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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. There is already a soundtrack editor plugin out there: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65726 It might work with this.
  2. This does look cool. Though, the wheel sound does sound a bit too much like some sort of video game car's engine. So, if I use it, I'll probably trade that for something that sounds more like a little electric motor. Plus, the scraping sound sounds like a jet engine?
  3. It totally is. Quick, evacuate all kerbals. If we're lucky, the interdimensional being that hatches will lay a new planet, similar in size and composition to today's Kerbin. It's interdimensional, so it can draw mass and energy from other places and stuff like that. I have a tinfoil hat left over from my days in the Nimona comment section someone can borrow if they want.
  4. A story like scenario or ten could be pretty awesome. But I'd be averse to adding in an 'official' ksp story. Having a set story makes it harder, and less likely that people will develop their own ideas about what a certain kerbal is like, or why the space program is this way. Plus, it makes it possible for your own imaginings to be considered "wrong", if theres something to compare them too. I think this is getting off topic...
  5. This is something I'd like too. So. Very. Much. Because exploring a planet should be more than making those brief first steps. Because rovering can be fun. Looking at strange dirt can be fun too. Ideally, you'd get to hunt them down by looking for changes in your instrument readings- the closer you get, the larger the change. Adding extra parts would be awesome, and perfect for this- a little magnetometer, a geiger counter, maybe even a regolith analyzer which you need to give a sample. Atmosphere composition data could be modded into the atmosphere analyzer. I, am a few others are probably quite willing to discus theoretical planetary regolith and atmosphere composition. Awesome as it would be, to make these fit in with the other instruments, they'd need to have something to measure through the whole solar system. This is why I'd really like something like this be stock. It could just use the stock instruments (temp and/or pressure increase/decrease, seismometer reading oscillating, despite the rover being still,), but any changes to these readings would have to be small to stay believable. (Unless you're approaching an active volcano or something). The more boring way would be to have just the one scanner, or to only be able to locate then visually. IMHO, it would be nice if the objects where persistent within a save, making the planet fell more real. But some things that change after time could be nice.
  6. Tw1


    A good call. You're a top human Mr Wackjob. (But I think the fight Jumpster may have been meaning, is life. So, you know, keep at it.)
  7. I disagree. I don't think KSP should have an end, or an end goal aside from spreading out into the solar system without going broke. KSP works great as an open, self directed, experience-challenge sort of game, like Sims. Plus, IRL, space travel will never really reach an end. I don't mind the idea of situations where you must respond, or it will be the end, though. Responding to a planet killer asteroid sounds like something a responsible space program ought to do.Also Hardmode = the asteroid/s could spawn at any time, irrespective of the players tech, buildings, and progress. Not so sure about the supernova idea. While I do think the anomalies could be used involved in some sort of secret hidden puzzle for the player to solve, but one of the best things about ksp is it's (mostly) grounded on real spaceflight, and known technolgies. Having a few odd, alienish easter eggs is one thing, but showing, and needing SuperPowerful-defiesKnownScience alien tech as part of the game is quite another.
  8. I am all for adding things to investigate and discover in KSP. Especially if the clues are subtle, and not practically handed to you in game-That is, the game doesn't prompt you to investigate, and solving clues it might take some comparing photos, and writing in a notepad. The thing I didn't like about Nova's original concept, is that seeking out the relics, and/or whatever made them could have become the focus of the game. Games about seeking out aliens/precursor civilisations can be great fun, Extrasolar even has a science/discovery system kerbal could learn a few things from, but Kerbal should be about space exploration. Plus, finding a lot of obvious structures out there can sort of spoil the feel of being the first to reach those places. Though, it would be cool as an extra thing. What would be even cooler, would be if there was some element that varied each time, so the clues wouldn't lead to the same place each time. Prevent anyone who talks about how it works from completely spoiling it.
  9. It is pretty cool all the things that need to go on under the hood to make games like this function. So, something like this would not be able to just check if a part is exposed to airflow? Also, is there something that checks if the edges of wings are occluded? Wondering if that could have something to do with the wing drag problems people have been talking about.
  10. I haven't yet attempted to open an old save in 1.02, but I hope someone will have some idea of what's going on, and won't just give the "New version, saves break" excuse. It would be nice to be able to identify the problems, and edit the save to get it working better.
  11. That christmas one was pretty awesome. I hope Kerbin manages to get its debts paid off.
  12. Just putting it out there: Does this remind you of certain contracts you can get?...
  13. There is a relatively simple solution to this- give the player the planning tools. A launch window schedule, or maybe even a porkchop plot generator, would be a great addition to the Mission control building. A simplified version of something like this would work. http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ Re life support, I think it should be kept simple. IMHO, it should *Only have one, or at most, two, dedicated resources. Air and water can be recycled. Something harder to perfectly recycle is food, so it could be based of that, if anything. *Be light, and last for a long time, so bringing it with you only starts being a design issue when you need many months' worth. But not so big, that anything apart from a short stay on another planet is infeasible. *Have some recycling mechanism, but not one that enables a complete closed cycle. It should also be big and heavy enough that it's only worth bringing when you need very large amounts. Eg, if it provides a 50% reduction in life support use, it should be at least as heavy as two large lifesupport containers. *Have some sort of ISRU system to enable you to produce more life support. Also pretty heavy. This wouldn't work everywhere. It would work best on Kerbin and Laythe, IDK about the others. An argument could be made you'll find necessary components to grow more food in many places, but if you can use it anywhere, even at a lesser rate, there's less incentive to be strategic about which planets you set up what bases on. *Let kerbals last a considerably long time on EVA. So rescue, and EVA orbital shenanigans are still possible. At least one kerbin day, or even a week.
  14. You said it. It looked like a race to the Mun.. then when somewhere different entirely. That's quite a shake up for the USKK. And Desdin is missing? Oooh, interesting....
  15. Or the mission control building. But not sure if this is the thread to discus that.
  16. What I'd like to know, if there is any difference between the two precooler type parts. They seem to have nearly the exact same stats in the VAB.
  17. Interesting that they use an occlusion based model for thermal, but not for drag. Is there a reason for this? Simplifying calculations, perhaps? It does seem like using something like how you describe the shockwave system working would avoid some of the problems that the cube/node based system has.
  18. Grab one of the new mk three parts, some of them sank in 0.90.
  19. They did, but we live in the universe they were seeing fast forward.
  20. I don't think it's meant to feel like waiting. But, it is possible to understand that time is passing in the kerbal universe, and act accordingly. This is a flaw in the way career mode has been set up. If the game is about scoring points, yes, it's click to win. But, if the aim was to run a space program, and having it still there for ages provided some benefit, which went towards offsetting some cost, or enabling you to continue, or expand your space activities, there wouldn't be a problem. IDK, maybe if there were some surface activities you could do with you kerbals while you were there....Maybe one day... Though it might be nice to check on the things you've set up every so often.
  21. I also would like to see a mode with time based payment- it would give you a lot more freedom to take the space program where you'd like, rather than needing to follow the direction set by contracts. This way, some of the contracts could be made redundant- like the explore contracts. I'm not convinced linking funds directly to reputation is the best approach- sometimes you will want to warp for a while, and having to grind to regain reputation would be annoying. But, a small reputation loss over time wouldn't be terrible, there should be a few things to deter you from warping willy-nilly. I also think a month might be to small a period- ok for programs focused on Kerbin's SOI, but go interplanetary, your shortest trip takes several months (kerbin time). I think at minimum, it should be 100 days, or even a (kerbin) year) Here is another concept for time based funding I wrote up a while ago. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/3444-An-aproach-to-Time-based-funding
  22. If you take robotics to one logical end, that is AI with the ability to learn, and greater mental power far beyond what humans have. In that case, it's not hard to imagine humans as second class citizens in an economic system where we are greatly outclassed. There are some that think robots could someday become creative, or at least, get very close to it. A big part of creative design is combining old ideas with new, making solutions that solve problems, successfully communicating, etc. A lot of the things behind designs boil down to certain rules. Even in graphic design, there is gestalt principles, colour theory, rule of thirds, and a lot of historic and cultural associations that can be used to inform design. If an AI is smart enough to consider every possible factor, and learn from experience, then it is entirely possible they may one day work alongside humans. One point I've heard a few places, is that very intelligent robots should be given wants and goals to make them friendly to humans, to prevent them from overtaking us in ways that will cause us harm. For example, if an AI's only goal is simply to maximise profit, then every decision it makes will be aimed towards doing so- and it will not seek to avoid causing harm to people unless that gets in the way of achieving its goal. Although, it would not be far fetched to claim many humans already act like this. But, if AI is given a more complex set of goals, aimed at enhancing human culture, quality of life, and happiness, and looking after the planet. If these are no less important than making a profit, it will make a very different set of decisions. It's hard to predict how a learning robot's goals would grow and change. If it was not programed, would a robot even develop goals of its own, apart from those related to goals it's already been given? But, an AI doesn't necessarily need a sense of boredom, or fun, or art appreciation beyond what it needs to understand humans. An AI has no reason to desire things. Some robots may recognise that they run things more effectively than us, and make it hard for humans to get jobs in those positions. It's important who is doing the hiring. An AI boss might be programed to be sympathetic towards humans, and hire them alongside humans. AI colleges might be respectful towards humans, considering their ideas and opinions, but helping develop those ideas really fast. Who spends money, and why is another important factor to consider. An AI ruled system might set itself up to ensure humans still have ways to get money. If AIs do earn money, but don't have enough needs and wants to motivate them to spend it, that would create economic problems without humans. Ultimately, it depends on a lot of things. It's quite hard to predict what will happen, but by debating and thinking about these things we'll be able to make smart choises,(or at least, recognise dumb ones,) when it comes to making artificial intelligences.
  23. Made an SSTO. Flew a plane. There is nothing wrong with it. Nothing at all. Launched... this thing. Practiced lithobreaking. Made a metronome. Then decided I'd go somewhere really fast.
  24. I assume the main thing the next one will bring, is unity 5 conversion. Though what I'd like to see worked on is some propper ground exploration tools. It would be awesome if the kerbals could hop on a rover, drive about, and start loging all the notible geological features of a landing site, rather than anding, quickly running a few experiments, then doing nothing untill it's time to leave. That, and maybe and overhaul of the sceince system, something where you get to actually record some data, and start to build up a picture of each world, (and space itself), rather than just scoritng points. Ideally, this would be fully funtional in sandbox, so we can have the fun experiance without the grind.
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