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Everything posted by DChurchill

  1. Get it? Sunglasses? Burning eyes?
  2. Great book horrible movie. The user below me is not mrpamplemousse or briansun1. (gotcha )
  3. False in a large way. The user below me is European.
  4. 1/10 Only because I hardly ever visit the off-topic stuff.
  5. Probably need to post that here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/12384-PART-0-22-Anatid-Robotics-MuMech-MechJeb-Autopilot-v2-1/page346
  6. Noooo! Derpy! Noooooo! Pinkie are decapitatied!!!! Oh the equestrity!!!!
  7. It's really in need of a difficulty slider. I think Squad is making a mistake in making career mode a "for new players" thing. Games like Civilization are fun because of, among a great many other things, the tech tree. People who don't want to mess with it can ignore it and go sandbox. Just because I already know how KSP works and can get to Eeloo and make huge orbital stations, doesn't mean I won't enjoy career mode.
  8. A barber pole? The north pole? A telephone pole? A polecat? I'm so confused.
  9. Yeah. Definitely Kerbals. Yeah. Five minutes till Wapner.
  10. I fail to see, then, why you're opposed to granting them in sandbox? The infrastructure is already there. There is no additional cost to opening it up in sandbox.
  11. Me, too. It's fun, and a step in the right direction, but I find it's too easy to advance the tech tree. I know the philosophy is to introduce new players to the parts gradually, but I think using that as the sole reason for career mode is a mistake. I love games like Civilization and so many others that have tech tree like features. I like to have a reason to do things in a game. I find pure sandbox boring after a while.
  12. I'm sure it's possible, but not sure why you would want to, if not for "because I can." Doesn't seem like much fun. Whateva.
  13. I think you're spot on, according to my observations.
  14. Here's a little much needed launch pad feature:
  15. I'm excited for .22 so all these stupid threads will cease and we get get back to the normal stupidity.
  16. People will farm anyway. I don't know any MMO that doesn't have someone farming some aspect of it. For me, I'm not going to farm something even if it's somehow the most efficient way to gather something, because it isn't fun. Like gathering crafting mats in Skyrim, even. I'm just not going to spend two hours doing nothing but picking flowers and picking wings off butterflies, because I'd probably end up cutting my wrists from boredom. But I don't care if you want to. That's the figurative you, not you personally. Trying to make a system farm-proof usually results in a watered-down thing that nobody really likes. "Well, this thing used to be really cool but people were exploiting "X" so they neutered the whole thing." Seen it in a ton of MMOs. That's fine in an MMO, but why bother in a single-player game? It's like the whole MechJeb debate. Why on earth would you play a single-player game in a manner that's boring and repetitive, just to be more efficient? Then it's a job. But, like I said, if you want to do that, go crazy. Again not pointed at you but the figurative "you". Anyway, that's a whole other discussion. Back to topic.
  17. Always have nosecone or a procedural fairing. Dunno why, I don't run FAR. I just can't look at a ship with a blunt nose.
  18. Liken it to any RPG. For me, the lower levels are more fun, simply because of the fact that you can't do everything. It's the opportunity to go off in a different direction. At this point, I'll probably start off stock and add mods when they seem appropriate. I don't run any strictly parts mods, but things that add functionality like ISA, KAS, MJ, stuff like that, so they should be able to fit in somewhere.
  19. Well, lots of games have failure as an option. I liken career mode to something like Sim City or Civilization. I don't think you have to guarantee success. That being said, I hope that there's no "game over" for a successful space program. It would be nice that, as the fruit of your success, you in effect end up with a fully unlocked game like sandbox, but with the ability go keep gathering science like Civilization has "future tech" that keeps going and adding to your score.
  20. Meh. It's a single player game, if someone wants to farm, more power to 'em. People are going to find ways to game the game. In any case, if Squad decides to implement this idea, it will still have to fit within their framework and vision. So getting into minutia is probably a waste of time. That being said, I certainly hope they do implement something like this, they already have "science" points. Adding "engineering" points would be a welcome addition. I think they're already planning on giving kerbals flight experience points to improve them as they go, so by adding engineering, you could have all the aspects of the game covered.
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