landscape is not entirely Munar, but close enough to pass. These have been some pretty fine attempts so far, but if someone can pull of a convincing Munar landscape, that will probably score them some X factor points.
  10. I'm looking into getting a new smartphone. I'd like some opinions in how useful having one with an IR blaster would be. Do you guys have any thoughts on if this technology is going to go anywhere interesting in the future, or will I not be missing much if I go for one that does not have this feature? (The two phones I'm tossing up between are the Galaxy S5, and the Xperia Z3 compact)
  11. Our first entry! Awesome. I'm rating this as three passable, unique scenes, (Ladder decent, a general EVA, and a flag pose), and two of those include reflection, giving a score of 250. True. I don't think that level of fakery would be possible in KSP, as we lack the tools to set up a full studio. Also true, they just don't have those harsh space shadows. But as you said, that's the opinion of someone who knows their stuff. For this challenge, I'm imagining a kerbal civilisation that has little idea of what space is really like yet. Otherwise, faking a Mun landing would be so hard.
  12. I've update the OP with two bits I forgot: Yep. Going into space is fine. Note that some photos may not contribute directly to the score, as the aim of the challenge is to produce images that look as if you are actually on the Mun. But they may help earn the story bonus. Getting too close to Mun would not really in the spirit of the challenge. Note: Landing on a Mun-like body is also cheating. Setting up a set with asteroids is fine, but there will be a small penalty if the photography happens in space. If you don't want to use it, you don't have to. It's a bonus, and not required for an entry.
  13. Today is a glorious day! Despite being over budget, and far behind schedule, the Kerbal Space program has landed on the Mun, and beaten those filthy kommunists/kapitalist dogs! Or did they? Fellow kerbalists, your challenge today is to create a set of photos that will convince an uneducated public that you did indeed land on the Mun, without actually doing it. Photos must be able to stand up to at least the laziest of scrutiny. Try and make it look like you're on the Mun. Photos with obvious buildings, grass, or whatever, will not qualify. Each unique, passable Mun scene you make (of a flag planing, rover trip, kerbal on a ladder etc,) will be worth 50 points. Double that if you're using a mod that adds reflections to helmet visors. If you include a nice little story with your Mun pictures, your score may double again. Plus, I'll give an X-factor bonus of up to 25% for extra complex efforts, or excellent scenery.. Please also include an image or two that shows how you did it. I need to make sure you didn't cheat by actually going to the Mun. But hide these in spoiler tags, so they won't ruin the effect of your fake pictures. Also, try to take your fake mun pictures on Kerbin. Do it in space if you must, but there will be a 40% penalty to plan around. No photoshopping allowed. Try not to directly copy previous attempts, this may get a 10% penalty. Use the remains of a demolished space center, use any cheat, mod, use asteroids, use anything, just don't land anywhere but kerbin! Go "land on the Mun"! And good luck! P.s. We all know the real Moon landing did happen. This thread is not intended to dispute that, and anyone who attempts to do so might find themselves fed to to the kracken. Leaderboard: jojofishfishing: 431 points TJPrime: 326 points SirJodelstein: 270 points Rayheat: 250 points CaptainApollo: 234 points Mad Rocket Scientist: 200 points Tw1: 200 points UpsilonAerospace: 154 points r_rolo1: 104 points SemiaCloud: 50 points
  14. It so does. Also, Danny has a forum account? Well how about that.
  15. We've landed on the Mun! 100% legit, not at all fake. Don't believe conspiracy theorists, they're all wackos. Ok, maybe we faked it a little...
  16. IMHO, KSP needs a far more modular system for setting up game modes than Career/Sceine/Sandbox. Something where you pick which aspects you want, and which you don't. Each variant of would be set up so aspects would interact in a sensible manner, preventing situations where you can't move on.
  17. I don't do it myself. I don't quite see the reason, these aren't emails, letters, or anything like that. I don't mind it though, unusual things make life interesting. Cheers! 01010100 01010111 00110001 01000100 01101001 01100100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100101 01111000 01110000 01100101 01100011 01110100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101110 01100001 01101101 01100101 00111111 00100000 01000001 01101100 01110011 01101111 00101100 00100000 01010101 01101110 01101001 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110011 01101100 01101111 01110111 01101100 01111001 00100000 01101011 01101001 01101100 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100000 01110011 01100101 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101000 01100001 01101100 01110000
  18. So.... basically, make the space program pay rent? (Or maybe it's periodic maintenance costs.) IDK. Yes, it would add time preasure, but I'm not so sure it would add it in a useful way. It would add preasure to keep doing stuff, and maximise how make use of time. It would add consequences to liberal use of timewarp. Interplanetary missions are still mostly constrained by launch windows and transfer time, so there, it mainly just adds to the cost of a mission. Hmm... Nothing to stop you launching lots of subsequent Kerbin SOI missions to grind for cash.... Maybe. I'd prefer something more sophisticated, geared towards letting the player establish an elaborate, multifaceted space program, but it would be a start. I don't think adding time pressure for the sake of time pressure is the best idea. It's space program, not space race.
  19. That's an interesting point. I'm not entirely convinced this is a bad thing, as realistically much of what a space program would do would happen around its home planet. The difficulty with KSP of course is the large difference between the timescale of interplanetary operations and local space operations. Personally, I'd love a serious space program mode, where time is important. Done well, periodic budget, travel times, and launch windows cause you to both take interplanetary exploration more slowly and seriously, and spread out the timing of your local endeavours more. 'course, it could get boring if there still wasn't much to do during you stay on the other planets... Do it for me? No thanks. Give me access to that department and the data/launch window calendars it has made? Yes please. Mission planning tools in the mission control building would be awesome. At bare minimum, it could have a map view which allows you to warp forward and backward, (without really warping in game,) set up maneuver nodes, then later load your pre-prepared nodes once actually flying. I imagine you'd have you get into the right orbit first before the game would let you load that, otherwise all your nodes would be messed up.
  20. I use mine for basically all of the above. Making and writing stuff is more fun if others are finding and enjoying it. I can see why they limit the amount of pictures you can put in the sig, but IMO it would be nice to be alowed a few more. I initially put the 'quote' in my signature because I saw other people with stuff there when I first joined, and wanted to participate. Same way you make pretty much anything else a link, actually. Just put: [noparse][/noparse]
  21. I've seen this idea pop up a few times. I like the Mk1 lander, with its chunky vacuum lander look, and flat panels to radially mount things, but do see the problem. But, I'm wondering why a Mk1 inline cockpit wouldn't do the job here?
  22. This is something I'd like too. At the moment, there's not a lot you can do once you've landed, this could be part of a more elaborate science/exploration system Scansat only gives you scans from orbit. This lets you build up a map of what you've found out on the ground.
  23. Tbh, idk about either of those parts. I can't really imagine too many situations, unless you were attempting to do something very specific where you'd need something thinner than this: Plus, wouldn't a 2 man 1.25 meter tank be redundant? Might as well stack an inline Mk1 cockpit, or Mk 1 landercan, under your first pod, depending on needs and tech unlocked. Sometimes a vehicle will look a little silly, but if you're willing to sacrifice some efficiency, that can be reduced. I don't mind that some combinations do look a bit odd- it makes the good ones stand out more. Plus, if every part perfectly matched the look every other part, all craft would look the same, and rather dull. This is what I want, but I'd want ones suited to more through ground exploration, rather something else to return to Kerbin.
  24. I wonder if an awful hacky way to make this work would be to have more heat per speed for objects coming down from space, vs objects coming up from kerbin. Probably would be bad...
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