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Everything posted by Aragosnat

  1. Actually sounds like a part clipping issue. I know it may not happen a lot. But, part clipping is like tempting the Kracken. Still could be something else. Have you tried placing the wheels on without clipping them in?
  2. Sounds like 68 year is the limit before mission timer goes bonkers. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/48762-how-to-break-the-quot68-years-limitquotabout-231s/ I know it is old. But, still likely to be relivent. Still somewhere in the back of my mind. I read here. That the game lasts a around 220 years before kracken likes to visit a lot?
  3. Actually the AV-T1_Winglet predateds the girders and where used as such. But, girders are nicer in they can be stacked to make longer.
  4. While I use SAS sparingly as well. That 250 happens to be plenty for re-entry on Kerbin. Most I have used was 100-150 electricity and that is without solar panels and just a probe core with the double seater as that was just from me playing around with the craft a lot. Thing is if you can get the speed down to 1400 m/s or less with the engine taking the brunt. You can then safely turn around and use the craft parts for lift up. Most of the time when SAS in use if you are following the retrograde? marker in. You should be using 0.24 to 0.29 electricity about and if you kept the solar panels on and are in the day light. Then you will never have to worry about energy usage anywas. So go use SAS like no tommorow. =^.^=
  5. One thing I'm noticing with these pictures is. You are not comming in remotely level. If you where to do such. The passanger craft and the pod would actually provide some lift upwards. Mainly from the passanger part though.
  6. Really? Though I saw my Kerbals move?
  7. As soon as I get to and from every planet while still stock. Maybe one day. I'll use mods. Going by Steam. Looks like I can do fine wthout mods. 3190 hours minus about 10 for pre 1.1 and about 6 for limited Kerbal Engineer Redux.
  8. Do we know how to calm down? And welcome to the internet.
  9. Try friday is April first. So this could be a pre-fools day joke. Maybe. =^.^=
  10. So much hype and not enough time. To post before others post.
  11. When you do everything in this thread and start another "You know you play to much KSP" Threads else where...
  12. Read a book. Go play outside with friends. Many bio brakes. Cook dinner/lunch/what ever. Sleep.... Basicly do something else if mods don't work or don't want to use cheaty mods that places things in orbits.
  13. Well did some trips around Mün without patch conics. Sent the new crew cargo and mk1 pod around to the Mün to get this shot: [IMG]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/398927845030688980/946C20440D83FDE3ED4E885156ADAD73FD3948DB/[/IMG]
  14. Have to agree. Launching multiple craft at once gives you more things to do while having less wait time. Most of the time... Some times i feel like time warp is not an option. Even though I do use it when I cannot think of something to try or lack funds...
  15. With a seat they will survive. I have done it with out seats. Small one 1 Kerbal and the bigger one 11 Kerbals crammed in. To bad one seems to like to phase through the walls.
  16. Mine is over 116 on an old save. Think I might have ended up at 129 not sure? Currently at 79 flights. Think I'll slowly creep up to 100 and maybe beyond someday.
  17. While reading the blood moon thread on Steam someone posted this picture: And they even visited it. Lucky them. T.T
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