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Everything posted by Aragosnat

  1. If I installed the mod. I certainly would be hording like you. Did download it though.
  2. Quirks or Quarks? Anyways. Make overtly fat bottom stages that make my rockets look like X-mass trees till they are staged. Constantly over building my rockets to the point where the bulk of the time they are able to do more then they should.
  3. Take and do multiple contracts at once. I have 23 k rocket that can get 2 tourists into orbit and back and I know when to re-enter into Kerban so that my craft with the tourists lands close enough to get 90-98% back giving me 6 k back about from return parts. Also test x at y altitude at z speeds does not mean you need to do it with a certain craft. The plane example you made can be done on a rocket. Just place said part on your nose lauch craft. Perfect example of doing it with a tourist contract like you also mentioned. Also throw in text x part at launch helps reduce the cost even more if you can get them to pop up.
  4. Enjoying the fact. I have 8+ crafts heading to Duna. A few of which are going to be used in mining so the Kerbals all 34 of them can come back after I get another back of more perminent settlers ready.
  5. If I did not use F5 and F9. I would be starting a new career every few days.
  6. Actually. Once you accept the contract you see what they are. Just what they are stuck in is unknown most of the time. Good thing about rescue X kerbal and bring home his craft. They are almost telling you what it is. Since the empty craft only have one craft that weights the same as it. By the time my "Flying Bus" reaches Duna with its 32 passangers. I should have enough to send to them again. Yes. It maybe a vacation home. Well. I might have to let some tourists live there. I'll just take a rep hit if they can stay there. But, yes. I do think it is problematic that they increase in kost with evey Kerbal you have. Certaily does not make sense for rookies to cost so much. One way is a yearly salary. Not a bad thing. But, a problem if you have a lot sitting at the Kerbalnuat complex. Way to solve that would be to have the salary based on assigned not available or dead. Another way would be to have them cost x at launch with the cost being higher for higher starts and no stars could be free. With the costs on normal being simalar to what probes that have similar pilot skills. 1 stars cost as much as the OKTO, 2 sars as much as OCTO2 and so on.
  7. Well in tonighs sky saw both Jupiter and Venus. From what I understand they will eclipse or have done so. And next time we will see it is 2023 then after that. Long long time. Anyways 11:10 pm right now they be low to the herizon. Also saw Venus with m 6 inch telescope to. Nice Cresent light off it. Kind of like they refer to the huntress bow for the Moon. Wish I had a camra attachment for my tele. I would be posting pictures here.
  8. Today I noticed this rescue Mission: Yes. We must Resuce Summer! =^.^=
  9. Sooner or later designs mix. Great minds think alike. Anyways. Made it to orbit finally fattest craft of the pad I have made so far: Stole fuel from the pushing stage. Guess that means to much fuel. Either way. Forgot to setup the staging for the nukes and skipper engines.
  10. Depends on the craft and how comfortable I am doing atmosphere skimming with said craft. But, I try not to just to avoid having stuff rip off.
  11. Enough to land on The Mun and likely make it back from a polar landing. To bad no chute to try it out.
  12. A hot and happy gal: Yes. Bad pun. But, in other news. Tried to get this mammoth off the pad: Needless to say in the next two pictures it did not get off the pad in the way I wanted it too: Will try to get a vid of it. When I get the funds again.
  13. Steam got rid of that feature. As they want you to always keep your game up to date since it saves them space on their end. Which could be used for new games to bring in moar money.
  14. Well. I'm using it on a return craft from Duna another made a nice landing on The Mun:
  15. Do contracts that involve rover driving. Read a book. Build crafts and try to get them into orbit. Do contrats. Listen to Music. Sleep. Make breakfast, lunch or dinner depending on the time of day. Go get snacks to eat. Make posts on forums. Chat on CIG website.
  16. I do agree that the lab does come a bit late as well as used as a Fund generator so one does not have to accept to many contracts that make no sense to do. Heck. Even though I can use it. I see no point to it yet as I can still get enough science from Mun and Minmus to finish the tect tree off. Dispite using a good amount of it to bail my cash funds out. Due to 8 dead Kerbals at Kerbin.
  17. Sorry had to laugh at the lithobraking into the mountain bit. But, when you tried lithobraking on Duna... Did you notice your Ap going down at all? MY guess that it is going down. Just like you mentioned. Not enough to be helpful. Also did you use the airbrake part too?
  18. Just tried this on Kerbin. The large static radiators do not cool the parts down as fast as a small or medium rotating radiator and reach a higher temprateure before starting to cool down. From the looks of it. At least on Kerbin. The rotating radiators work better in an atmosphere.
  19. Or you could empty the fuel out before firing and save a bit of Funds. But, yeah. They are light and can absorb a great deal.
  20. Repuation is also used to determine if you get the Explore X place contracts. Which are one time contracts you can miss forever if you visited X place before they pop up. There are also smaller contracts that never expire that are attached to the EExplore Contracts. But, the thing that is diffrent about them is the expire at some point if you don't accept them. And they usually appear before the explore contract. Well the Fly By X place pops up. Then you get the Orbit followed by Return from orbit. Then land contract. Which can be done with one craft except for the Land part. Unless it was a 2 part craft.
  21. Have yet to go to eve do to waiting on contract as well as rep. Sold rep for Funds. But, since Kerbin now has re-entry effects at 55 km up if hitting it fast enough. And the things I used to get down it. Have been those airbrake parts. Those should help out a lot as well as the static radiators (Not sure if they really work). As well as getting an orbit close to skimming Eve's atmosphere before being slowly dragged in. As well as what Nansuchao mentioned.
  22. Actually. Tested the nuke out on Kerbin. Found out that with 2 400 LF tanks 1 lander can and one thermometer. The thermometer heated up pretty fast. Next tried same thing but with small retractable thermal control system. Found out it heated up a little bit slower and did not get as hot and started to cool down sooner as well as faster after the engine was shut down. The only two places where they might really be needed are Eve (Gilly Included) and Moho. As both of those places are closer to the heat source. Also. The static one. I think is useless too. Does make a good window cover. Thing is. While in space. The radiators do pull heat away from the engine(s) faster then without. Which in turn heats up the area they are attached to faster. Have not tried the medium and large radiators. Best guess worl be they would be even slower and cool down even faster. Have not gotten the drills. But, likely they will take longer to over heat too and cool down faster with them.
  23. Yeah. That is what things like Shadowplay and other recoders are for.
  24. Not sure on this one. But this was my closest out of fuel and in trouble. Had to glide in to make sure I had enough space just in case I needed to turn engines on to generate power since I had no chutes or way to save the tourist:
  25. Well made a nice little probe using a very saved part to land upon Minmus: Never realized they had moar fuel then the oscar. Also going to try to get this plane higher then 48 km up:
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