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Everything posted by MGUARN

  1. banned as no explosives unless disguised as thrusters.
  2. not really registering on my funny sensor
  3. quickly engage the lunar super laser ,and fire upon your green gas ball. this hill will be forever mine with no mercy ,and muffin sale to raise money on restoring this hill to it's former self.


    is it a board game?
  5. 1/10 haven't seen your around these parts many times.
  6. remember what happen the first time the great war happened.Also, the second great war?


    Is then the card game of uno if not then is it sorry the board game.
  8. *chews ,and swallows* what paper sir? Waiter! There is an flash boiler in my soup!
  9. 5012:The war of 5012 has been declared against the Kerbal trade union by the dominion of jool after the trade act was passed that cause all jool ships bound for KTU controlled planets to pay heavy taxes ,and kidnapping of crew members aboard the ships.
  10. *tackles it from two fronts* Waiter!there is a rock in my soup!
  11. When will the bickering end.We all love the glorious muffin.
  12. 9/10 thee locomotive is pretty good for a small image.
  13. Using a steam engine as conventional travel!Cheater!
  14. chemistry [ignore the pie please]
  15. get out of the way or you'll be part of my cowcatcher.
  16. Floor 916:Welcome to megaton...now lets move on to the next floor before we get radiation poisoning.
  17. banned you went over the speed limit on this stretch of rail good sir.
  18. I use the great ,and powerful force of an atom splitting to take this hill. The bright green hill is now under my control.free pizza for all.
  19. True i'm using windoge 8... I mean windows 8. The user below me is playing a game.
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