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    Spacecraft Engineer
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    Germany / France

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  1. It makes a while I had not payed to KSP (over a year). I recently reopened my save and found back what i was doing a year before. I decided to send a small base, built a year before to Kerbin North Pole and then send my good-old design Caterpillar rover (thanks to the help of Bon Voyage) to the North Pole Outpost. Here is the happy crew (including Jeb and Bill) once arrived. Notice the rover is bigger than the base ! This rover design was awesome, but now it even struggles to climb hills since the rewamp of the wheels.
  2. Hello, I just installed KSPRecall for TweakScale. I noticed that i add to each part menu 3 new lines KSP-Recall::Refunding, KSP-Recall::StealBackMyFu and KSP-Recall::AttachedOnEdit. Is there a way to not have them displayed?
  3. The scientific publication concerning this supermodule can be found here: https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/6.1990-716 If someone has a copy if it, i am interested to read it.
  4. A few additions: B9 Aerospace that was a must have in the early days of KSP: In small mod linked to Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit, there is SPOCK (Pathfinder of For All Mankind): And to not forgot Ж-20 "Moroz":
  5. Dear community, As I use the mod Stage Recovery I realized that i need to put a lot (really a lot) of chutes to ensure a safe speed for my first stages. The current largest chute i identified in in KNES, with a diameter of 50m. Do you know any larger parachute that would allow to reduce the number of needed parts? Thanks for any suggestion
  6. Congrats for release, i feel this mod will be useful for players that want to send large stuff in orbits without too many parts in ascent stage (graphic cards are expensive) Small question considering that we speak of the Sea Dragon (and as it is not mentioned in the description): should it be launched necessarily from water (and if yes how?) or can it be launched from the launchpad (without blasting it) ?
  7. Fantastic news! Can you already shared expected computer configurations needed for it?
  8. Dear players, As I am not totally sure if it's a bug or a feature, I'm posting that here. I noticed that after transmitting partially science with a probe, and do not get the full science, when i recover the remaining science with a lander and bring it back to Kerbin, the remaining amount is not obtained, and I stay with these partial sciences: It's problematic because some contracts ask to send probes to other planets and send science, but if I can't recover the missing science afterwards ... Here is my mod list: I thank you for your support
  9. I posted several links on SUSIE in the Arianespace thread. Even a picture of a SUSIE-Moon.
  10. New Kerbal challenge : https://www.space.com/europe-reusable-spacecraft-susie-ariane-6-rocket
  11. The video on which the pictures are based.
  12. Please note that this is a concept but that there is unfortunately no funding on it yet. The goal of Arianespace with this announcement is to push for interest for manned spaceflight by Europe, and get funding for it. But it's honestly an original concept. Let's hope EU to join the manned spacerace.
  13. Thanks for the info, that's what i was asking myself: I have this amazing field of rock under my eyes, but the total absence of feeling of it is a bit disturbing. That also bring more challenge when landing: i was forced to hover over them with my lander to not land on it and played with RCS to move laterally. That's a bit what Apollo XI had to do just before the touchdown.
  14. I was referring to this line of the wiki for ExperimentUsageReqs, explaining my question:
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