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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Now that I know more about copyrights than I really wanted to...Where is the mod?
  2. Never thought of that! Although I don't always want to do what I described above, my last mission I didn't want to lose the dV so I kept refilling the first stages Yah, I get that, but I was already doing 8-9 minute burns, didn't want them becoming longer with less engines...again on this mission specifically. Normally this tug is setup to operate like any other asparagus craft.
  3. /tagging this thread for later. I think this mod is what I'm looking for. I have an asparagus style tug, and in order to extend the use of all my engines I manually transfer fuel from the central tank to the outside first stage tanks to prevent them from emptying out and dropping off but I never get the fuel levels exact in each of those outside tanks. So, when they do run dry, one always runs out first and my craft goes off course because one engine stopped before it's opposite did.
  4. A couple have mentioned it. Design. I will spend hours building something to see if I can get it to achieve orbit, or land, or whatever specific goal I am tying to meet and after that, I rarely touch that craft again. I'll just think up something else and go build it.
  5. Another release! Please tell me I'm not going to have to scan all over again
  6. Here is one of my newer ones, with the new big drills, its self contained, the second pic is an older one that drops a rover and is very similar to OP's design:
  7. I accidently hit "All" on reddit a couple times, and posts from the KSP subreddit kept showing up so I checked it out.
  8. My first thoughts when I read that, was that they were referring to the Demo.
  9. I was just thinking: "Isn't this the 4th update since KSP hit 0.20?" It always scares me updating anything, but Kethane has been pretty flawless so far.
  10. Coming in for a docking with Kerbol and Kerbin in the background.
  11. This thread is getting weird, and it all started with the addition of the Blender. Now everyone is arguing!!!!
  12. This is pretty much exactly what I do, except I catch up on 'other' videos
  13. It was two vessels docked. One was some fuel tanks, and the other was the transport that takes them where they need to be. I do have a space station, its immense, hundreds of parts, in Minmus orbit. I also have a very similar vessel to the one that boom in orbit around Kerbin, but it's stable. I got no clue why this one decided to go haywire.
  14. Slightly zoomed out SS of my ship splosion:
  15. Instantaneous Quickload Explosion. No way to save the vessel
  16. I noticed while scanning with the newest update that when it detects and beeps and shows the coordinates, it also shows the total amount of Kethane at that location. Is there a way to record this info? Is it logged in a file maybe? The only thing I'm not liking 100% is that all the Kethane I'm finding is on slopes! Gimme some nice, big Kethane deposits on low, flat land
  17. Anyone have an icon for KSP I can snag? (Edit) N/M, found some!
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