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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. Watched the video. It still not worky I removed the part tools script, double checked the names and things, but the error still won't go away. I may just have to put it up without props, which would be a pity, they help to make it feel cluttered and sciencey.
  2. I found and fixed the import model thing, but it still won't make a working props config. Or any, really.
  3. Honestly, I find it hard to believe some of the stories people here have been telling about their teachers. I suppose there are factors that could play into it, like area demographics, and when it happened, but still... Maybe it makes sense if it was not a subject they were teaching, but something they said when a kid asked them about it. I do know people who've held on to one or two misconceptions, so it's not unbelievable, but still.. I can remember knowing more space trivia than then, but they at least got the basics right. After all, you can clearly see, this astronaut is still, and not moving with a large velocity relative to Earth.... That first example is so strange. There is the stereotype that people in the USA dumb things down for kids, so maybe the lady thought that "Mars" was too hard a concept for her kid. But still, a minute's worth of explaining, and the kid would have learnt something. Really, if you're worried that a kid won't understand something, it's far better to avoid giving them false information, and instead, just simplifying it. E.g, explain the place where we live is on a planet called Earth. Mars is a different planet far away. Even if they don't fully understand it, they'll have an accurate, if incomplete picture they can build on later. This museum does sound cool. If I came by, I would say hi. Not much chance of that happening in the next few years though.
  4. I don't recall being able to do when I played last. While I agree that career from name is silly, there's a little more to it than that. A kerbal's name appears in several parts of the persistent and quicksave files, so it would be necessary to make sure that every instance of a kerbal's name was changed to void errors which can happen when there are mistakes in the file. But that shouldn't be hard.
  5. I have little use for a shotgun, and my phone is in pretty bad shape atm, so this choice was fairly obvious. Ninja'd! I think I'll go with ANFO, if I remember from Mythbusters, it makes slightly cooler looking explosions. Would you rather 1)Suddenly and irreversibly have your appearance (size, build, skin tone, facial features, etc,) completely changed, making you completely unrecognisable, Or 2) Be changed to the opposite gender, but still be (mostly) recognisable as yourself.
  6. I agree, it would be nice to have some stats. They could also have somewhere that displays the record of your kerbals achievements, first you made, etc. I've wanted the space program's achievements in science to work more like the ratings in some of those city building/management games for a while, judging you on ongoing progress, rather than being a collect-stuff-for-points type thing. I thought you were proposing a new admin strategy at first...
  7. Probably my favourite thing about this video is the random, unexplained Star Destroyers in the background. I'd like to see hand held science instruments, but I can see a interesting things happening here...
  8. I made a starbug with spherical tanks mod some time ago. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56725-Starbug%21 Still use a modified version of it.
  9. This looks like an awesome set of mods.
  10. One good thing about it was the icons where small and got out. Of the way. That doesn't am to happen with stock.
  11. In these forums, once you've posted it, it will be available for editing for all eternity, save the planet (or at least, God forbid, the servers) blowing up, or that thread being locked by a moderator.
  12. I don't think I did either, but IDK, for me, it might be just awkward at this point. Congrats on the 1K!
  13. Yes. I reset some passwords just incase.
  14. *cough*Needs more boosters*cough* Still, your delivery method is impresive. Welcome to the kerbal forums! Tried besiege, but I think I'll wait and see if the design thing improves, I'm too used to ksp's symmetry options.
  15. Haha, that's awesome. Simcity was probably one of the things that got me interested in pursuing a career in urban design/landscape architecture, (a decision I am currently having doubts about.) This game does look good though, but lack of moneys and a need to stay focused means I probably won't for some time.
  16. Perhaps it could take the form of scanners and advanced science instruments to let you explore places in detail. There's a lot of things going on in the building stage, and the flying stage, but so little in the actually-got-to-the-planet stage. I'd like to see more complexity there, perhaps they could take a leaf out of Take On Mars's book, and give us some more things to poke around with.
  17. The ones from KAS are a little big for a kerbal, but these KIS ones are quite huge for them to carry. They are sort of a size in between what would be practical to manipulate on EVA. Maybe including smaller containers would be an idea?
  18. THere is another use for chase cam though- it can be useful for clicking on parts with precision on a craft that is spinning or moving about. It's finetoo Look at if youkeep your eyes on the craft. The only issue I have with off is it doesn't Alow 360 degree rotation on all planes. It can be used to look under things sometimes too.
  19. Ok, so Culling mask determines what the light will affect? Cool. I've removed the unnecessary Animator component, but I'm not sure how to change the import model thing. Is there a setting in one of the dropdown menus or tabs that must be change? Just checking, is this what's probably preventing the props CFG from writing, or would that be something else?
  20. I do a bit too. The old one had some quite dramatic features to it. Compare these two images: Both taken at the same spot, but from different versions. I think they went slighly overboard with the dune/erosion effect- the constant undulations hides dramatic features like those bason edges, which also lost much of their form because of that effect. Perhaps the ideal would be somewhere between the two. If the dunes where toned down, and the old, darker colour brought back, duna would be much better. A few more riverbed and crater like features wouldn't go amiss either.
  21. Which, (as I've posted about in that thread), may look good, but is a bit of a rubbish design for a science lab. I see no space to actually do science in, which this model does offer, while still being very stocklike. The basics are working, so I'll probably release it at some point anyway, but it would be nice to know how to patch up these flaws in the set up. I notice in IVA threads, people talking about proptools. I don't seem to have that script. I also wonder if the lights should be in a different layer or someone. There doesn't seem to be a comprehensive written guide out there. (I prefer written to video, you can easily find the section with relevant info without sitting there for ages.)
  22. I wouldn't mind seeing duna get adjusted slighly, the terrain seems quite monotonous, the dune effect dulls the visual impact of mountains and craters. Though it might be a bit late to change it.
  23. I'm having a bit of trouble with an IVA I've put together, using a model by Ven. There are two problems. First, light seems to be spilling out from the inside: Second, I can't make props appear when I load it in game. When I press the save to config button, I get this error: I managed to get it to write a config by loading spawning in another IVA, stripping out its props, overwriting that config, but copying those details into the config for this IVA doesn't seem to have worked. Here's what that version of the config looks like: INTERNAL { name = LabSpaceUPGRADE MODULE { name = InternalSeat seatTransformName = Seat1 allowCrewHelmet = false } MODULE { name = InternalSeat allowCrewHelmet = false seatTransformName = Seat2 } MODULE { name = InternalCameraSwitch colliderTransformName = Window1 cameraTransformName = Camera1 } MODULE { name = InternalCameraSwitch colliderTransformName = Window2 cameraTransformName = Camera2 } MODULE { name = InternalCameraSwitch colliderTransformName = Window3 cameraTransformName = Camera3 } MODULE { name = InternalCameraSwitch colliderTransformName = Window4 cameraTransformName = Camera4 } MODULE { name = InternalCameraSwitch colliderTransformName = Window5 cameraTransformName = Camera5 } MODULE { name = InternalCameraSwitch colliderTransformName = Window6 cameraTransformName = Camera6 } PROP { name = AltimeterThreeHands position = -0.2271811,-1.696817,0.6394622 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = AltimeterThreeHands position = -0.6702285,-2.689338,0.795574 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = AltimeterThreeHands position = -0.6702285,-3.349463,0.795574 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = AltimeterThreeHands position = -0.8240914,-1.693834,0.1697591 rotation = 0.8640891,0.01712112,0.5027524,-0.01723384 scale = 1,0.9999967,1 } PROP { name = AltimeterThreeHands position = 0.480557,-3.074421,0.8149185 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = AltimeterThreeHands position = -1.034684,-3.612594,0.1755904 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = AltimeterThreeHands position = -0.6702285,-4.480187,0.7955739 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = AltimeterThreeHands position = -0.6702285,-2.294908,0.795574 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = AltimeterThreeHands position = -0.8280612,-4.673583,0.1101094 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = AltimeterThreeHands position = 0.4805571,-4.033642,0.8149185 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = AltimeterThreeHands position = 0.5921628,-1.696616,0.4148904 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = AtmosphereDepth position = -0.6702285,-2.055612,0.795574 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = AtmosphereDepth position = -0.5616491,-1.686852,0.7290399 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = AtmosphereDepth position = 0.82659,-2.705795,0.2121378 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = AtmosphereDepth position = 0.82659,-2.782266,0.2121378 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = AxisIndicatorPitch position = -0.6782929,-4.6811,0.382794 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = AxisIndicatorPitch position = 0.82659,-2.745227,0.2121378 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = AxisIndicatorPitch position = 0.7689271,-4.67502,0.006560883 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = AxisIndicatorPitch position = 0.82659,-2.820399,0.2121378 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = AxisIndicatorRoll position = -0.7153578,-4.6811,0.382794 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = AxisIndicatorRoll position = -0.4914714,-1.686852,0.7290399 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = AxisIndicatorRoll position = -0.5250697,-1.686852,0.7290399 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = AxisIndicatorRoll position = 0.724386,-4.67502,0.006560886 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = AxisIndicatorRoll position = 0.82659,-2.670923,0.2121378 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = AxisIndicatorYaw position = -0.7573106,-4.6811,0.382794 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = AxisIndicatorYaw position = 0.6857837,-4.67502,0.00656089 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ButtonSquare position = -0.8713002,-1.686852,-0.2171512 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ButtonSquare position = 0.6712196,-2.3755,0.4827891 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 0.9999771,1.000027,1 } PROP { name = ButtonSquare position = 0.5967959,-4.680784,0.4195336 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ButtonSquare position = 0.7608883,-3.991416,0.3265886 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = ButtonSquare position = 0.4679545,-1.696616,0.6394482 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ButtonSquare position = 0.5838208,-3.991416,0.6350357 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = ButtonSquare position = -0.8200789,-2.394135,0.54066 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ButtonSquare position = 0.5967959,-4.680784,0.3861759 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ButtonSquare position = -0.9273704,-1.686852,-0.2171512 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ButtonSquare position = -0.876076,-2.394135,0.4454018 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ButtonSquare position = 0.5965891,-2.3755,0.6127936 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 0.9999579,1.00005,1 } PROP { name = ButtonSquare position = 0.5967959,-4.680784,0.3158541 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ButtonSquare position = 0.743719,-1.696616,0.02078655 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ButtonSquare position = -0.7271596,-2.394135,0.6987273 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ButtonSquare position = 0.8144674,-1.696616,0.02078655 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ButtonSquare position = 0.4679545,-1.696616,0.5724642 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ButtonSquare position = 0.5967959,-4.680784,0.3509242 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ButtonSquare position = -0.7666293,-2.394135,0.6315846 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ButtonSquare position = -0.03444461,-4.680784,0.707312 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = 0.7323838,-4.67502,-0.1599044 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = -0.1340629,-4.680784,0.707312 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = -0.7727221,-1.686852,-0.3343582 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = 0.69062,-4.67502,-0.1599044 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = -1.034684,-3.541626,0.1755904 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = -1.034684,-3.693718,0.1755904 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = -0.8713002,-1.686852,-0.3343582 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = -0.7581797,-4.6811,0.2919894 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = -0.8718029,-3.989286,0.4526711 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = 0.5898107,-1.696616,0.5134411 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = -0.6782929,-4.6811,0.2926207 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = 0.7133564,-4.67502,-0.1938374 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = 0.7347974,-2.3755,0.3720383 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 0.9999876,1.000014,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = -0.2298731,-1.686852,0.7256065 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = 0.7506554,-4.67502,-0.1272765 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = 0.4679545,-1.696616,0.4148904 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = 0.5338318,-1.696616,0.514021 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = -0.9236115,-3.989286,0.3645382 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = 0.5420921,-2.3755,0.7077259 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 0.9999224,1.000092,0.9999858 } PROP { name = circularButton position = 0.7506554,-4.67502,-0.1938374 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = 0.5510506,-3.991277,0.6921206 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = -0.8198043,-1.686852,-0.3343582 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = 0.7115019,-4.67502,-0.1272765 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = -0.7152601,-4.6811,0.292593 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = 0.4679545,-1.696616,0.4608405 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = 0.3753884,-4.680784,0.6368873 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = 0.7689271,-4.67502,-0.1599044 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = circularButton position = 0.4679545,-1.696616,0.514021 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = Compass position = 0.7437191,-1.696616,0.1945495 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = Compass position = 0.8265901,-3.588603,0.2121378 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = Compass position = 0.8265901,-3.675125,0.2121378 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = Compass position = 0.6714628,-1.696616,0.1945495 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = directionalKnob position = 0.01241149,-1.686852,0.7290398 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = directionalKnob position = -0.08031613,-1.686852,0.7256065 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = directionalKnob position = -0.3104009,-4.680784,0.707312 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = directionalKnob position = -0.2137575,-4.680784,0.707312 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = directionalKnob position = -0.496058,-4.680784,0.707312 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = directionalKnob2 position = -0.8327987,-4.673583,-0.2921295 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = directionalKnob2 position = -1.034684,-3.612594,0.1755904 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = directionalKnob2 position = -0.4070443,-4.680784,0.707312 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = IndicatorPanel position = -1.03004,-2.673456,0.1728607 rotation = 0.6137531,0.3511512,0.3511512,-0.6137531 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = IndicatorPanel position = 0.2744785,-1.696616,0.6931016 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = IndicatorPanel position = -0.8280612,-4.673583,0.2360087 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = IndicatorPanel position = 0.4721305,-4.675016,0.5566596 rotation = 2.986996E-08,0.9680992,1.309313E-15,0.2505674 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = IndicatorPanel position = -1.070223,-1.877952,0.1009664 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = IndicatorPanel position = 0.8388219,-1.869088,0.1908301 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = ledPanelSpeed position = 0.4684891,-1.839219,0.8359404 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 0.9999876,1.000014,1 } PROP { name = ledPanelSpeed position = 0.6857837,-4.67502,0.06891856 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ledPanelSpeed position = 0.4805571,-3.880395,0.8149185 rotation = 0.3544309,-0.611865,0.611865,0.3544309 scale = 0.9999967,0.9999967,1 } PROP { name = ledPanelSpeed position = 0.5446414,-1.696658,-0.4764199 rotation = 0.9535054,0.002302799,-0.3013667,-0.0004639926 scale = 1,0.9999967,1 } PROP { name = ledPanelSpeed position = -0.6809542,-3.571908,0.7773283 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ledPanelSpeed position = -0.6593971,-1.687032,0.3738701 rotation = 0.8642607,0.007430459,0.5029889,-0.0005806031 scale = 0.9999964,1,1 } PROP { name = ledPanelSpeed position = -1.03004,-2.788395,0.1728607 rotation = 0.6137531,0.3511512,0.3511512,-0.6137531 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ledPanelSpeed position = -1.03004,-2.844202,0.1728607 rotation = 0.6137531,0.3511512,0.3511512,-0.6137531 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ledPanelSpeed position = 0.4807894,-3.845897,0.8145138 rotation = 0.3501625,-0.6095248,0.6143177,0.3584404 scale = 0.9999998,1,0.9999967 } PROP { name = ledPanelSpeed position = 0.486555,-1.696709,-0.5591314 rotation = 0.9535054,0.002302799,-0.3013667,-0.0004639926 scale = 1,0.9999967,1 } PROP { name = ledPanelSpeed position = -0.6628859,-3.571908,0.8080646 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = ledPanelSpeed position = 0.4856997,-1.839219,0.8059599 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = ledPanelSpeed position = -0.6432692,-3.571908,0.8414351 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = pullSwitch position = 0.5921628,-1.696616,-0.2838136 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = pullSwitch position = -0.7923123,-4.673583,-0.3397907 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = pullSwitch position = -0.9016305,-4.673583,-0.2177168 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = pullSwitch position = -0.8327987,-4.673583,-0.3403032 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = pullSwitch position = -0.7010455,-1.687438,0.3975348 rotation = 0.8642607,0.007430459,0.5029889,-0.0005806031 scale = 0.9999964,1,1 } PROP { name = RadarAltimeter position = 0.5921628,-1.696616,0.2995287 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = RadarAltimeter position = -0.9529209,-1.686852,-0.05985282 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = RadarAltimeter position = -0.9270835,-4.673583,0.1101094 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = RadarAltimeter position = -0.08031613,-1.686852,0.6394622 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = RadarAltimeter position = 0.4805571,-3.632039,0.8149185 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = RadarAltimeter position = 0.480557,-2.552231,0.8149185 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = RadarAltimeter position = -0.6782929,-4.6811,0.5173758 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = RadarAltimeter position = 0.743719,-1.696616,-0.2018438 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = RadarAltimeter position = -0.6702285,-2.917729,0.795574 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = RadarAltimeter position = -0.8857914,-1.686852,-0.05985283 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = RadarAltimeter position = -0.6702285,-3.847217,0.795574 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = RadarAltimeter position = 0.6857837,-4.67502,0.137215 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = squareButton position = -0.7968762,-3.989286,0.5801308 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = squareButton position = -0.6700197,-1.686668,0.4521515 rotation = 0.8642607,0.007430459,0.5029889,-0.0005806031 scale = 0.9999964,1,1 } PROP { name = squareButton position = -0.9016305,-4.673583,-0.03912626 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = squareButton position = -0.9016305,-4.673583,-0.07944106 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = squareButton position = -0.9016305,-4.673583,-0.1100247 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = squareButton position = -0.7338545,-3.989286,0.6873383 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = standingSwitch position = -0.9273704,-1.686852,-0.1875553 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = standingSwitch position = -0.6181864,-1.685381,0.5433974 rotation = 0.8642607,0.007430459,0.5029889,-0.0005806031 scale = 0.9999964,1,1 } PROP { name = switch position = 0.743719,-1.696616,-0.05974755 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = switch position = 0.6627424,-3.991416,0.4975562 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = switch position = -1.034684,-3.758705,0.1755904 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = switch position = 0.7080293,-3.991416,0.4186676 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = switch position = -1.034684,-3.482693,0.1755904 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = switch position = 0.8114974,-1.696616,-0.05974755 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = switch position = 0.480557,-2.700106,0.8149185 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = switch position = 0.3753884,-4.680784,0.7036352 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = switchWithGuards position = -0.6702285,-3.189167,0.795574 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = switchWithGuards position = -0.6702285,-3.029533,0.795574 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = switchWithGuards position = -0.6702285,-3.110385,0.795574 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = switchWithGuards position = 0.480557,-2.791479,0.8149185 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = switchWithGuards position = 0.480557,-2.895399,0.8149185 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = VSI position = 0.5921587,-1.696616,-0.408758 rotation = 0.9535054,0.002302799,-0.3013667,-0.0004639926 scale = 1,0.9999967,1 } PROP { name = VSI position = 0.480557,-3.355069,0.8149185 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = VSI position = -0.6702285,-2.513822,0.795574 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = VSI position = 0.5967959,-4.680784,0.2360086 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = VSI position = -0.6702285,-4.173418,0.795574 rotation = -0.6822904,-0.6822904,0.1856875,0.1856876 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = VSI position = 0.4859709,-4.337703,0.8180264 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = VSI position = 0.04294881,-1.686852,0.6394622 rotation = 1,-4.371139E-08,-4.371139E-08,1.910685E-15 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = VSI position = -0.9016305,-4.673583,-0.1656315 rotation = 0,1,0,-4.371139E-08 scale = 1,1,1 } PROP { name = VSI position = 0.4805569,-2.199124,0.8149185 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } PROP { name = VSI position = 0.4863045,-4.558871,0.8182179 rotation = -0.1821689,-0.1821689,0.6832383,0.6832383 scale = 1,0.9999998,1 } } Here's what my hierarchy and stuff looks like: What would be going wrong?
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