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Everything posted by MGUARN


    Destroy It

    Well some one blew up the rails...*whistles* Super fast plane.
  2. Why yes, looks like a two front war against the noodle. Waiter,there's a pun in my soup!
  3. Someone who likes hydras ,and space that is all I can say.
  4. banned false your in trouble.

    Salty Spitoon

    I'm so tough that when i hit my foot against my vacuum it said "ouch."
  6. I would do what I normally do derp around ,and hit my foot against the door cause I missed judged my distance to the door. What would you do if you could only see blurs?
  7. Not pressing cause I love life on this here earth until they can speed that up till then I shall not press. Press button to get "Huzzah" but have a chance of a super loud "Huzzah."
  8. 9/10 its animates ,and I know where that is from.
  9. Docking Lovers!cheater no one can simply be a docking lover.
  10. Don't worry I got my handy dandy space suit. Well nothing I can say ,but your train seems to have no breaks.It seems that its the end of the line.(get it)
  11. MGUARN


    Pro:your strong nothing else i could say con:everyone will freak out ,and be scared of you. Ability to create all kinds of clocks by scratch.
  12. Banned for incomprehensible wording.
  13. 7/10 badges ,and impressive as I can go no farther than the mun ,and the sun I just seem to miss that darn little moon minmus.
  14. Nope love in the United States. The user below me knows a good pun.
  15. well good luck doing that on the battlefield.
  16. 1/10 just saw you right now
  17. not obvious to the last post well then this cheating if you don't know.
  18. banned because you could not pun any better than me.
  19. MGUARN


    Pro:your strong con:well by barley touching some one you can break there bones ,and when your mad you can bring a whole house down. Have the ability to build things in amazing time with little to no effort at out of anything I can get my hands on.
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