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Everything posted by 255

  1. During a KCT simulation there shouldn't be failures. Or at least add an option to disable that.
  2. I got another "Launch a new vessel" contract. °_° I can't tell which mod gives this bug though, or if it's a KSP bug. This contract appeared after I completed the sounding rocket 80'000 meters altitude record.
  3. Using TestFlight and KCT, it doesn't make sense IMHO that engines and other parts fail during a simulation. Fails should only happen in non-simulated flights.
  4. The thing is that the thermometer and the barometer are KSP-stock parts, so you very likely have them. So the only thing that you should re-install is the community tech tree IMHO, which is just a config file. Try that before a re-install.
  5. Thermometer and barometer are in the first node. Modified how? You have to use the original one. That's expected, in real life it will take time too. Just time warp.
  6. Ok so I'm not supposed to change that? If I set it to 100% it's unrealistic right? Why it's editable?
  7. Where's real fuels wiki? What's the "utilization" parameter?
  8. I unlocked the Early Orbital Rocketry node, the tutorial really helped. I see that DMagic's Orbital Science and Universal Storage are set as "in progress". Does that mean that costs and position in the tech tree is currently not balanced? Should I avoid using it for now? I would like to have Universal Storage's Goo for example, it's way cooler than the Marvelous Miniture's one. BTW, I still have this problem: Should I post this on the ATM thread?
  9. NP. Everything works now, I'm enjoying the first phase of career. I have 22 science points, almost there to get the early rocketry tech This is what I wanted KSP to be, very very great mod.
  10. EDIT Oh, my bad, I've found that engine. Was mistaking it for a RCS thruster.
  11. I did read the OP, following the instruction for the manual install, and I downloaded this (linked in OP as a release package). Inside the zip you can see there are no "Parts". I installed all the dependencies, but if RP-0 contains some parts itself, well they are not in that zip.
  12. Yep I checked the tut, I just don't have engines in the first tech node. I did the manual installation, but I thought I included everything essential. I guess some recommended mods are actually mandatory. Which pack includes the Aerobee Sustainer engine that the tutorial speaks of?
  13. Hello, I'm trying RP-0. How am I supposed to unlock the first tech node if I want to do a rocket-oriented gameplay? Am I probably missing some mod? I installed only the dependecies and the most recommended mods, and there are no engines other than the (useless?) Tiny Tim Booster. So I had to cheat 25 science points to unlock "Early Orbital Rocketry". Also, using ATM, the icon of "Engine Groups Controller" is blank. I created a config file for it but with no success. Thanks for any help. P.S. = SmokeScreen should be written in OP as a dependency, otherwise some engines doesn't show the flames. Or Realism Overhaul should, I don't know who's "fault".
  14. Link to "RealPlume" is not working. Can't find it around either.
  15. Thank you very much, with fadeDistance it worked.
  16. Tried, didn't change anything. I also tried changing it on other altitudes.
  17. Thank you for this mod, I'll follow its development. You shouldn't! If you want to try something newer, you could have a look at BASPM (Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager), which is a modern version of BARIS. Try some gameplay videos if you don't want to buy it. What you're trying to do with this mod is very similar to this game. However, this game is 2D and focuses only on the tycoon aspect of running a space agency, missing actually running the mission in a 3D world and everything else that KSP has to offer: that's why I would love to have an hybrid of KSP and BASPM (I opened a recent thread about it). I really suggest you to have a look at that game because you could get cool ideas from it. However, without even knowing it you already included most of his gameplay aspects. Other things that for example you could add: Training engineers: you can send them to study/train on different engineering aspects (probes, manned spacecrafts, rockets, etc); when you research a part, it will be done faster if the engineers that are working on it are expert on that particular subject After the part is developed, you can keep working on it, increasing its reliability. Reliability will determine failures during a mission. More engineers working on the same part so it goes faster. LATE EDIT: The reliability part is already done by TestFlight mod, so there should probably be some kind of compatibility with it, unless you want to recode that feature from scratch. BTW, researching parts should also take time, it's currently instantaneous. There's also a little bug, the "Assign Kerbal to project" window sometimes stays open and you cannot close it, but you problably already solved it as of now. You should support DangIt! though, making it possible to (maybe with the help of the author) cause failures depending on a part reliability (which would be managed by your mod) instead of just randomly. This will really add to the gameplay: if you rush the construction of a part because your rival is ahead of you, you risk getting a failure because that part is still not reliable enough (engineers should have worked on it more). I would say let the player define names and flags for both his and rival's agencies.
  18. I use KSPRC. Any way to fix this weird sky effect and/or the clouds?
  19. OK, but... it's not right. It should be nerfed; unless the dev doesn't want to support FAR of course. These are awesome starting rockets so you are not supposed to escape the planet lol.
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