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Everything posted by BananaDealer

  1. A shuttle's engine cluster needs to fire through the CoM, which means they need to be tilted a certain amount depending on how big of an offset there is between the CoT and CoM. That's difficult to do using stock-only parts. I'd recommend using the Shuttle Engines Pack. Also, keep the external tank "on top" of the shuttle (i.e- it needs to be opposite of your gravity turn angle). That would make it easier to handle as the External Tank holds most of the fuel. Have as little fuel on the actual shuttle as possible, preferably just enough for a return burn. Burning through your CoM, instead of vertically like a normal rocket, would mean your shuttle would always be "tilted" "backward"- use this in your favour. Don't try to fight it and just make it your gravity turn. Basically, you'll be flying inverted, pushing the External Tank over the OV. At first it might be confusing but you'll get used to it. I also suggest using MechJeb's Smart SAS for precise attitude control. Stock SAS is OK, but you'll be fighting to keep the thing stable. However, even with MechJeb, your ascent angle will always be somewhat higher (by my estimate from experience- about 10-20 degrees) than what you tell it to be. So for instance, if you want to have the craft pitched at 40 degrees (heading 90), you need to launch orientated at 270 and put in 160 as pitch. Remember- flying inverted inverts the pitch. Have your gravity turn angle as shallow as you can, for best efficiency.
  2. Coolio! Hey, for future MM integration, may I suggest you put a common handle for your parts. Like have them say "LLL_2x1droprampcargo" etc. Right now, you'd need to write a separate command for each part, while having them under the same handle would make it worlds easier to add/replace modules.
  3. Hey Lack, I'm doing a ModuleManager once-over to add VAB/SPH open/close toggles for your cargo bays (I really need to be able to close those in-editor for my shuttle program). Just so I don't miss anything, are these all of the ID handles: 2x1droprampcargo 4x2droprampcargo 4x2newcargo 4x2newcargo2 2x2newcargo 4x4newcargo Also, tell me if you want me to throw the config your way so you can put it up for people.
  4. Maybe his Kerbals prefer their solitude... I mean, since "the incident" I can say from experience nobody on my roster wants to be in a can with Munfry...
  5. If you don't mind me asking, where did you get that sweet looking tower? Also the booster supports.
  6. Welcome to the forums! Very interesting stations you got there too. And please tell me you aren't launching them as single pieces... I can't imagine how these things would fly...
  7. Hey Lack, just to let you know- Cabana Corp. now supports your probe body. Our experiments will now be available to anyone with both mods.
  8. I've updated the downloads and the pack to include an extra optional MM config for adding DROMOMAN and Quantum Strut Parts to the tech tree. Also added Lack's probe body to be able to perform Cabana Corp. Experiments.
  9. No problem in that... As I said it depends on your own preference- realism or efficiency.
  10. This is a good method/look if you're going for realism. However, I recommend using the linear aerospike engine if you want "a bigger bang for your buck". It's right about as powerful as the 3x cluster you have, but more efficient- even at higher thrust ratios. It can also double as a shuttle's OMS (Orbital Manoeuvring System) when you disable trim and limit the throttle to when you have a TWR of 1 (or something less ridiculous than 5+ you'd normally get when building a shuttle of the same scale). Put the engine into "smooth" mode for less jitter and you're set!
  11. The mod's already 0.23 compatible. 0.24 isn't out yet... It's already integrated into the stock tech tree...
  12. Oh, Lack, probably a good idea to add an "optional" MM .cfg that makes the new probe body RT compatible. In other news, I'll be updating the Cabana Corp pack an a couple to add it's experiments to your probe. The thing looks neat by the way, however a top attachment node (for dishes and whatnot) wouldn't hurt...
  13. Hey, if I can be constructing "New Horizons" AND cooking a steak dinner for me and the missus, AND posting this... What's really stopping ya?
  14. Yes, the file exists. And yes, it's all in GameData...
  15. Can't see the plugin's tab in the Toolbar... Debug console shows: [Error]: [Toolbar] [ERROR] error loading button texture: Nereid/FinalFrontier/Resource/IconOff_24
  16. Would this be the animation module in question? MODULE { name = FSanimateGeneric animationName = Cargo_A_Toggle startEventGUIName = Close cargo bay doors endEventGUIName = Open cargo bay doors toggleActionName = Toggle cargo bay doors availableInEVA = True EVArange = 10 } Taken from the B9 cargo hold. Do I just replace your module MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = cargodoor isOneShot = false startEventGUIName = Close Doors endEventGUIName = Open Doors } With it? Putting in the "cargodoor" in the animationName. You know what... I'm just gonna try it. Edit: Yep. Seems to have worked...
  17. Hey Lack, any notice on when you'll be updating the LLL pack? If not, can anybody tell me what I need to add to have the cargo bay doors open and close in the editor? Also, I like your venture into planes. Keep it up!
  18. It's what killed my SpaceLab I some time ago... I'm not sure it's a problem with SCANsat however...
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