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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. I never could get the supplied chair to snap into place, I ended up just using the stock chair and putting in in there...
  2. I have a separate copy of KSP with just RoverDudes mods
  3. Seems weird that ART goes into the GameData folder, but all other RoverDude mod folders go into UmbraSpaceIndustries...
  4. Sounds like what happened with me, not exactly but close. I've found that by landing directly on a waypoint, FP checks to see if it's the winner. If not, then just tells me, clears that waypoint and off I go to check the others with the rover. But, if I land on it, quicksave and then exit out and back into the game again, FP does the check all over again when I spawn on that waypoint. Sometimes it's the same as before, but sometimes it must RandomNumber the waypoints and it completes the contract for me. As for your exact issue, I think that is FP working as intended. All waypoints clear when you hit the magic one it's looking for. If you read the messages that pop up as you hit a non-winner, it tells you something like 'This isn't the one we're looking for, move on to the next one" It's set up that way to give you chances to hit the right one first, and other times not, but along the way you earn more credits by hitting all the non-winners. amiright?
  5. Came here to say just this. FloorIt uses Z to go full throttle, but I don't know if that key would even function while in warp. I'll check (EDIT) Nope, "Z" for FloorIt does nothing while in Warp
  6. I don't think my issue had anything to do with mod wheels, but something was a little funky. I had a 5-waypoint mission, and went through the first 4 without completing the contract. I quicksaved, because the last waypoint was down at the bottom of a crater and I was concerned with getting down there without crashing. So I exited the game, took a short break and later fired up the game to hit that last waypoint. When I loaded up the game and went to the rover, the waypoint had changed to a different location. It was now in the spot of one of the previous waypoints. So I turned around and went to it (of course the waypoints vanish after hitting them, but it wasn't hard to remember the locations from the map, so I was sure this final waypoint was now in the spot of one of the ones I had just gone through. That ever happen to anyone else?
  7. lol I know NOTHING about any of that. I'll just wait on you to do what you do.
  8. In the meantime, can I just delete AerialContract.cs? Will that just simply prevent those types from being generated in the first place?
  9. I asked this as well, and I gotta feeling this isn't the answer Seeker was looking for, nor me. If you decline a contract, another JUST LIKE IT appears...almost always. I want to eliminate Aerial Surveys entirely, I don't use airplanes in the game, so they do me no good.
  10. I hope I didn't miss this earlier, but can I edit out contract types that I don't want? I never use planes and therefore would never try to do the flyover contracts, is there a way to remove those completely?
  11. Thank God for debug! I fell victim to this on two different satellite contracts
  12. What's a sweet spot setting for notifications? Maxed seems to be too often for the minimal return, is 50% or 90% the happy medium?
  13. I took a closer look at the times it was happening. I am pretty sure it was Science Alert pulling my vessel out of TimeWarp each time it would notify me of available science. It doesn't do it every time, I tried repeating it and sometimes it would drop TimeWarp at the exact same time the icon would change to notify me and sometimes it just kept on warping. I do recall that the times it first started happening and I noticed it, it was ONLY on the vessel with the science instruments, and it never seemed to happen with the transfer stage when separated. Anyone notice Science Alert doing this? (EDIT) lol here is a snippet of Science Alert settings.cfg: crewReport { Enabled = True SoundOnDiscovery = True AnimationOnDiscovery = True StopWarpOnDiscovery = True AssumeOnboard = False Filter = Unresearched IsDefault = True }
  14. I use this and Science Alert, they are indeed helpful and appreciated! Is there a way to take the data from Science Monitor and export it to a speadsheet to use to plan missions? I love seeing what I've done and what needs doing without being in the game. When Science was added to the game I stole someones spreadsheet and kept track manually of what I had completed but boy was that time consuming and boring
  15. Came here to ask this Also, I'm liking the mod so far but I have noticed that when I researched the nuke engine, I changed my mind and quickloaded to a previous point and decided not to research nukes after that. But the contracts still showed up offering to test the nuke engine. Something similar happened when I was offered the 'test escape system' but I haven't even come close to getting to that part. I also just recieved an asteroid mission and have never researched the claw.
  16. This is a known bug and has nothing to do with NEAR or FAR. See here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88026-Radial-Decouplers-3-75m-Decoupler-Issues-%28Return-of-the-Kraken-0-24-2%29
  17. I just checked and when I tried to just land somewhere, it did not auto-warp at all I wonder if any other mod is messing with it? Heres what I have: Toolbar Adaptive Docking Node EVE DebRefund Action Groups Extended Enhanced NavBall Fine Print Floorit Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Hyperedit Universal Docking Ports KSPScience Library MapShowNavBall Modular Fuel Tanks NovaPunch2 (SAS parts only, none of which are on this ship) Part Angle Display Precise Node Procedural Fairings RCSBuildAid RealChute ScienceAlert StockDragFix TACFuel Balancer TweakScale Module Manager 2.2.1
  18. Here is a SS of the little lander: and here is the log just in case: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hkvxy90venn49ix/Player.log So does COM and COT have an effect on warping?
  19. Not sure if this is a MJ issue or not, but heres what happens: Trying to 'land at target' or 'land somewhere' with a manned command pod and MJ attached everything starts just fine with the node being made, but as soon as MJ starts to auto-warp things get strange. Warp goes for a couple seconds then just suddenly drops out, slightly re-positions the ship and starts warp again...this happens over and over every couple of seconds. I tried the same thing on a part of the ship that had no command pod, but just an AR202 case and the landing went smooth, no warp stutter at all. So I'm thinking there is some conflict with the command pods. I downloaded 2.3.1 and did a clean install, and had the same issue, then I copied the newest dev version (286) over that and the problem continued. I'm running 0.24.2 on Linux, 64bit client
  20. Everytime I see new posts in this thread I get excited it might be the NEAR Mechjeb code
  21. Yup. Sorry I did a drive-by complaint and moved on. I was in the middle of doing stuff and just reverted back to 270 to save time. I too use Linux 64bit 0.24.2 so I suspect your log looks like mine would have, if I would have saved it
  22. 273 seems to have broken Maneuver Planner. I couldn't chose anything on it, and when I tried to close and reopen it, it was just a blank window
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