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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Nothing other than 7-3 looks normal for me on linux. The water is grey at ground level too
  2. As of today, July 29 I am using TweakScale 1.33 released 7/28...Procedural Fairings 2.08 released 7/26 and Modular Fuel Tanks 5.0.1a (OP edited 7/22)...all in KSP 0.24.2 So they are all the most recent versions....I've tried replacing those DLLs with 1.6.3 and they all fail.
  3. What exactly is causing the 'non compatible mod' popup when you launch the game? I now have 3 different popups telling me that KSPAPI is incompatible, but all three of those mods are working, and they are all the most recent versions. Is it the game, the dll, or the mods causing the popup? It's pretty annoying
  4. I just tried FAR for the first time yesterday and was overwhelmed. Then I see this! Thanks!
  5. With the radial decoupler bug, plugins like this are even more valuable, thanks!
  6. Any clue what this means? EVE seems to work fine (7-3, KSP 0.24.2 in Linux 64bit) but I see this message in Player.log: Missing method .ctor in assembly /home/scott/Apps/KSP0242/GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/Plugins/Terrain.dll, type System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute The class System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute could not be loaded, used in Terrain Can't find custom attr constructor image: /home/scott/Apps/KSP0242/GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/Plugins/Terrain.dll mtoken: 0x0a000001
  7. Yea. I keep forgetting it's different. I see the README's and just go from there. FYI in linux it's Right-Shift.
  8. Could the hotkey be different in Linux? I'm not able to get the display to show up at all. Linux 64bit client.
  9. Can confirm, came here to post the pics as well. I run 0.24.2 in Linux, 64bit client.
  10. Although this appears to work just fine in 0.24.2, the game still reports it as an incompatible mod. I'm running 0.24.2 64bit client in Linux.
  11. 0.24.2 doesn't run at all for me. Segmentation Fault. I get that with the stock version, and after applying the offsets. I've never had the binary NOT run at all (EDIT) Ok, not sure what happened but I rebooted and tried again and it worked like normal...wierd
  12. This needs to be stickied with the rest of the fixes sal_vager. DO IT NOW Thanks diego_gz, that did it!
  13. One thing I noticed was in 0.24 settings, under graphics, 'aerodynamic FX quality' is greyed out and next to it, it says 'no hardware support'. But I also still have 0.23.5 installed and there are no issues with that same setting. So it's obviously something they changed. Anyone have a clue? I'm running Linux Mint Cinnamon 17. I thought maybe if I try to update Mesa to the newest version but of course I'm having trouble doing that. It keeps looking for odd packages when I try to compile it. The last one I've never heard of, 'presentproto'.... I run the 64 bit client on a Lenovo G580 with 8 gigs of RAM, it has Intel4000 graphics. I've been able to get shadows and re-entry effects on the last several versions of KSP but I can't even get shadows to work on 0.24, let alone the effects
  14. It may not crash any longer on re-entry effects but they do not work like before. Now all I get is a red glow around the parts instead of the actual dynamic flames that used to appear
  15. You mean the 'enable shadows'? It's not fixed for me Going to try messing with the old fixes for enabling shadows and fx and see what happens.
  16. I'm not saying that MM affects the length of load time, I'm just saying that MM reports the number of parts that are loading and *that* affects load time.
  17. But doesn't the number of files MM looks at reflect the number of textures loaded? Seems to be related to the number of parts in my Mods...if I add a Mod, the MM file number goes up, and if I delete parts then the MM file number goes down
  18. 830 files loaded here. 2 minutes dead on from double click to start-up screen. I have a Lenovo G580 laptop with 8 gigs of ram, running Linux Mint 14 and the 64bit Linux Client.
  19. Although changing the name does get this working in general, clouds do not show up in the menu screen with Kerbin in the background.
  20. Sometimes the simplest things confuse me...so if I'm using ToolBar, *and* I already have the SAR and Multi on my probe, do I still need to add the MapTraq?
  21. I'm still getting this, and I'm not sure why: (EDIT PWD) Ugh...2nd edit. Didn't delete all old directories before installing the new update...
  22. So 7-3 is still the official release but 9-2 is out there? But it's not working under linux is that correct? 7-3 works fine for me in linux, but a couple posts up it looks like maybe its just a naming thing for 9-2? Any clarification on this?
  23. lol Straight outta Spaceballs This has changed names so often my comment doesn't make sense any longer
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