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Everything posted by Aragosnat

  1. How about on the tracking station, water towers, R&D, Contract, Astronought complex, SPH, the budget building or the air trafic control trower?
  2. Yup. Too pictures here on the west coast. Need to get them off digi carmra. Saw the start on a live stream saw the Bloood Moon from my house.
  3. Gilly Lands on you. Not you land on Gilly. Almost no such thing as landing on Gilly. Kerbals just need to lift both feet and be called in orbit. Last time I tried to land on Gilly I had to burn towards it.
  4. Welp. Got a SSTO Plane in orbit after long tries and long time since doing such. Here it is sitting pretty in orbit minus pilot: Here it is landing rump first with rescued pilot: Lived with nothing breaking off: 33 some days till my first of 13? vesssels will reach Duna. First time in many moons since I left Kerbin's KOS as well as first time with so many craft.
  5. Had a good laugh at "don't drive like you stole it." Wonder if Kerbals have games similar to GTA? But, yeah. Wide can help. But, low center of mass with the bulk of the mass over each wheel helps. Even with reaction wheels cannot stop the flipping when hitting a phantom immoveable roadbloack on one side... Seems to be on the left for me. Even though I do build long and narrow. I do try my best to keep the speed under 10 m/s (36km/h) for the just in case I hit the invisable object called the Mün (or insert large orbital object with gravity) or less if it is a really really heavy rover. As slowing down is not easy when going down hill/mountain.
  6. Nope. After making a few mistakes earily hard career. The science lab is helping me get back what I had to conver to Funds and Rep. Otherwise would have had to start a new game..
  7. Been to lot of places. Just depends on which version. Pre-0.90 been to Moho with orbit, visited the bulk of Jool Moons landed on Laythe and returned. Been to Eeloo with orbit.. Never been to Dres, Ike, Bop or Pol. Gilly landed on me. Landed on Eve never returned tried and it failed. 1.04 have a fleet of ships heading towards Duna 8+ Think it might be 13 craft all heading there within 346 days soonist is 26 days. Now if I only get back to feel like playing before 1.1 hits. XD
  8. They look fin and realistic. At least from my point of view. Color wise it looks fine. But, something is a bit off on the on on the left. Can we get on that swaps out the blood red the bolts at the bottom and ones at the center of dish. To be more like the copper brown that is on the dish. Or just swap out the blood red on the antenna with Kerbal Green. Just to see what it looks like. Other then wanting to see diffrent colors on said part. I think the antenna will look good an the first Kerbal joyride pod as well as the sputnik probe and likely the other probes too.
  9. Playing KSP 1.0.4 take some time off from that when I feel the need for it and play other games I own. Like banished, SotA, Minecraft, Star Citizen...
  10. Done that one. Not easy in the least bit. It is easy to get a Mün intercpet with out such helpful tools. Knowing when to stop playing.... Knowing when it is safe to start playing again.
  11. Now just return without crashing. =^.^=
  12. Sure Gilly did not land on Haduki? Been getting back into playing KSP after a month long brake due to an extended event on a web browser game I play.
  13. Best I did pre-1.0 was 5 tons. Now... Don't think I can get that even. Barely been getting craft into orbit that can get 1-2 Kerbals up.
  14. One of the old trailers for their updates Squad did. Showed them playing cards. Building card houses will likely be next. Stone carving and possibly wood carving since they do have trees now around KSC.
  15. A combination of the two. Plus I usually try to send it up all in one launch when possable. But, since we can mine for fuel. Sending in a wave of ships to Duna currently. Really depends on the tech I have unlocked as that will determin how I send my craft.
  16. Actually there is an Explore contract. Sadly it is after you do the other explore contracts that lead up to it. Mun to Get Duna and Ike explore Which allows you Eva. Duna and Ike Get you Gilly contract which then opens up Jool. Yup Jool as Dres was skipped for some reason. Then After Jool and its moons you get the Dres Contract followed my Eeloo contract. But, Yeah the incline and small SOI to try and get an intrecpt makes it more of a pain then it is worth. Unless you plan for the incline well before Leaving Kerbin's SOI. Think it can be done. Just a lot more effort and waiting.
  17. Oh. Thought he ment. Not killing Kerbals for fun and profit. Leave no Kerbal behind type thing. But, do take brakes from KSP. Since time has stopped for the Kerbals. So why not?
  18. From the sounds of it you are going down at insane speeds with a very very very fat craft. As at 3000 m you should be well under 250 m/s in most cases. So what kind of craft are you bringing in? Pictures please.
  19. I have a refinery on Mün and perciese landings is a must for when I want to refuel for tourist contracts. And since I like to refuel in orbit as I play stock. More ove a must then.
  20. It is certainly stock and suggest you don't play any game of chance that requiers money. Go for it.
  21. I do like the looks of the new parts. The signal range will certainly make it more of a challange. Going to suck for my 8 craft heading towards Duna right now as from the sounds of it. My level 2 tracking station might not cut it. But, only if it is not auto-disabled on active saves. Still the idea is sound and something I would expect to happen sooner or later. Plus it means I don't have to get a mod for that funtionality.
  22. Hum. Odd. Only stuff that don't have crews or probes should be auto-labed debris. True you can when rename it turn it to debris. One of those things you need to make sure it has the right icon as well as no passangers. But, yeah. I have deleted crew by mistake. Sidenote: On the title. When is debris not debris. A) When it hits your craft. Then it is a balistic missile. When it is on a sub-orbital trajectory. Then it is a meteor and any thing that survives is a meteorite.
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