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Everything posted by Aragosnat

  1. I feel fine. Also each had their strong points. Would like to point out. Some of us never got the chace to play 1.0.1 as it was not really even there for us to play within its short short short life.
  2. Agree with you on it would be nice if there where all there from the start. Just they would have to basicly get rid of the advanced and completion funding from accepting and finish funds the contract provides by merging it with the the tasks in that contract and braking the contact up into the 4 pieces. That least from my point of view. Would make it fair. Another way. Would be make it the contracts pop up on on the delta-v needed to get there after getting the Explore Mün Corntact to pop up. What I mean is. If you make a craft that gets a Mün intrecept and you make the craft get the intercept and be within the SOI. This way would still give some baby steps for new players to make. While not flooding their contracts up with explorations. One problem is if one went their first do to say wantign more science first. Then they would miss out on the contract. At least how it currently works. One sulotion to this would be if you can get within the SOI the cotract pops up right then and there. The other would be similar as the first. But, all you would then need to do is get a burn that has the moon/planet with an intercept. A third possibility. Would be once orbit has been achieved. Mün and Minmus contracts appear. Doing Mün gets Duna and Ike to pop up. Minmus gets Eve and Gilly. Duna get you Jool, Jool's moons, Dres, and Eeloo. Eve gets Us Moho. Or once outside of Kerbin's SOI. Jool system, Dres, Eeloo and Moho contracts pop up. I'm all for teaching new players how to get into space and do orbital manuevers. But, one thing is for sure. Needing to be at a certain rep level to get those Explore Contracts has got to go.
  3. Yes. Would be nice if certain Explore contracts appeared together or where lumped together. Like Mun and Minmus, Duna and Ike Explore contracts. Since the Delta-V requirement for intercept is Much less then Duna's. Minmus should have already popped up. Also explore contracts are not 100% random. Most of them are based on how high your rep is when you are completeing one of the before Explore Contracts.. Or I should say they used to be. Used to go like this, Reach orbit -> Mun, Mun fly-by or science transmit-> Minmus (600+ rep), orbiting and Landing on Mun aquired Duna (low rep needed) and Ike (600+ rep). Minmus landing -> Eva Explore Contract. Finishing Duna and Ike Contrats -> Gilly Contract. Finishing Eve & Gilly -> Jool and its moons. After Jool and its moons -> Dres and After Dres Eeloo. One of the problems with the explore contacts is they all give advances when taking them and the record keeping ones don't do that. The other is. In case of the ones outside of Kerbin's SOI. There is a slim to good chance of accidently getting an intrecept within an intercept without trying (when trying it is usually even easier). I do find it weird that certain contracts don't pop up together. Like Mün and Minmus should both pop up after getting an orbit of Kerbin. Since both are easily visable from Kerbin (Minmus still is a dot, still easily notice able from KSC). I understand allitle bit on why. It is more or less so they don't fill up on those contracts and end up with no way to generate additional funds. Since they can never expire or be terminated after accepting and the Contract building is limited till you max it out. Which again requires a lot of Funds to do. It is also why I dislike it when I noticed it was rep based and still is. The Explore Contracts should be available regardless of rep. As I could be selling the rep in KSP 1.0.2. But, still be good enough to be getting to places like Eve and Duna with just the lv-909 and the static solar panels. Don't mind the completely randomly generated ones being rep based. Edit: By lumped together I mean. One contract that would contain the planet and its moons. In case of Kerbin. Just Mün and Minmus being one contract.
  4. Yeah. It certainly is. Think We need a rep of 800+ to see the such contracts I know 981 rep sees Ike and such.. Or the two I got that where from the Worlds First are it. By the time any contract for Minmus pops up. We should be seeing such Explore missions.
  5. It is reputation based. Not luck. Raised my reputation to 989 and now I got the Orbit Minus Contract to pop up. Just like the Fly-By Minmus oneThat I took a while back. Both had 6 days before they expired. Explore Ike poped up then too. Edit:
  6. For myself. I enjoy career box more then sandbox. For the simple reason. I know I can get anything in orbit with unlimited funds and parts. What I like about KSP 1.0.2 is: Tourist Contracts for every situation; at least what I have seen so far, Need to leave Kerbin's SOI still. Rescue Kerbal missions can now happen at space high above Kerbin as well as around Mün and Minmus and even a rescue mission for a Kerbal stranded upon Mün. First one I have seen like that. I'll take a picture to see what craft he has. @aktivb: I do agree with you a lot. But, Kerbin has or never should have been about getting a lot of science. Should be seen as a way to get your rep and maybe even your funds back up if you had a major science brake through where you Kerbals gave their lives up for much science and lower Rep. Also you don't have to transmite your science back at all. You capsule can store one of each type of science till you can recover your craft. Assuming you can live with a scientist for a pilot. They be the only ones who can reset the bays.
  7. From the sound of his post. A happier place then Minecraft multiplayer. But, will KSP overtake Minecraft. Not likely. But, I'm hopeful that it will overtake it SOONâ„¢.
  8. Don't need ladders. Just need a low enough part they can grab. EVA jet pack + jumping + climbing (press and hold till up on flat surface) ablilty gets rid of the ladder need most times. But, yeah. Need a two seater plane for that.
  9. Shockingly enough. People don't read such as most games hold their hands telling them what keys to press and when. Kind of like why no one reads the game manuels anymore. Outside of it is a pain to find them when they do have them. But, to the OP's question. Depends on the craft and the mode you are in. In career with the 30 part limit. I found I had to use more powerful SRB's set to a reduced thrust just to increase the part count so I could it places like Mün and Minmus. Otherwise I would be building fat craft that would need 100% just for lift off.
  10. While they can fit. You can never time warp with them in it. Unless you leave to the space center right away. Even then. Don't expect it to stay with in it. But, back to OP. Reason why I never visit Dres is simple. Updates which I then start a new game over.
  11. Tourists = A way to pay for missions I want done without having to sell blood for funds.
  12. Google is your friend: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extravehicular_activity IVA is likely Intrenalvehicular Activity. But, what Geschosskopf pu is likely to be accurate for Kerbals.
  13. Yeah. Also make sure that any side boosters are leveled with the ceter one. Had it where the sides ones where lower with no duct-tape which caused the certer to drop. Since it was tall, still tipped over even with fins on it. But, once the sides where leveled with it. No more tipping.
  14. Yeah. Depending on the craft. You can get to Minmus in 2 hours or less. Just the slowing down part will be hardish.
  15. Found out last night we can climb on our flags: Which brings me to wonder if we can plant a flap upon a flag upon a flag to build our way up off of places like Mün and Minmus for our Kerbals to just EVA jet pack into orbit off of... Oh yes. Beware the eye:
  16. If I where to do that with my rockets with fins where I'm at 45 degrees at 15 km up they would then just nose dive into the water/ground. But, for my profile that allows what I create to get into orbit with just about any of the earily starting fins. 5-10 degree so earily stages avoid hitting KSC like I have been doing since 0.18. At 10 km slowly bring it down to 85 (slow speeds, under 400 m/s) to 75 (high speeds) depending how fast I'm going. Then at 20 km up depending on how fast I'm going drop it down 60-65 degress. Then at 30 km up drop it to 45 or lower degrees, still depends on how fast I'm going. I'm still getting used to the aerodynamics. Playing career mode so I get used to not only the parts. But, to not spoil myself with building the biggest fattest rockets. 0.90 and under was for myself th most fun for SSTO space planes. Yes. I loved abusing the hell out of it. Basic planes and how the handled. I do agree I hate them. Still could make and fly them. Just way to much work to keep up in the air. Rockets are well rockets. Always fun regardless of the atmosphere. 1.0 Changes to the lift made it nicer to play with place that is for sure. Never got the chance to really try and make SSTO planes. The few times I tried did not go to well due to the runways being bumpy and was only playing that version with mainly rocket. 1.0.2 Very fun to fly planes. Did some flying with stock plane with basic engine and could keep it at close to the same altitude with almost no input needed by me for 30+ minutes. I have the feling if I was not trying to do contracts at the time. The plane would just stay up in the air as long as it has fuel. Like how the engines drain fuel evenly even though that is a pain for when I was trying to make SSTO planes. They kept eating at the fuel and had no way to transfer the fuel back. No fuel lines or reasorce transfers yet. But, over all. The thing I find most odd about the aero update is. That the first basic intake still had plenty of air in it, think about 0.17 to 0.23 left in it when the engine (only using one) cut out. At least my way of thinking. The basic should have flamed out a lot closer to 0.01 since the drain was about that. I understand that my thrust out put should be very little at high up due to lack of air going in. But, when placing 2 intakes the engine (using one still) shutting down is still about the same with the intakes having even more stored air in them. Which is what I find very very weird. While not expecting much gain. It is just weird that the engine still cuts out around the same altitude. Can accept that there will be some air still there as that is the pressure point for flame out. Just not when there is a tiny bit moar air left in. I do realize moar testing needs to be done. I'll try 3, 4, 5, 6, and up when I get the chance to. Certainly don't feel like playing in sandbox mode to find out nor redoing it over and over to find out. Other then that. The effects for when doing high speed abusive turns is fun.
  17. Depends on how fat your craft is. Best time to deploy them is after the fires have died and you get rid of the mach effect. Sometime around or under 8 km up.
  18. Yeah. Pilots are not needed after getting the first SAS probe. Bonus to rep might help them as Jeb is a poster child for the program. Heat managment might be a good one. Or how about start out at level 2. So that they are not only more useful to new players. Or gain exp faster. Even though that might not be useful. Another possability would be. Patched conics without needing to upgrade the tracking station while flying. Trick would be making the traking station only really effective around Kerbin and less effective as you get farther away from Kerbin's SOI.
  19. Sounds like you need a bigger launch pad and bigger VAB. That way you can spam rockets that hopefully get you to land upon Mün and Minmus easier. But, from the looks of it. There should still be enough science to fill out the bulk of the tech tree.
  20. Individually. They most certainly are. I found out the ones that are asking to take up 2 at once per contract pay off. As I can build a 10 k Rocket with probe to guid them up. Since I'm playing at 100% funds I get about 30 k per pair. So at hard with the 60% funds you should be netting 8k profit.
  21. Almost finish docking all my ships I sent to to Duna's orbit: One moar ship is on the way to deliver a few fuel tanks for storage before speed landing on Duna without a chute and power.
  22. Yup. Starting over. Hopefully there will be a way to turn off science points from contracts otherwise I'll be waiting for that mod to update while I play in sandbox to find out how to fly again.
  23. That was nice of you to give them the link. =^.^= Still way to much math I understand a bit of.
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