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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Phew. I thought I was being fairly succinct. Guess not! OK, The first time I tried the newly re-compiled Trajectories version, with FAR 14.5 and MechJeb dev 366, the first time I hit around 9000meters (I'm guessing) my framerate went down to about 1fps. Every once in a while something I've changed will kill the game and that's how it starts, framerate takes a hit and then the entire laptop locks up. On a side note, I'm running 0.90 in Linux Mint, 64bit. At that point, the FAR MechJeb extensions were not updated. I checked here and saw that Trajectories were updated to I got the same results. Then I checked again and FAR was updated to 14.5.1 and the new FAR MechJeb extensions were out, as well as MJdev371. Combining all three of these new versions I did not get the horrible framerate and everything went as normal. As for 'not jibing' I mean that MechJeb and FAR don't work well together, even with the FAR extensions. Trajectories does indeed predict correctly, even if MechJeb and FAR cannot get that part right. So..in short, I'm using MJ371, FAR14.5.1, FARext for MJ, and Trajectories and I don't see any performance hits like I used to.
  2. FYI, the first time I tried this the game almost locked up on me while in ascent. I double checked all the versions and saw that the FAR-MechJeb extenstions were updated. I reinstalled FAR and it's MJext, then reinstalled the newest version of Trajectories and all was fine again. MJ and Trajectories still don't jibe with their landing predictions but at least it didn't lock up the computer!
  3. This fix seemed to work for me in Linux 64bit. After changing the persistent file and firing up the game, I was able to manually upgrade each building and so far so good.
  4. Version 1.48 spams this at the very beginning of my logfile. What does it mean? I'm using Linux64bit, 0.90: The class TweakScale.ScaleConfig could not be loaded, used in Scale, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  5. Is there a way to override the Cap on how many StationScience contracts appear?
  6. You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to sarbian again. Oh well, I tried
  7. I always knew it was wonky, I just target the space port and I usally land within a few kilometers of the launch pad so it's not horrible, it's just not accurate. Are there plans to get MJ auto land working correctly with FAR? (or NEAR for that matter)
  8. Yay Docking ports! I've already been able to dump one partial-installed Mod because your's includes decent SAS units...including docking ports would allow me to get rid of another! Do you plan on implementing all sizes of docking ports, or just the 3.75m and 5m?
  9. I tried, but I don't use the mods you do, so none of your vessels even loaded for me but...I gotta ask, the first pic was blurry and the second wasn't bad but I can't see any docking ports at all. What docking port are you using on that target vessel?
  10. Awesome. Any plans for an end-user version? I'd love a way to block certain contracts from being generated in the first place
  11. Absolutley love the black-and-white trailer park at the end of that video...especially the girder-dog
  12. Dunno bout that exact issue, but TweakScale 1.47 is bugged with auto-scaling. It will just randomly resize things...
  13. I can't remember where I read this, but isn't there some issue when removing mods that either have flags, or agencies where you've completed a contract, that afterwards you cannot enter the VAB and the Space Center locks up? Would there be some way to 'clean up' after that? I know this may not fall in the realm of a stock bug fix but if you're wanting to go back to stock I know this is an issue. Any way to fix that issue? (EDIT) FYI I figured this out. Delete whatever mod you want, fire up the game and on the Space Center screen go into the Debug Menu. Under contracts you can clear the history, do that. I also cleared the current offer list and regenerated a new list. After that I was able to enter all the buildings with no issues.
  14. Holy Crap. I started on Atlantic in 98...switched to GL around 2000 and stayed there until I finally canceled a few years ago. I just did the 'welcome back' thing a month or so ago to say hello to all my characters
  15. I've been leaving my completed missions right where they are (unmanned and satellites only, I always bring back the manned missions) so I don't have a ton out there, maybe a dozen. Some of those have old parts and some use mods that I would like to get rid of, but I can't think of a way to incorporate that scenario into the game, other than just deleting the ships. I don't want to have to do that but I'm getting to the point where I want to trim down my mods and get rid of the ones I'm not using any longer. I have a ship on Eve, it's not going anywhere but as soon as I get rid of the mod with parts on it, *poof* it's gone...I don't like that idea at all I have several satellites out there that could make it back to Kerbin, but they can't land. I even have a rover on Tylo that can't go anywhere but I'd love to have some way to end those missions and clear out the active stuff, all within the realm of the game universe. Not that Fine Print really needs to do stuff like that, but keeping with the feel of the game, a way to wrap up all that hardware floating around would be cool
  16. I was always just deleting one of them Thanks again!
  17. 1.10.2 fixed my issues, thanks! Now what do I need to change to get the visors back to their original light yellow tint instead of this deep orange? I'm using Pimp My Kerbals but I'm unsure if that's what changed this:
  18. Ditto. Pimp My Kerbals no longer functions, the clouds from EVE in the main menu seem to be moving/shimmering very quickly *and* my custom skybox is replaced with default again.
  19. First and easiest guess would be that one vessel is not being controlled from the correct aspect....you know, it's being controlled from a part that has it oriented incorrectly to do what you want. Check each one and see that 'control from here' is where it should be
  20. Yea, 1.47 did something weird, mono tank and lights are HUGE now. (EDIT) FYI I switched back to 1.46 and noticed something strange, at first I thought it had fixed the issue but when I looked closer, it actually had deleted the lights from the ship entirely. Luckily I had a save right there so I was able to to just load up the ship again. That's a crappy bug.
  21. I can't believe I forgot about this awesome plugin!
  22. 1.7 fixed the graphics glitches that I experienced with 1.6! Thanks Sarbian!
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