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Everything posted by BananaDealer

  1. Huh? The purpose of this is to only load textures when and if they are required... So yes, if you have mods that add up to 1700 textures and you have a craft that requires only 800 of those to be loaded, the mod's gonna load only those 800...
  2. No idea why but it seems to be working now... Edit: Well, sorta... Some textures appear to be not loading right (the purple checkers thing)... Edit 2: Working well now. Here's a pic for ref:
  3. This looks nice... I see some real competition between yours and Nothke's projects...
  4. Yeah, I'm reinstalling them again just to make sure... Edit: Well, I reinstalled the things... The LOD display appears as before on the loading screen...
  5. Not sure if this is a bug or if it's supposed to be like this (from pictures in the thread- most likely a bug)...
  6. Hmm... Doesn't seem to be working on my end. My modlist does require aggressive Resource Management (it's upwards of 3GB) but as referenced by others, this does appear to work... Interesting... Edit: You seem to be running an old-ish version of my mod btw...
  7. It's 640KB and it's about RAM on the early PCs, and yes it's accredited to Bill Gates...
  8. Hey Lack, just a suggestion on the hex solar panels- why not make a 7-piece folding version?
  9. Those octo-panels look nice, Lack. I would certainly welcome them for my Duna rovers...
  10. So lets compare KSP mishaps... In my case, it was Bob getting his head stuck between two of Nothke's S6 rings (more on that here). What was yours?
  11. I have a feeling this is gonna be one of my main mods when it comes out...
  12. Nah... F9 took care of it with no risk to the station or crew. EVA was done by Camoly Kerman instead this time, he's got a better grasp on the Jetpack controls... The moral of this event was- be careful when you try to grab a ladder with your Kerman, he might go for one that's covered up by other parts (in this instance, the FusTek hatch ladder got grabbed, instead of the visible yellow ladder/railing)... P.S: It didn't let me warp as Bob was clipping through the S6 rings, causing them to do weird things and thus "accelerate" the station making the "Cannot warp while under acceleration" thing come up...
  13. The thing is already falling apart... Or at least it did before I F9'd out of it...
  14. He really took the "one with the ship" thing seriously... There's no getting him out and it's causing the Station to... Experience intriguing anomalies...
  15. Soo... While preparing a part for transfer to my station... This happened... After docking the A.R.M-2 Unit to the "DeXTIR" trunk, it appears the joints of the Unit have become... I don't know what exactly... They don't disassemble or anything... They just stay like that... The issue has also apparently caused the "elbow" part of the A.R.M to clip within the back of plane, rendering the whole thing immovable from the "stow"/folded position. The issue seems to come from the cylinders as the other hinges and rotatrons appear to be working fine. The "wrist" seems to still be working... In any case, both Bill and Bob are absolutely perplexed by the situation and the "New Horizons" Station crew seems to be equally baffled... Munfry and Munsted are both blaming "space noodles", but that cannot be given much credibility as of yet... Edit: The issue has also apparently "switched" the controls and animations for the hinges, causing them to lock up on their "neutral" position and turn the opposite way if made to turn right and lock up if turned left...
  16. Hmm... It might be Lack's cargo bays not having their drag characteristics properly set up and causing FAR to freak out... Though it doesn't explain why I was able to lift up the first segments, which are made out of LLL bays as well and not this... Edit: Definitely a problem on FAR's side... Made a Truss Structure using Nothke's S6 rings and the same thing happens...
  17. So I've run into a bit of a problem while testing my "WhiteBird" SSTO design... The craft itself flies perfectly well, a bit of side-slip regardless. However, once I add my "Atlas" S/P Truss Segment into its' bay... The craft experiences massive G-load (even though the G-Force bar on the navball is always in the green) and something derpy happens and the thing just flies off camera and explodes somewhere in the distance. My suspicion is that FAR is having trouble calculating Stability Derivatives as this is what I get on that screen, no matter what I put in as Temp, Density or Mach: Here's the thing for the WhiteBird without a payload, derived for Mach 2: And here's what the payload in question looks like: And just for fun, here's sacrificing Bill and Bob to the issue: Any help would be welcome...
  18. Aren't those pretty much just re-textures of the FusTek/SumGhai parts? Are you sure you have the license for using those?
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