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Everything posted by ndiver

  1. Nicely designed So if i'm right, we can make a version with 6 seats or put KAS boxes ? Any idea of future parts other than boxes ? (like a small pressurize compartment ?)
  2. I will try it I had recently the problem with a vessel made by Rune.
  3. Found: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35043-0-23-5-FusTek-Station-Parts-%28X0-04-4-DEV-BUILD-5-June-2014%29?p=1092391&viewfull=1#post1092391 Cheers
  4. A really cool package, i will try it. The different elements appear to be really well designed when i see your pictures
  5. For the rover, i confirm that the problem came from the reaction wheels in both cabin and base. With both on ON, the rover is an expert in breakdance !
  6. Already tried, doesn't change anything, the RGU is orientated in the same direction as the lander. I even suspected a bug so i restarted KSP, no change ... Did, but nothing happens (no transfer possibility between the rover and the lander at least, and no magnetic attraction) I will try that too
  7. Made quite a lot of tests yesterday evening. 1) impossible to put 4 legs to the 3rd stage: the engine is too long ! 2) the rover is undrivable on the Mun, it will be even worse on Minmus. I think the problem comes from the wheels (too powerful ?), but not really sure. 3) there is IMHO a problem with the orientation of the lower lander. Either this lander should be orientated in the other direction, either adding a small probe core to the 3rd stage is necessary if we consider the use of MechJeb. Impossible to land on the Mun in another way than in manual mode (MechJeb has a problem with the orientation of the lander in opposite direction to the engine, so technically MechJeb does exactly the opposite of what is requested). The lander has not enough delta-v to land on the Mun by himself from low orbit (~25km, it was missing 100 m/s at each trial). It took me nearly 20 trials to find out how to not crash and land where i wanted 4) how do we use the docking ports of the rover and lander ? As a conclusion, the landing of the pod in my small village (the base is built with KSO) next to one of the anomalies on the Mun
  8. Ok, thanks for the explanations For the leg proposition, I tried the 3rd stage landing: it felt on the side To explain a bit, i just tried CMES this week-end, i started to have problems with my laptop and KSP few days before the release of the 0.23.5 (my screen was strangely blinking, possibly an overheating of the graphic card) and just installed the 0.23.5 last Friday after driver update (good surprise, no blinking !), including CMES I noticed the rover is a bit too light for the Mun, but as i was focusing on the landing, i did not tried all its driving possibilities. I will try following your recommendations of two steps landing now Unfortunately we still can't in KSP manage properly several operations in parallel (as multiple landing).
  9. I noticed that there is fairly enough delta-v in the third stage (the one that pushes both lander and rover together) for a munar landing. Would it be an heresy to include 4 legs to this stage and allow it to land to drop part by part the lander and rover ? It implies that the rover would not need its own stage to land.
  10. Hi Yanfret, i tried for the first time this week-end your CM Alpha 5. I'm each time impressed by the quality of the package. I've a small question concerning the Munar x2: i noticed that the two elements (rover + lander or lander + lander) are in opposite direction. How do you manage the landing ? When do you separate them from each other and make a 180° turn for the lower lander ? At each of my trials i crashed one of the two elements ... Edit: as i did not had access to the web this week-end i couldn't see the pictures on the first post. I start to understand: each element land independently from low munar orbit ?
  11. About the video, it is hilarious and the tank is really well designed (especially the low part) If i can make a suggestion, you can make a variant looking like the AMX 13 SS11 with 4 small AT rockets : https://www.google.com/search?q=amx+13+ss11&tbm=isch In WoT, both VK30.02DB and Panther are clearly good tanks. I really enjoyed both, really distinct playing style, meaning different roles in battle
  12. I asked because it was obvious you are also playing to WoT in addition to KSP based on the name
  13. Ok, thanks for these explanations And again, i'm waiting for future versions of it !
  14. I was especially wondering if the new parts created in collaboration with the NASA (the extra-large fuel tanks and new engines) do not make the ones from the American Pack of BobCat being potentially a bit redundant ?
  15. Dear YANFRET, a small question: how will the new parts affect the CMES project ? I also hope your personal project is progressing fine
  16. Same opinion, we can probably do similar weight to orbit with less parts and totally renew the Munshine family. In reality we can probably do 3 class of Munshine : - some new ones using FL-T800 for probes. Possibly using jet engine for the atmospheric zone (it does not requires lot of parts for great efficiency) - the ones using the Jumbo-64 as intermediate - the heavies with the new parts
  17. Thanks for these explanations, but we will not like it, we will love it
  18. On my side, i'm almost a bit disappointed by these first shoots. It's too close from the current KSO. I was hoping something a bit different, maybe closer from the VentureStar. There was an interesting but never finished project here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/8904-Nuka-Corp-shuttle-project-%28-and-apparently-other-stuff-D-%29/page43?highlight=shuttle Whatever, the KSO remains one of the most amazing mods ever published and helldiver is an incredible creator
  19. Thanks for this answer I needed this information because my laptop is a bit just in term of resources for heavy mods and i prefer to be careful. I'm extremely interested to record tracks as i drive quite a lot with rovers (at the current point i made nearly 500km) and i'm interested to follow the path i really used. How does the mod behave to the F5 - F9 quicksaves - quickloads (happens relatively often when driving a rover) ?
  20. Not a station, but build with KSO 2.0 : a (not yet sent) Mun base ! Habitat, Greenhouse, Lab, Observation, docking ports and Energetic resources.
  21. Not conceived for that, but a concept of base using the KSO 2.0 elements that i will (try to) bring to the Mun :
  22. I forgot to mention i was using KSO 2.04 (don't know if this informations is relevant). Two of the sides of the 6 ways coupling refuse to connect whatever the direction they are and the modules i want to connect. I will try a complete reinstall of KSO to see if it solves something (i had similar issue with LLL in the past). For the shutters, it worked properly once restarted the game, thanks For the writing, what is disturbing is to have the EVA hatch under the module (i'm considering to use them for a small base on the Mun).
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