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Everything posted by Aragosnat

  1. 2 days ago. Had the pefect launch to intrecept a Kerbal stranded in space. (Almost. Had to slow down a little to get it) As most of the time I would have to wait a few orbits before getting such an encounter. Dispite playing having racked up 1688+ hours and more to come. Also realised my pc can handle the game at max detail just fine. At least with my current part counts. Other then that getting used to designing space planes with the new parts and limited tech. Just a little beauty shot: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/539629277657337685/98CA4799C0AF1BD886B0D9004D2E93922943C465/ And here is the one of some in game whales: Now now. Just use your imagination. =^.^=
  2. Fill every planet and Moon with Kerbal crafts where if you ever switch to them. You crash the game. That could be considered by some a victory But, I do agree we define our own victories.
  3. I try to remember to add a chute and a decupler to every new plane design. Only a few accidents with planes. But, all Kerbals lived. I might have to add the sepatron thingy.
  4. Allow Quick Load is the only one on. (Just in Kase of Kracken attack.) 0 starting Funds, REp and Sience. Advanced options I left normal. Might start a harder one where my rep is -1000 and with lower gains and higher penalties.
  5. They like doing Tuesdays. So likely then. That way they can not do the dev reports.
  6. Yeah. Small B Class or A Class might be someting to try first though. Less mass to push. Might want to do a B Class as I have found some A class ones to have mass way off centered, like pointing to empty space. Also had a chance to put a roid around Mün. But, it was an A class one that sadly was very very off centered with its mass.
  7. Yup. Which might be a good thing too.
  8. Depends on how big they are. But, likely try to use it as a probe deliverer and maybe a rescue the Kerbal craft inside it ot a crew tranfer system.
  9. Well at least this nice little comic strip certainly captures what 0.25 is going to be about:
  10. What are you doing, Dave? So far waiting for KSP 0.26 to come out. =^.^= Yeah. I know I should be playing KSP. But, Minecraft has been taking some of taht times away.
  11. More or less what I mentioned on page 8. Buildings on other planets and moons. =^.^=
  12. I like it as it means one other thing besides being careful where my stuff drops. Potential building on other Planets and moons. =^.^= At least it feels like it to me. Since having indestructaable buildings would not be fun to have else where besides KSC and on needs to have a nice way to blow them up. =^.^=
  13. Maybe start a new saved game or just roll back to the start of the current one. BEfore or after seeing what crashes. =^.^= Plus need to re-work all my space planes as the parts are likely to make them look wierd. Thankfully got none in flight that uses those parts.
  14. Well. I think they have done a hot fix over the weekend. But, yeah. They should not be doing one as they should take a brake once in a while.
  15. Found an A class roid that has its center off mass off when the claw attaches. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/539627912692740421/F0C822A131D55BF82EB45F4E6146407191AB49F9/
  16. Yeah. A few days to a few weeks then I start back up.
  17. Yeah. Just need the science lab to clean out the Science Jr and Goo Containers. Also the The Science lab can store unlimited and multiples of the same reports and science stuff. Plus as others have mention transporting fuel, rescuing Kerbals, servaying spots for bases as well as looking for them enomolies, as well as to see what type of stunts you can pull off on each moon or planet before destroying the rover. =^.^=
  18. They love our mods. Just make sure you say what it changes and such.
  19. Hehe. But, yeah the current dev notes http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93996-Devnote-Tuesdays-The-Really-Short-Edition mentioned gooie Kerbals. Does that mean Kerbals will be leaving a greasy smear now?
  20. Well. While trying to dock with my ship to refuel it so it can bring the capped roid into orbit I had a close fly by of a near death kind: AS you can see. It is the same rock I was trying for. But, a tad bit to fast. Intetional and almost unintentional hit. Had 0.0 km on it so I had to guess and hope I miss while power slowing before tankfully missing then racing up to catch up to dock with it.
  21. Well we could have First person view when we EVA finally. Since no modder has yet done that as far as I'm aware of. But, lets the konspirase keep going. =^.^=
  22. Yeah. Sadly I suck at balancing just the ladders. Got a nice space plane or at least plane part getting up in the air about 3 km up. Still going right now. XD I'll post later if I make it to space. Edit: Need to try to make it lighter. Only made it 14 km up.
  23. What Red Iron Crown said. But, also like you pointed out. You need to keep it from rotating too.
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